Thus saith Jesus There Shall Not Be Left One Stone Upon Another, Pray For All Human Beings At The Wailing Wall, Destroy This Temple And In Three Days, It Shall Be Rebuild

     -And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring The King Husband, Ramsey Branstone Kroff and Queen, Meghan Cleopatra Cobberson

THE UNENDING LOVE ANTIDOTE ...The African Juttah 1986-2016/2017-2024, The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy,

Unto Jorgedon Nicolas Spoon and Candice Nicole Tevels was born a son, Jordon Mickolas Spoon a son, Michalis Region Spoon and a daughter, Lorenson Everett Tevels
Unto Romulus Santiago Sevener and Brethel Sharron Mayan was born a son Caslon Olanna Sevener, a daughter Clairetta Bernice Sevener and a son Alibris Travon Bauru, Tevels
Unto Warrenton Edom Fox and Francie Victoria Slope was born twins, a son Emeter Kirtson Fox and a daughter, Emissary Kirsten Fox, Slope 

Draw Us, The Blessed Bride, Blessed Bride Groom, And We Will Come, After Thee!
                                                 Scene XVII and VII

     "Yeah, what planet you live on? No, you right, I live in the same world Jesus was born into, ministered to, was crucified by, rose again into, ministered a little longer, ascended from leading all captivity captured, cursed blood,WORLD OVERCOMER, and is pending to again descend into, only this time its King of Kings; leaving multi billions Jorgedon this doomed earth, planet home to wonder what world do they live in, well actually die in, the one of truth or wool? Hey, Princess girl we gotta go, blessed escape is on a timer, and Sia Maaseiah seeing January this year ash building on escape bridges and autos right before UK's Michael volcano erupted was the sweet to bitter indicator; was that before she saw Rev 12 Michael, heard He's setting his all around? UK’s Michael was before, she witnessed a call to red rooms prior as well, so come, let's get, I hear regular cruise ships are showing up Georgia's escapees getting into Africa's Atlantic, and how safe Santiago are they? Probably my chocolate bar as by God's Grace, Apostle Paul's shipwreck Brethel Sha’ron terrifying many, losing none. You going alone? Whose alone, a thousand of warring Angels are at our side, even 10 thousands at our right hand, so our enemies can't, won't overcome blessed escape, not just God's promises but Elohim’s covenant. I'm coming with you all, even if my stubborn husband won't, may God forgive him and save him anyway, if you love him Jorgedon, you'd do the things he say, y'all give me ten, sure, you got it! See what you done, actually the exodus of America, planet wide is God's doing the same as the God of Noah, Lot, Moses, even I hear, Nimrod, a present day Trump to Elon Musk, the God of Jesus’ Cross; ah, yeah, so you coming? You got five minutes left, yeah, yeah I'm coming! see what you started, actually Jorgedon man, the exodus of America, planet wide is God's doing the same as the God of Noah, Lot, Moses, even I hear, Nimrod, a present day Trump to Elon Musk to its international space center, the God of Jesus’ Cross; ah, yeah, so you coming? You got five minutes left, yeah, yeah I'm coming! Hear tell it you also believe it, by this new April 2 timetable, by April 16-18, 2019-2026, so happening now, nothing will be left of North America's Continent but a coast to coast impact crater boiling and bubbling over with those, her predicted 99 bowls of molten lava. Yeah, just as Holy Spirit found planet earth and began its Genesis man, marriage, so arcade Jorgedon man, holy spirit could see its reflection moving on blacken, chaotic waters, fret not, as in from Gen/post- apocalypse into Rev/present Apocalypse. But still, not the worse, we've run out of time to get out of it as Mat 24 and Rev 18 Jesus, now a sunlight reigning behind a mountain both God's Throne, commands it. I got it all, yours too, I knew you Jorge wouldn't abandoned me, I prayed it!”     >>>"Please since you love me, don't ask me that, I'm torn between two catastrophes planet earth, one that will ascend million's of the people of the Christ Cross skyward, and yet another, that kill million's US. Western soil and across the planet, but there began the six millennia of forewarn,  a for and mine, three decades of the predicted American to world exodus, Africa, submersible Arks all. Leaving me well us to ask, if you permit Lord Urusalem, how do THEY, Holies of Holies suffer such sweet to bitter revelations fulfilling, and for so long? When I Lord Sioux Deburk was as privileged to ask the reigning Lord Bridegroom that inquiry, His simply to respond was because THEY must, as in per His millennium reign and God's eternal Kingdom Come down, for sure. Surely witnessing Revelation 12 Michael battling a star wars in the heavens, hearing Michael is setting his all around as so the whore and Beast are separated is the equivalent Sia Sioux Noel as Revelation 11, 7th Angel blaring aloud, across the entire universe Planet X system made new, how the kingdoms of men have now come the kingdoms of God and His Christ, and they shall reign forever. The same Sia Maaseiah, Lord Urusalem, if you permit, as hearing it's January 2018, past, "one hour with the beast," and only Lord Deburk hours later a Michael early appearing perfect man Jesus, while staring down an identical appearing dangerous, perfect man, asking will Angels also ascend? Yes, I heard your, well our Spirit River Artelon prediction, that perhaps Lord Urusalem if yo permit, is to have as many attending angels as Angels Gabriel to Archangel Michael early have wings, your class, holy one enters, I will no doubt see you for 11 o 'clock noon, conference? Good sweet morning Sia's all, what shall we discuss today's ascension? We could Sia Maaseiah began with a gazillion dollar question, just who does, Revelation 10 Mighty Angel, Rev 17, 7th Angel and now a Rev 12, warring star wars Michael all say that you are? Yeah, we know man cursed, and can't get past the Genesis marriage, that you are woman, to the genesis man curse. Even though the woman's seed birth has set you, us all free to reign by a shepherd of death or descend into death, immortally again cursed, so please Lord, don't even ask what vain man think? I can only tell you what I'v been told, like those 12 chosen of God to be Christ's disciples into Apostle, Prophets, I'm such as well anointed, and how such a calling has materialized and metapormosed into those revelations of the Bride's escape standing before you now, is my surrender into their endless gifts of holy spirits and no doubt Jesus saying to religious leader Nicodemus inquiring the same, "ye must be born again," transformed by physical death and dying, this, thine blessed cross into blessed death, spirit life and living truth.  Now to our blackboards reveals, yes the Aug 12. 2005, American exodus, along both side of your then Sia, Memphis, TN, house into a barricaded, fence in southern border escape.  N
o, any doubt Sia Maaseiah the forthtelling of President's Trump, wailing wall, you just witnessed, Jan 2019, equally as 1998/2001, as a Dan 5, handwriting on a wall, predicted 2015, 99 bowls of molten lava. Just more proof, as was described Jan 2018, and told you, Jan 2019, there are no more doomsday Passovers US/Western soil. I Agree Sia all, why all it's tug of nuclear wars to Armageddon is the beginning to end of the Ezekiel 586 BC-593 BC, through Spring 1986/1993, AD, set, laid and enforced against them. Presently Sia Maaseiah, as you further saw, a mocked, nations summit against them, Rev 17:16-18, the whore and beast separated and like the days of Noah, even a Noah's cousin, you can't tell them,  I mean yo do, you have, you are blessed Bride right this second telling, but they're all cursed as Noah's day to hearing you and thus following you, well us all! That 2005 American exodus, is what the 5 in your Feb 2019 Rite Aid exodus, referenced, and the into 15, is 2015 revisited of you seeing an Asian invasion US soil, and  hearing how Britain and American were to come itty, bitty pieces and seeing Hawaii into California go off the map, you heard as of Ezekiel 9 commanded slayers, Canada be commanded to be wiped off planet earth, so again, why the American world exodus is made in comparison to a Noah's Cousin to Lot's blessed escape and Moses exodus, so say you, Sia, Meshullam Kadesh files, and how blessed are the hearers and doers of it all, especially with two March 1=3, 2019, extinction level events launched and incoming.  I ask of sia here, Sia Maaseiah whether the bombogenesis pounding the midwest, upper, lower midsouth, since before you heard Hawaii 5.0,  Feb, 5-10, 2019, is it your predicted these decades, Cirro-cumulus bomb, even this Ci-buna? The predicted year back Ci-buna, whatever mass disaster is it, with further research, very specifically targeted Baltimore, and since a cirro-cumulus bomb is totally weather related yes, it it could be what now described as a weather phenomenon,  bombogenesis; so not only Sia Maaseiah what's biblically prophesied from Genesis to Revelation come to past, but what's recently these last few centuries predicted also come to past, yes Sia all, beware, beware, beware!"   Why? Jesus disciples, Mat 13:10-17, asked Him why He spoke in parables? He replied by quoting prophets of old, also saying, well, see here, Jer 5:21, beware, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (The RAM), hear thee a parable about the Hemingway Exodus,, hear thee a parable about the name, Georgia, and George, see,

     -Hearing Bush's 2003, pray for all human beings at the wailing wall, see Eze 9, why the inkhorn man marked some for life,while all others where to be slain, young and old, beware, Apb

    -Righteously Dividing The Love Of God Who So Loved The World; Repent Or Perish! 

     -And what about her neighbors, Hamas, Palestine, Islam, not only are they people too, God's people, but like Israel, they're one of Father Abraham's first heir. John Hagee and all his and America's Gods apostate sanctuary should be praying to leading Israel to the world along one prayer right now, Ps.51, (www.repentnow2011.blogspot.come); and making one request of God; saying blessed is He who cometh in the name of the Lord, the only hope of doomsday Israel, of this damn world of ever seeing their Christ Lord Savior ever again, He, Lord Christ Jesus said it Himself; knowing who, why, what, when and where to blessed as Noah's, Lot's and Moses' escape, skyward into Jesus or southeast into Georgia/Africa's Atlantic until April 16-18, 2019-2026, be fulfilled, see here as well, see here, see more here,

Prophecy Links

   -Seen to be seeing, Bush's 2003, America, West Rule no more this planet, Israel begrudgingly falls to a Dan 9:27 enemy by the name of Hamath, an Islamic/Israeli non-aggression pact, Rev 17:16-28


GIGANTIC SHOCK WAVE OF 100 MILE,FIRESTORMS OVER 100 MILES SAID MY Dr. Michio Kaku ON FOX NEW ,ITS HORRIBLE FOLKS!!! (see the Apostle Peter here, @ Pet 3:10-12, and Apostle John here, Rev 6, 6 seal, 8th, 1st, 2rd trumpet, see also,  

Dr Kaku, The Worse Scenario 

     ‘The physics is just extraordinary. You get just this incredible explosion, incredible earthquakes, incredible tsunamis, and then anywhere within several hundred kilometres of the site you have building-size blocks raining down on the landscape.’
     -Tsunamis up to 900 ft high would have raced out of the blast site, while earthquakes rippled through the Earth. The air blast from the explosion would have flattened forests for thousands of miles.

     -But the worst part was yet to come. The asteroid’s impact had vapourised a huge chunk of Earth’s surface, which shot into space and surrounded the Earth.

     -The plume of burning rock turned into tiny droplets of glass, which rained down onto our atmosphere – heating the air so much that plants on the surface caught fire. Our planet turned into an oven.

     -Extreme heat killed animals around the world – while acid rain polluted the water. On the dark surface, many plants could not photosynthesise.
     -The reason Planet X, or Nibiru, has received so much attention over the past century is its mystical connection to ancient civilizations known to have been quite adept at watching the stars. Somewhere along the way, Planet Nine evidence got confused with the possibility of a Planet X – something esteemed physicist Brian Cox.
     -New information stating that something big is causing havoc with other planets as well as our Sun is becoming more of a mystery.

    -Astrologists, Space Scientists, former government officials and political insiders are all on the same page, stating that 2018 is the year that we have all been hearing about, the return of Planet X-Nibiru.

-Lesbian, gay, and bisexual adolescents at elevated risk for engaging in polysubstance use]

     -(Goole, Search, A person with polysubstance dependence is psychologically addicted to being in an intoxicated state without a preference for one particular substance. Although any combination of three drugs can be used, studies have shown that alcohol is commonly used with another substance, see here,

    -Thus Saith The Rev 2, Wrath Of Jesus, 2017, Kill All Parents By, Finish All Schools, God, Eze 9, Say To Commanded Slayers, Begin At My Sanctuary, Then John Heard, Babylon The Great, Is Fallen

     "I'm not Ram, gonna answer that, it's ridiculous, deadly, damning, you can't ask the church of the Holy Trinity, belonging to a Holy God, The Holy Spirit, a Holy Jesus, and the man now born again to vote not only whether fornications like same sex marriage and even full term abortions, should be allowed? These are all sexual abuses against the very temple of God. so not only do you have an elected whore church, a pedophile church, you now have a homophile church and every evil work never, ever before Sia's all, this damned nation, this doomed planet. Then forget about where God the Holy Spirit stand, the Holy Trinity left such wicked assemblies long before men of abominable hearts even thought they could present such evil formations into mass assembly.  o Holy Trinity Beyond His Throne, Back turn, Holy Trinity gone, Holy Christ, Holy Bride, Ps, 91, Holy Angels, all gone, so should you be, yes gone, it's God Rev 18, suggesting you come out from among these wicked devices before, again, before He start throwing extinction level events at them all, no further delays. Then just think, religious leaders, and I say that with purpose these people are not Christ Jesus leaders, making, even marking them Antichrist. again, again, again come out, where is your faith of Christ? These evil men just agreed to allow into so called churches the very fornication reigning Jesus is forewarning against Rev 2, Jezebel and her lovers. Just as unrealizable perversion revisited upon Sia Maaseiah Jan 2018, as riches to rags, again Sia's all, sexual corruptions, even the genocide of the genesis, man marriage portrayed as riches to rags sickbeds to sleepovers. Reigning Jesus himself saying, except they repent, millions of even their own children are dead as well, again this Jan 13, 2018, demo was only hours before Hawaiians would be running, screaming and terrified for their lives, and their Children lives. So just ask yourselves, Sia's all, how will they ever again, if they ever did, preach against premarital sex, any kind of sexual abuse at that, they can't, why child pedophilia is all the more this growing threat, you legalized unnatural blood , flesh and coupling, speaking against it to these evil practitioners would be hypocritical. Arh God please, your will be done right now planet earth, and just take us all away, we raise our hands in repentant surrender, please, please, please Heavenly Father, Lord Jerusalem, Spirit Bride, Lord Urusalem, just take us, surely Rev 11:7th Angel read to sound, saying, the kingdoms of men hath now come the kingdoms of God and His Christ and you lords of lords shall reign forever, thy kingdom come on earth as in heaven, amen Beethoven man, amen, Sia's all.  Why? Jesus disciples, Mat 13:10-17, asked Him why He spoke in parables? He replied by quoting prophets of old, also saying, well, see here, Jer 5:21, beware, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (The RAM), hear thee a parable about the name, Georgia, and George, see,

Prophecy Links

     -Seen to be seeing a raging bear, swift and rapid like a leopard furiously devouring one female on water, and the other on land 08/06/2003
    -Seen to be seeing Jan 19-23, (2019), a Rev 12, Matrix 12, (April 23-30, (2018) Michael battling along a star wars in heavens, hearing and I quote HOLY THEM, "Michael is setting his all around," knowing clearly, for the purpose of bringing the Bride up and American refugees out, into Georgia/Africa's Atlantic, beware, Apb,
    -Seen to be seeing Jan 23-29, 2018, a 6th Matrix, Rev 6, Rev 10 Mighty Angel, Rev 17, 7th Angel, one foot the earth, one foot the sea, both indescribably anxious saying, and I quote HOLY THEM, "no further delays US soil, desolations come, beware the midwest, the eastern seaboard," beware, Apb

     -Thus Said The Lord God With His Throne Back Turn, Behold It Is The Church, It Has Been Cast Down, And Literally Destroy! Beware, Apb,

     -The Concept Of Church, the Churchian I call them, you don't go in a condemned heart and genesis man, marriage. Then come out a heart transplant, born anew, a holy, spiritual blessed seed to empowerment lasting for all time. But more like one having drank a powerade, Rite Aid, even a bandaid all forfeiting a heart transplant. You come into mass assembly a man by the cares of everyday America, exhausted, shattered heart, mind and soul. You come out refreshed, energized but like a powerade, Rite Aid, only for a short time, soon back to old cursed heart again, relentlessly provoking man into sin; and a new heart shall he give you, said Prophet Ezekiel, beware, Apb,

     -Thus Said Ministrying To Reigning Jesus, Except Ye Are Born Again, You Are Condemned Already, I Will Spew You Out Of My Mouth! Beware, Apb

     [After 40 years, 'megachurch' pastor slams Christianity and quits, deacon claims he had affair]

     -Thus saith Jesus There Shall Not Be Left One Stone Upon Another, Pray For All Human Beings At The Wailing Wall, Destroy This Temple And In Three Days, It Shall Be Rebuild, True Christianity

     -Article, He explained how he was raised in a “hyper-fundamentalist” Christian home where Christianity “didn’t work. The promises were empty. The answers were lies.” Article (Pretty sure why I found it all burning, saying, "behold is it is the church," I heard, the smoke of its burning rising up to God mourning and crying, still why I, as John found God, even myself, HEAVEN's HOST, all crying behind a silence in heaven, Ancient of Days, Elohim, Christ's Cross, people perish, striipped of Jesus Christ; why I found entire families falsely, perilously climbed up there horribly cast down and fallen to their spiritual deaths, crashed, crushed, burn. Jesus did say the path is narrow, the gate is strait and few there be that find it, or go in there at.

     -Now it would seem instead, for 40 years Megapastor been following this lie. Though, the lie isn't Christianity it's the pedophile, to homophile religious, politics, lives, lands and churches, as of the artificial leopard skin coat, offering, of the American Dream. True Christianity like true love is first death, the crucifying of sinful flesh, walked out of the tomb a conformed, transform spirit, a holy temple apart, away from this perverted, contorted and twisted world, I beseech thee therefore by the mercies, that you be transformed by the renewing of your heart, a new man, again a Holy Spirit, Temple Of God, the heart, blood and deathstyle, treasures set to sought in heaven, born again.
     -Deathstyle, true, authentic from the beginning, fallen from the Genesis, from the womb, fallen from Holy Father, God's Grace, humanity, the Genesis man, marriage. Life style, lost holy God, gaining a curse, Satan as unholy father, the American dream of stealing, killing, destroying and every evil work, the authentic blood genome to heart of always falling, you, regardless, hell hath enlarged itself. The Genesis human can't serve both Elohim and Lucifer, like this dysfunct Mega church leader such unbalance spirituality builds into a human to soul ripping uncertainty, this progressive tug of serfdom to spiritual heart wars. When soon you can just hear Jesus, the worlds ONLY Savior, blood reconciliation, saying, because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth..
     -Fret not, you must be born again. Jesus said to a well known, well established religious leader, I guess like this mega pastor, its mega church, and to all born this planet, ye must be born again, but that's it, isn't it, dying to self, self seeking. That's dying to any of the many branches of falsified lives, lands and churches, as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, fearing no evil version of our planted, plotted American selves. Thus, knowing this, this selfish version was fraudulent and cursive, I crawled into my pending prayer closet, and did as the apostle of apostles suggested saying, present your bodies, your temples to God, a holy, living sacrifice, transform the heart, yourselves, Jesus Cross having gotten us the victory by spiritual crucifixion, overcoming the broadway that leadeth to spiritual death, damnation, tossed into lakes of fire.
     -Meaning you're right Mega Pastors to Mega Churches, man can't do this, present himself holy, only Holy Spirits can by your surrender, well a finger writing in martyred Christ's blood, Right there in the midst of living scripture explicating how only with crucified, resurrected Jesus. That is, that a holy, sanctified, consecrated life is all possible for millions this planet, even a few here in doomed, damned America, presenting, transforming falsified lifestyles, for blessed eternal deathstyles, only then can we as Christ's bleeding heart, teach transgressor the way of blessed death, our own divine crosses to Temples of God. Surrendering deceptive, damaging, damning life, pressing toward the mark, of the prize, of the high calling of GOD, Blessed Shepherd, Christ Jesus the Lord, got Him, got Jesus, the blessed death, glorification of spirit, eternal life, yet? Get it, get Holy Jesus, Holy Hearts, get out! Beware, Apb, see here,

Prophecy Links

-Seen to be seeing Bush's 2003, a build up of torture vehicles, seeing Islamic terrorist awarded diamond wedding rings; seeing a US General had his horse off to a prophet Jeremiah 37:8, 1998; seen to be seeing Israel lose begrudgingly to an enemy who hath its name Hamath, so a Dan 9;27z/Rev 11;1, 2, Islamic/Israeli settlement, of course US/Western soil found no more this generation, this planet, beware, Repent, escape or perish, Apb

    Then Warsaw, West Worthy, Epidemic; Judgement Now, HAMATH, HEMINGWAY, then a a Handwriting Jer 37:8, 1998/99; Judgement Now, a handwriting 99 bowls of molten Lava, 2015/2018/2019, got Jesus, got gone, yet? 

     -Father Abraham to So Ismail's Wild Sons, The End Of America, Western Soil, All Kingdom Nations Have Been Breaking And Breaking Themselves Against For Six Millennia Now And Again Until April 16-18, 1986/2019-2026 Be Fulfilled, Repent Or Perish, Wailed Jesus Of Nazareth, Of Resurrection! Apb 

    -I read this title, Israel to ignite a world war, actually happened when predicted, disaster Trump Dec 2017, made declarations of Jerusalem, of the US Embassy and elephants of staying unaware stampeded only hours prior, American refugees, slowly but surely. Still I read this, instantly I'm back to 1998/99, and I'm explaining to the Church elder, you see after three straight nights of dreaming I'm positive of one thing, again telling him, America will again be in wars.
- I further saw again 1998/99, one enemy on US soil was, Arabian, I even thought of propagandized the Middle East/Saddam Hussein, heard the words, Warsaw; right into another dream, revised 2015/Feb 12, 2019, Asian invasion on US soil, why I told you Trump and anything Asian ceasefires wouldn't hold, endtime prophecy always prevail, thus the hearing, Jan 2019, Rev 17, the Whore and Beast separated, both God and Beast influenced, all US/Western soil enemies, embolden to take her cities and burn them with fire.
     -No bible prophecy going cold, void, what Rev 17:7th Angel entailed when he told John, there are 7 kingdoms, 5 are fallen, one is, one haven yet come, see Dan ⅞ as well; see Abbas, Dec 1-25, 2017, 8 leads, and, Trump/Kushner April 16/17 2019, peacepack, including UAE's 8 see, Rev 11;1, 2, Rev 13 and then there were, eight, kingdoms. Then see my predicted, Jan 19-23, 2019, hybrid Antiochus Epiphanes IV/Alexander The Great/Heil Hitler, final Dan 9:27, Antichrist, these next 7 years, April 16-18, 2019-2026, whose allying demons, posed as German Shepherds.
     -Third night, ah second night, Asian invasion, the words, West Worthy, as in Aug/Dec 2001 US petrodollar weight of blood guilt, reaping bloodletting sown, now deemed, any day now, a doomsday Christmas Carol; Third night, like something out of Rev 6th 4th seal, even the infested with fleas, pale horse judgement, Dec 25, 2001, I saw, when all I heard 1998/99, was EPIDEMIC!
     -We know what come next, Jer 37:8, 1998, handwriting on a wall, Clinton/Bush's, into Obama's and now Trump/NATO, war on the axis of evil, the middle east, these near two decades, and the forewarn from Clinton/Bush's into Trump/Pence 2017 Inauguration and 2019, revisit, the predicted 5% into 15% suddenly dead, as in as quickly as the Bride's escape, millions are dead, are no more, US/Western soil, just a passovered many millennia now, outbreak of mortuary. Then Feb 14, (2015), I saw this, the Bride now reigning in Heaven, possessing to prepping, Dan 2, mountain from God's Throne, having a Meteor surface, it's and a voice say, “ this is the Antichrist murderer.”
     -Clearly why blessed prep is mandatory exodus, the entire North American Continent escape, Hawaii/Caribbean and world refugees all included, is as Noah's, Lots and Moses day into Georgia/Africa's Atlantic. In hindsight this prophetic ministry, these 30 plus springs of demonstrating the Bride's world altering escape and America's cataclysmic removal, a 400 year repatriation of Mother Africa. As predicted all come Abraham's sons, now by Jesus blood,made heir to God's Throne yet crying aloud repent, escape or perish, beware, Apb, and here,

Thus Saith The Rev 2, Wrath Of Jesus, 2017, Kill All Parents By, Finish All Schools, God, Eze 9, Say To Commanded Slayers, Begin At My Sanctuary, Then John Heard, Babylon The Great, Is Fallen

    -Choosing a life of being married to fornication and sexual abuse over God, His Holy Temple and being married to a Holy Spirit, blessed death, dying and resurrection. No wonder Jesus said when ye shall see this wickedness,this abomination that maketh all things desolate to flee, pray, flee.
    -Soon gone even from doomed earth, extinct are all things holy and acceptable to God; the Genesis Woman Seed, Mother Mary's Son of Humankind's Salvation, Christ's of resurrecting those cursed to die, raising them into glorification of  immortal life; again, when you shall see such unprecedented evil flee, pray, flee, saith Mat 24/Rev 18, Jesus, beware, Apb, see,

EXCLUSIVE: Most people don't Realize What's Coming (2019-2020)

Prophecy Links

     -Seen to be seeing March 1-3 (2019), two ELE's launched, incoming, side by side like in a race to impact US, Western soil, beware, Apb,

And The Heavens Rolled Back Like A Scroll, Crack Along Huge Shards, And Missile Upon All Those Left Behind,
     -Just as Bush's was aligned to Jer 37:8, 1998/99; predicted 2003, Hussein Obama' aligned to Dan 12, man in linen time table fulfilled, and until two weeks and seven years fulfilled, 2008/09-2015/16, Rev 13/17/18, rose to come into total fruition. Whereas Trump/Pence's 2016 campaign was aligned to Eze 38/39, Gog and Magog, then by their 2017 inauguration, aligned to fifty million dead US/Western soil, then by 2017 still, aligned to Rev 18, as a Noah's cousin to nuclear fate. Whereas here, April 2, (2019), another two weeks and seven years was granted, surely the last this side of Jesus millennium reign, that began two weeks in April 16/17 with Trump and Kushner middle east peace pack, and Iram announcing another Hussein, just as 2008/09, is taking rule over it's Revolutionary guards. So if as you say Gog and Magog are the armies of the walking dead, then so is your American, NATO and Western leaders, and all those influenced and embolden against US/Western soil, by Rev 17:16-18, Rev 18, God and the Ten headed, 7 crown beast, it's Islamic, Hussein head once dead, but now, living, thriving.
     -Plainly this end time tug of nuclear war into Armageddon, here all it's human, war of the world congloments portrayed, Jan 19-23, 2019, as to battle a covert spiritual war, come is a hybrid, Antiochus Epiphanes IV/Alexander The Great/Heil Hitler. This final Dan 9:27, Antichrist, these next 7 years, again April 16-18, 2019-2026, whose allying demons, actually posed as German Shepherds, see Ps 22 demon dog/Egypt's Anubis, a keeper of the dead, since by the time it's all done with, and the twilight day is again daylight, two quarters of earth's inhabitants will be dead, beware, Apb, see here, Eze 38, , Eze 39,, Daniel,, again beware, email me here,
Prophecy Links

     -Seen to be seeing Jan 19-23. (2019), Rev 12 Michael battling star wars in the heavens, hearing, Michael is setting his all around, knowing to bring the Brode up and obedient, American refugees out, beware, Apb


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