Prophecy Links Fulfilling

     -Hearing Sept 23, 2019, as predicted 30 plus spring rapture demos now, "before its news, Israel," also witnessed Americans, California fires, fires its entire, the Americas continent, world, stampeding and dying by the tens of millions, beware, beware, beware, a fiery Noah's Cousin, Nuclear, Solar and Molten, reigns! Apb

     -Article, Google, Egypt, Israel conclude peace treaty, March 26, 1979, presided over by President Jimmy Carter, this day in 1979.

     What Is The Biblical Mystery Of President Trump's, April 16/17 2019? See Daniel 9:27, Moses Red Sea, Jesus' Resurrection, The Antichrist final peace treaty, Holy Bridegroom, Holy, Bride, Second Mount Olivet, Descent! Beware!

Article, [Jimmy Carter admitted to hospital for procedure to relieve pressure on his brain] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/xRpNNr

     -Just What Refugee Americans Need Divine Brain Surgery To A Heart Transplant! Watched A Metamorphosing Sunlight, as Holy Father Come Holy Hands, Held Their Old, Evil Hearts Before Granting Them New Hearts, Born-Again, and grant that they be acquainted to His grieves and sorrows, Saints Of The Most High God!! www.andachildshallleadthem16.blogspot.com, (A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you; and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh! Eze 36"26,

-Elephants Of Staying Unaware Stampeding Ttump/Nethanyu, Palestine's Abbas, And His Eight Mentioned, Eight Leads, Mat 24, Jesus, Forewarn HIS, To Flee, The Abomination That Maketh Desolate! Beware!

-Not only do I believe Dec 3, 2017, taking a hand and losing it during a mighty, world quaking ruckus, with a Memphis nephew Carter, crossing the street into a sudden stampede of elephants of staying unaware, and planet home a shaky, shaky shelter since. 
     -At odds, this reveal wasn't just about predicted Memphis, all time done lapsed into America's total removal and Western Rule, world exodus. Further, I believe by the name Carter, As In ex President Carter, we're seeing the end of an era, of the making of peace with US error Arabia to Israel, Islam. 
     -Especially with President Trump 2016 campaign aligned to ancient, gignormous agitators, warmongers and murderers, Gog and Magog. Yet, All referencing the same burnt up, UK Michael volcanic ash piling on escape bridges and cars, worthless, westernized, none aggression pacts. 
      -President Bush's axis evil war allied to one error, a new fearfactor, ousting Saddam Hussein, an indefinite Barack Hussein as to rule America's final days planet earth sits the White House, until it too, as New Jerusalem,  descends into biblcal territory anew. Herein the seeing during Obamas shoe in, Rev 13, two beast rise, one from land, one from sea.
     -But, as well as to revisit the Saudi/America bloodletting Petrodollar. There's the Nov 4, 1975, paperboy, bike, route, handlebars, attached by a skyward reaching, funeral reef. Equally its the forfeiting of military families to worse bloody trials ever, the Bush's 2003, awared 11:00 shopping lunch hour.
     -Just as I see an award of diamond wedding rings, and field after field build of torture vehiles, when a nervous US General says, "don't be alarmed men, Mede is very dirty." America stampeding, studying wars no more, as I see Israel fall to an enemy Hamath. 
     -The year 2001, Christmas eve, day saying the Daniel 5, US soil, weight of blood guilt, judgement, sentence is here. Instantly, King Belshazzar too was lost to an enemy Mede, the Medes and Persians Empire, see, Western Leads, vowing to make Islamic oil preserves all there's, now a curse of Armageddon upon all their abominable, detestable, lives, lands, churches, money markets, peace getting porches and now missiling down crystal skies; knowing, beware, repent, Escape 101 Yellowstone Eruptions, Apb, The RAM

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

    -And I heard in my ear, 2017, kill all parents by, finish all schools," as Noah's day marriage abnormality, fallen angels, as devils, mating human women. Satan's, devils and demons, as at present covert agenda, F for Fornication, A for Abortion, LGBTQ and P for Pedophiler, thwarting the woman seed that would give us Jesus' redeeming, Cross, blood/The Holy Bride, Jesus Millennium Reign, God's Kingdom come, don't let those deceived, deceive you, Repent, ....Ah, Run! Beware, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling!

     -The Build Up Of Mede Torture Vehicles Will Take American White Houses, Leaders And  Cities And Burn Them With Fire! Holy God Influenced, I Seen It; Eze ⅝, Jer 37:8, 1998/99, Rev 17:16-18, 18, 2018,/19, Beware!

Article, [*Massive MAGMA Pool Found BUBBLING**Under New England Volcanoes Will Spark Eruption!] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/Txsddr (just as predicted two decades now, threatening monster volcanoes from the US/Canada West Pacific into its US/Canada Eastern Seaboard/New England, the warning nothing is to be left of the Americas but a coast to coast impact crater boiling to bubbling over with 101 Yellowstone eruptions and 99 bowls of molten lava, beware, repent, Escape Yellowstone, Apb

Article, [Asian markets fall after Trump dampens US-China trade hopes] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/hpccdr

     -Youtube, Christopher Green, Money Is Fake! https://youtu.be/4dqEzF1Xw8o, (being told live, 1998/99, from a baby Angel Gabriel, my back seat, these whimsical creations come worthless giveaways; said economic deletion, revisited Memphis 2017, a little Miya girl of post to present apocalypse, my back seat, reminder, Holy God destroys America by destroying Its US, bloodletting, petrodollar; pre fiery Hawaii's inbound missile scare, back to late 1800's Memphis New, New Madrid, threatening ten plus, quakes; Jan 13, 2018, Rev 2 Jesus visits, to forewarn, riches to rags sickbeds to sleepovers, again, repent or perish! Beware!

-A Revisited April 17, 1996 thru Dec, 24/25, 2019, Arab/Asian Invasion US/Western Soil, beware!

     -The Russian to China's Petro Currency Invasion Is Jericho TV Series Style, Escape Southeast, The Petrodollar As Usual, Is Massive Deaths US Soil, By Tens Of Millions, Scorching The Scorched, Missiling Down Heavens!

     -The Genesis man, marriage, breath into us a Holy Spirit, that rages against sin, but men rebelled at their own peril to damnation, God thrusting in reaping sickle, pending Great White Throne Judgement. Talk about an incalculable dose of a forewarning Mat 24, Jesus saying let none deceive you; Rev 2 Jesus saying you're looking at riches to rags sickbeds, unforeseen ever great tribulations and your children trapped by record deaths, except ye repent! 

    -As of the predicted Dec 24, 25, 2001 into Dec 24, 25, 2019 fiery doomsday Christmas Carol unleashes in all directions. Began the predicted US, W. PROF, Hawaii, Alaska, (Australia, as all the world, is right now burning), Canada/California into Yellowstone, into the Eastern Seaboard, New England, Newfoundland, again see, Article, [*Massive MAGMA Pool Found BUBBLING, Under New England Volcanoes, Will Spark Eruption!], http://va.topbuzz.com/al/Txsddr; once a super eruption, dutchsinse, himself reported, lately, see, here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlHrbqlRNwAdutchsinse,
-The US, The Americas, The White House, are all burning up, the extinction level event Aug 15, (2008), I witnessed American refugees escape from, as far as, into W. Africa; the barbecuing March 13, (2018), I called your US states out of instead into US Georgia, with W. Africa's Atlantic, pending; just one of those two ELE'S, March 3, 2019, I witnessed launched, impacting, fiery judgments, "double upon you double," thus saith Rev 18, Holy, Righteous, God. 
     -Only as Jesus Gospel to Revelations forewarn as Noah's day extinction level event; so disillusioned none realizes but the Holy Bride, Watchers, Apostles and Prophets. Knowing, all area scientist, seismic, volcanic, cosmic even climatologist to extinction studies, but like God's outreaching Holy Anointed. 
     -Actually, who they gonna tell when Americans, Westerns, even with elephants of staying unaware stampeding, they've with error Pres Trump to error religious, political leads; eyes, they have, ears, a mouth, a heart, but they're all cursed, blind, deaf, mute to God's righteousness, heartless, they're, Heathenistic to Antichrist. Any wonder Sonlight, from the Mountain, God's back turn Throne, says let my people go; Elohim says come out, Jesus says flee, don't turn back toward your cursed, doomed, lives lands and churches;
     -Ezekiel, 9 sword like syringes bearing reapers US soil, a final waltz, one strike the tell all heart, are to stampede you more so than to descend you. Rev 2, Jesus, Jan 13, 2018 yet crying repent or perish, so aren't all first born's, supposed to descend? Knowing who, why, what, when and where to blessed as Noah's Ark escape; as into end time Apostle I am, predicted April 17, 1986/2005-2015/16-April 17, 2026, Brexit come Briexit to Blaexit, get it, get Jesus, get out! Apb, The RAM

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, US Exodus, April 17 1986-2019-2026, Even The Hussein's, The Obama's, Memphis TN, New Madrid, Dunlap Street

     -A hands writes clumsily Aug 5, 2019, escape Yellowstone; when Jan 13, 2019, a hand wrote upon a wall fairly well, now Trump approved, predicted W. PROF/Hawaii, Memphis, 2015, 99 bowls of molten lava; "after 101 Yellowstone eruptions," then the news alert, Aug 30, 31st, 2019, felled short; let's see, after 101 Yellowstone Eruptions, the North American Craton, Continent to Caribbean is no more planet earth, universe, surely, just as I these 30 plus, spring raptures, demos, saw it, predicted it! Hell From Beneath Enlarges Into The US, W. PROF, Molten Inundation Of The Americas Continent, One molten bowl is past, behold 101 Yellowstone, Eruptions to 99 Molten bowls, yet cometh, beware! 

Prophecy Links, Fulfilling,

     -Bush's 2003, Seeing four continents to countries in a block around America, Asia, Japan, Germany and Russia, soon hearing as into Obama's, into Trump's, inauguration, 50 million will die, US soil; the sight of seeing a US General handing his war horse off to  Prophet Jeremiah, sighting no contest, to laid as seizures against all kingdom, nation building, Rev 11, 7th angel, saying all kingdom and nation, now, God's and His, Christ. 
     -The crying, to praying God's Kingdom come on earth,  since God suggested Ezekiel 4, lay a siege and summoned, Ezekiel 9, six reapers from the higher gate north, and commanded they slay all abominable, detestable, without prejudice, beginning at his sanctuary, now US soil, gone apostate, abominable, lives, lands, churches, money markets, peace getting porches and crystal skies, all having forsaken God,     

You Tube, Amtv, Christopher, EMERGENCY!! CURRENCY WAR WITH CHINA LEADING TO WORLD WAR! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kq375xaIs_Y

    -Although the UK, US, BK Soil No More, And Sit At A Lost 5 in 15% , The Descending As Well as A New Jerusalem, A New White House , With Divine Royal Family Intact, Yes, The Gazillions In Wealth This Planet Is Indeed Laid Up For The Just, See, Ps. 37, Fret Not The End Of Murdering, Whoring, Rebellious Rule, Come 

youtube, FullSurvialsepectum, They Are Afraid Of What Is Coming - You Need To Get Ready, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96zK8XumBLo

Youtube, Marfoogle, FREEZE, SHAKE, OR BAKE | HOW DOES EARTH'S STORY END?, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efqdA21hBB4
as I said and predicted and you mmosto f al know it thy'r all omvome, just as beyond horror, Rev 6, 6th seal bgin to be fulfilled, from US.Canada West Pacific into into it's US/Canada's Atlantic, knowing as well a molten inundation is come, this US States of barbecue, beware, repent, Escape Yellowstone, Apb   

EMERGENCY!! CURRENCY WAR WITH CHINA LEADING TO WORLD WAR! Only, There's A Commanded Hemingway Escape US, soil, Fare Well To Arms, To West Rule, To The Americas, beware, Apb 

     -Actually Christopher, per my first Dan 5, hand writing on the wall judging America's weight of blood-guilt, , Jer 37:8, 1998, 99, only like at present, 2018-2019, Pres Trump, world leaders, America, Israel. Biblically, God at that time was using prophet Jeremiah to warn rebellious King Zedekiah and his surrounding panel of rebellious leaders, how God, Himself was no longer with them, but against them. Evenly as so were their enemies, then King Nebuchadnezzar's and his armies, the Chaldeans, embolden to be victorious against them, instead King Zedekiah and his people were to save themselves, it's people, by surrendering according to ceasefires reached by Zedekiah and King Nebuchadnezzar. 
      -All this mean Christopher, presently, Pres Trump need to use this opportunity, his and Kushner's middle eastern deal of the century, into China's Yuan overtaking world currency, to  offer up a non-aggression withdrawal of the US Petro-dollar. Said dealing making would include a safe passage of 100's of millions of Americans refugees into prepped by Almighty God, safe haven, West Africa, Africa's continent. Again an as Noah's day, blessed escape from what will come a deadly tug of mini Armageddon US. Western soil, undoubtedly a multiplex of various forms of cataclysms, but left a coast to coast impact crater boiling to bubbling over 101 Yellowstone eruptions and 99 bowls of molten lava later,  Rev 17/18, Almighty God's will, that not a title of the Americas stand.
-Herein if Pres Trump Religious, Monetary to  Military leads aren't advising him accordingly, then they don't know the commanded as Moses day, the entire Americas own commanded exodus. Pending until the Holy Bride's is skyward with Jesus, and the Americas, southeast into Georgia, into Africa's Atlantic, it's own Briexit to Blaexit.  Actually, the predicted cataclysmic Thanksgiving to Christmas, Dec 24/25, 2018, back to the 1920's, US stock market collapse, you and I both knew said collapse, revisited from, 2008, historic crash, until it's historic Christmas 2018, crash. Predicted during Bush's, a Bush's 2008, economic disaster, putting Barack Hussein in the White House, regardless, making America great again, been on declining life support, since, standing on a since Nov, Thanksgiving, 2001 into 2017, divinity of merciful intervention, only itself timed out!
-Frightfully, meaning those two ELE's I saw, launched, incoming and impacting US soil, days after hearing some about a Jericho TV series on US soil, and only a day still, after Russia Putin's 2019 threaten US soil. Apostle of Jesus I am, need to say not only could these earth ending events, be held off, as portrayed Rev 7, this arrested doomsday could be weighed upon Pres Trump's decision whether to decline or accept multiple offers by US soil own embolden, victorious, super powerful, enemies.
-Yet I'm thinking, should I ask, is Pres Trump instead, what I thought, even predicted of Pres Bush, before his now literally two decades war on the axis of evil. Although it was explained, then campaigning Senator Obama was the one to deliver us, at the time, Aug 2008, spiritual reveals, we were building, my for decades arks, and escaping into West Africa's coastal islands, I know like something out of a 2009, 2012 Movie, only my since Dec 24/25, 2001, flyover disaster, The Americas, doomsday Christmas Carol; still, Is the reigning presidency, Pres Donald Trump, the declining as well White house, instead the predestined Western One in world power, to get tens of millions of Americans killed? Woe, woe and Woe!
     -Soon the Feb 14-19, 2019, the Rite Aid Pharmacy reveal, showing us death tolls, UK, US, British Columbia, yet sat at 5 into 15%,  meaning Christopher, nothing we'd done since error Bush's Saddam, error Obama's Qaddafi, into error Trump's Israel, Islam, even Abbas' mentioned eight heads, near two decades, three if you Spring Rapture, Winged, Jesus, April 17, 1986, had made a difference.  You Christopher have to realized, just as influenced by God, King Nebuchadnezzar is then embolden against  Judah Israel then, right now, the hand writing, Pres Clinton's 1998/99, Jeremiah 37:8 on a wall, saying America's enemies, great and small, despite how embattled, will like enemies, solar and molten, take her cities, and burn them with fire. The sight of seeing during Bush's 2003, fire, from prison bars, like a sword target him, as to target US, Western soil.
      -Showing none, error Israel/Islam, Western leader is exempt, as so, during Obama's 2010, seeing Eze 9, reapers, bearing sword like syringes, also see, Eze 5, as they target the tell  all hearts, of all procrastinating blessed escape. Presently, as I predicted, Rev 17:16-18, is being fulfilled US soil, God has influenced all US, Western enemies and embolden them to be victorious, commanded these many millennia, they're take Western cities and burn them with fire, Nuclear, Natural and NEO's.  No doubt, our free, whoring world no more, just as I witnessed the Holy Bride shoot off like fire rockets into the heavens, I also witnessed, America, West Rule be destroyed from planet earth simultaneously, a ball of fire from beneath, into, from the heavens, so as forewarn, tens of millions dead, Western soil, as so two thirds Israel's, for a total, of two quarters of planet earth's Billions, are predestined dead.  Knowing, why, who, what, when and where to blessed escape, 
get it, get Jesus, get out! Apb, The RAM        

Prophecy Links, Fulfilling

Seeing Bush's 2003, Israel fall to an enemy Hamath, hearing, "go and get the twelve heirs," the hearing, "synchronize Israel," the hearing Trump's, Sept 2019, Israel, before it's news,"  

[Trump open to releasing summary of second call with Ukraine president Zelensky] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/pSMhQr, the political US, over six hundred comments, 

     -Commentor, Psycho Mode, Every photo of this guy reminds me of Mussolini. All high and mighty with a false sense of achievement looking down to plebs.' 

And Knowledge Shall Increase Into A Tug Of Nuclear Wars, Just One Of Three Of US soil, Sentenced, Fate.

     -Though Jan 2019, I witnessed rise an Alexander The Great/ Germany Hail Hitler hybrid Antichrist, whose demons posed as innocent, German Shepherds, these darkest of evils are no longer pending, they are here, even posing in the home, the church, ancient beasts the Lion, Leopard, the demonic Anubis, as friendly house pets.
     -I said the same, all Egypt's Pharaohs to Jer 37:8, King Zedekiah high and mighty, but his time in the White House, so far, nation summits and various meetings, is this the image Pres. Trump truly want to convey, or is this hard nose attitude various article, portrayed as better for click baiting? 
 -You come into this most important office this planet, but only when its on a prophetic decline. Here's where John the Baptist say He, Jesus Reign must increase I, West Rule must decrease. Then as he too, as we, The Americas sit death roll, yet we cry, plead and wonder, why? When a Dan 5, its own weight of blood, says US soil too, The Americas, are guilty.
 -Of course as John sickly realized,  its timing, as of the visit Jan 2018, by Rev 10, mighty Angel, saying no more doomsday passovers: as of the revisited from election year, July 2008/09. Only here April 2, 2019, another awarded two weeks and seven year time table,all predestined, again it's about timing. 
-Mighty Angel, Rev 10, is specifically saying then and now, no further delays, only now, US soil. Eventually taking us back to Dan 12, man in linen. Holy, He's setting an alternate timetable in the midst of Dan 9, set until 70 weeks of years be fulfilled into Christ's Cross, duration. 
-Only, near two thousand years instead, Dan 12's, suspension of grace. Right into Pres Obama's 2009- 2015/16, reminder, time had lapsed, when Jesus millennium did descend, but not yet. Prophecy, Dan 9:27, final week of years, look like this, first remember Syed Farook 2015 reckless hijacking of West Rule, left sidelined itself. 
 -Two weeks into Pres Trump time table, April 17, 2019, he presents a middle eastern deal of the century. A blessed one, Prophet Daniel saw happen his 534 BC, saying and he shall make a covenant with many for one week, Rev 11:1, 2, 42 months, duration; but in the midst of the week, he shall cease its deal, Rev 13, 42 months, totaling the predicted Dan 4:4, Oct 25, 2018, seven years, West Rule is no more planet earth. 
     -But who is he? Allying Rev 10, mighty Angel is Rev 17, 7th Angel, explaining, how doing a mocked nation summit influenced by mighty God equally a Rev 13, 7 crown, 10 headed beast influences world leads. Then crowns 10, (see Abbas' Dec (2017), mentioned eight, as in his head and Netanyahu's Head, making Daniel's Angel Gabriel into God's Revelation, even Angel Gabriel, May 15, 2004, predicted, end time, world ruling, ten heads).
     -Prophetically, this Gog and Magog Greatest of  Beast convinces the final US world rule, summit of kingdom, nation building to throw down the great, bloodletting whore, America's petrodollar, and take her cities and burn them with fire. See, during, Bush's error, the awarded, 11:00 shopping lunch hour; the pile up field to field of dirty Mede torture vehicles, and a fire like a sword, from prison bars, that particularly, targeted him, Pres. US, Western Soil. Error, Prime Minister's 2015, pending 2016, Brexit, a loss of 5%, UK soil; Pres. Bush's, having four enemy nations in a block, saying 50 million will die;
-Equally, there's error Obama's, bike handlebars, into the sky funeral reef, and Pres Trump's 2017, inauguration saying jut prior, 50 million will die! No doubt the hearing Jan 13 2018, the morning of predicted 2015, Us. W Pacific Hawaii inbound missile scare, waking from sleep, hearing, one hour with the beast; into Jan 13, 2019, waking from sleep, hearing, whore and beast separated, as in all Americas allied spent to bridges burnt, all nuclear enemies again Almighty God influenced, emboldened to victoriously to pound Rev 17/18, great whore America from planet earth, of all advice given, Religiously, Politically and militarily, as the days of Jeremiah's 37, almighty, God, withdrew, disarm, ceasefire, repent or perish! Beware, Apb,

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

-Seeing Sept 23, 2019, revisited W. PROF/Hawaii, Alaska, Canada, California burning into all States of Barbecue, Exception Georgia, W. Africa, The Americas Stampeding, tens of million will die! 

     -And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; (Saddam Hussein, Islam), and his deadly wound was healed: (Barack Hussein, Africa/Islam), and all the world wondered after the beast, (End the world as we American know it or would continue to slaughter, to have it, President Obama's into President Trump's White House, fulfilled Dan 7, Rev 13, end time, Israeli/Islamic/Antichrist world reign, until April 17, 2019-2026, be fulfilled...

Thus Saith Mat 24 Jesus, Flee! Don't Come Again Into Your Houses, (described, 1996, teh death bringer from beneath, as abominable, detestable, lives, lands and churches, having forsaken God.

     -I know, how do we know this final week of Daniel that's been prophesied into fulfillment for many millennia now, is presently fulfilling? One Saddam Hussein head wounded to death, another, Barack Hussein lives to deliver us a present day as Moses out of rebellious Egypt, exodus. It was while, during Pres. Obama's campaign, 2008/09 into 2015/16's,Pres Trump come, the rise of Rev 13, two beast was revisited, one from land, one from the sea, causing bloody civil to international wars over Hussein fueling stations in the land, world wide.
-Only Now, Dec 2017, The year of the stampeding of elephants of staying unaware and a tug of a turf war Trump, Netanyahu, Abbas. Right into Palestine's leader, Abbas mentioned eight heads, making Daniel 7-9 into Rev 13/17, end time, deal making, Ancient Beast, rule, ten heads. Also making bias, overseer Pres Trump, whose himself allied to Gog and Magog, Eze 38, 39, Dan 9;27, Rev 11, 13  Rev 17, Dan 9:27, middle eastern deal maker; covertly they're all as Ancient Beast head rule sitting in the midst of its destroyer of kingdom, nation building.
     - So actually, since during a Rev 17:16-18, mocked nations summit, I'm told Senator Barack Hussein is the one, the genius of laying a siege the midst of great men genius. Recently, he ebbing and flowing into rule, 7 crown, 10 headed, prophetic influence, final Antichrist rule. Understand, President Trump, until April 17, 2019-2026 be fulfilled; including a great lost US soil/ The Americas. Making both civil to international wars look as to defy and infuriate the more, Throne back turn, Holy God, until truthfully you can say, Pres. Trump and all Western world leaders been sidelined by end time bible prophecy, with two choices of a US Brexit, come either a Briexit skyward or a Blaexit, southeast int Africa.
-Frightfully, right into apocalyptic fulfillment, causing a new normal these past few decades into this 70th, Rev 2, Jesus Matrix ten day countdown to it's sentenced doomsday, as of , Dan 9:27, 70th week of years. Unquestionable, as Noah's Ark, Nimrods Babel, World Emigration, Abraham's Lot, Angelic Escape, just as Moses revisited Exodus. Amazingly right around a yet pending June 26, (2015), Memphis Grands Rev 17:14, Jesus Husband, their own Angelic escape into US Georgia, an Aug (2008) into Africa's West Coast, to a since April 17, (1986), demo, Bride's escape skyward. Soon there's even a Rev 12 Michael, seen its Georgia, Jan 20, 2019, said to be setting his all around, battling along a once heard live, Memphis 2013, star wars battle in the heavens, knowing, beware, repent, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Spring, April 1986-2019-2026, beware! Apb -Before It's News, Article, Whole World Ruled by Homosexual Pedophile, Psychopaths in 6 Major Institutions. Johnny Grant Was the Mayor of Hollywood and Did Nothing? https://beforeitsnews.com/scandals/2019/11/whole-world-ruled-by-homosexual-pedophile-psychopaths-in-6-major-institutions-johnny-grant-was-the-mayor-of-hollywood-and-did-nothing-2438301.html Fret Not, Thyself, Rather, Trust, Delight and Commit -Fret Not Thyself, explained, the death rider, as a super eruption from beneath the earth 1996, into 2017, the hearing, the as Eze 9 God, commanding six slaughters, to kill all parents by, to finish all schools; fret not, the call to destroy all rebellious rule planet earth that has at root not only in money, but the reaping of the genocide of the Genesis man, marriage; F for Fornication, A for Abortion, LGBTQ and P for Pedophiler, agenda to school curriculum; see Rev 2 Jesus, suggestion to whore Jezebel types, riches to rags sickbeds and sleepers, to suffer great tribulation to their children all the more dead, knowing, beware, repent, Escape Yellowstone! Apb, The RAM, Prophecy Links Fulfilling www.thephoenix1012.blogspot.com -Seeing written on a wall, Jan 13, 2019, predicted 2015, 99 bowls of molten lava, seeing no further delays, since Dec 24, 25, 2001, Americas weight of blood guilt, fiery doomsday Christmas Carol activated; Aug 5, 2019, a hand write clumsily, Escape Yellowstone! See it's Aug, 7th 2019, the single word, disappeared frozen on all HD, 5G screening; hearing its Aug 30, 31st, the last part of breaking news, after 101 Yellowstone Eruptions! As predicted, a disastrous Thanksgiving/Christmas; just before the Christmas Eve, Day 2018 Stock, Market had an as 1929 great depression, crash, only, its, Oct 15, 2019, I witnessed more bear beast, reading one ,grazing on the horizon, while the single word Tribulation scrolled non-stop on the News Ticker. -Knowing who? Spring, April 17, 21986, Jer 37:8, Rev 17:16-18,18, God, why? Eze 4, Dan 5, Dec 24, 25th, 2001, US Weight of blood guilt, what? March 3, 2019, ELE's nuclear, natural and NEO's launched, incoming; when? Rev 10, Mighty Angel, Rev 17, 7th Angel, saying, Jan 23-29th 2018, no more doomsday passovers, US/ Western, soil, beware, US W. Coast, into the Midwest, into the eastern seaboard; and where to escape? Aug 10, 2008/June 26, 2015, Rev 17:14, Jesus, as a Jesus' husband escaped some southeast into US Georgia, before taking the Bride skyward, beware, repent, Escape, W. PROF/Yellowstone molten inundation of The Americas, Apb The RAM, see more here, https://littlemiyagirltopreppers2019.blogspot.com/2019/11/prophecy-links-fulfilling-seeing-bushs.html
