Prophecy Links Fulfilling "Israel" soon come a  fast, speedy whisper at my ear, Jan 3, 2020      -US Election year July 26/27, 2008/09 I saw the rise upon US soil, of Rev 13, two beast, heard, "two weeks and 7 years," that's until the Dan 12 grace period finale; US Election year April 2, 2019, Rev 17:16-18, Ancient Beast being fulfilled, I heard two weeks and 7 years" that's until Daniel's 70th week" finale into Jesus' Reign! Beware, God Is!  Stampede Them And I Will Send My Reapers Bearing Swordlike Syringes After Them! See Eze 5, God! -The Morning of Kobe Bryant crash, I witnessed and heard mostly Islamic names of Kings being called off and ordain, one by one; as in Dan 7/8Rev 13/ 17, 10 heads. -The last three Jan 12/13 2017-2020 had been a year to year countdown into its finale. Including hearing Jan 12/13 2018, "one-hour with beast; and Jan 12/13 2019, "whore and beast separated; and Jan 9 2020, a pointer first charging Jan 12 to 13, and days later, that pointer highlighting 'Israel; meaning all Jer 37:8/Rev 17:16-18 enemies emboldened, launched, incoming! -Shockingly by Jan 20, 2019, we got a Rev 12 Michael seen battling a star wars in the heavens; hearing, "Michael is setting his all around," and I been suspicious to forewarning about Air Travel since. -Honesty, I been interested in these ten mostly Islamic heads coming into play. That is since Abbas Dec 3/13/23 2017 threaten Trump with eight leads, making He and a recently restored Nethanyu these 10 biblically territorial heads. -Then Dec 3, 2017 I watched a handle lost on an artistic Carter and elephants of staying unaware stampeded causing massive chaos themselves. -Until by Jan 13 2018, the Hawaii missile alert while staring down a Michael Ealy appearing dangerous perfect man, when an alike appearing, Rev 2 perfect man Jesus asked me, would Angels also ascend? (See Michael Ealy, co-star, A Perfect Man, Union, who with ex NBA Player husband Wade are trans-kids parents to advocates! The F for, A for, LGBTQ and P for Pedophiler, genocide of the Genesis Man, Marriage, Rev 2 Jesus is forewarning, repent or your children, a pandemic of death! -Right until by its US Congressmen train wreck Jan 23-29, 2018. Kobe's Jan 26, 2020, fiery crash revisited this date. I look and we got a Rev 10 Mighty Angel, a Rev 17, 7th Angel, bearing 7 bowls, soon blacken, standing one foot the sea, one foot the earth, the US map. -Listen you hear them saying with an anxiousness; "no futher delays US soil, desolations predicted now come; beware the Midwest, the Eastern Seaboard as the inundated with such forewarnings, US West Pacific." Beware! Apb Prophecy Links Fulfilling -Seen to be seeing Jan 23, 2019, rising into the final, finale of all prophetic prophecy the appearance of a hybrid Antichrist; Antiochus IV Epiphanies/Alexander The Great/Hitler's Germany, whose Egyptian Anubis undertakers, posed as German Shepherds, beware, Apb Links Prophecy Fulfilling God Is Not Mocked But Blessdd Exodus! 

July 26, 2019, NBA California Dreaming, Kobes Bryant Jan 26, 2020 Morning of Reveals; seeing and hearing the naming and ordination of Dan 7/8/ Rev 17/18 10 headed, mostly Islamic Kings, Ancient Beast reign April 2/17, 2019-2026, Ah, RUN!

     The final days. More info on mid-May cosmic  event. Origin of manufactured corona virus (coronavirus) (catching my attention, she's referencing a mid, May, 2020, those reading behind me, know, the Angel Gabriel appearing saying all things unto fulfillment, she's going, (I Thess 4:16-18), she's coming, (Rev 11, 7th angel trumpet),  with a 7th angel, May 15 2004. 
     -Seems exactly 16 years now, the actual duration of the Dec 24/25th, 2001, weght of blood guilt judgment come,  until 190 months, 15.10, years be fulfilled. Only for Daniel's Angel Gabriel come revealing, it's 70 weeks of years timetable, then come the man in Linen laying, a dispensation of grace, a long lived blessed both sweet and bitter,, Only said doomsday passover,  finale just as it's timetables, predicted Barack Hussein US White House. 
     Only to have doomsdaus come US soil, Daniel 70th week of years still stalled, by a Nov 24/25, 2017, Rev 2 Jesus  Matrix ten day countdown, into Nov/Dec 24/25, 2019. Thus the running race by Holy Spirits Dec 29, 2019, to put an as a fiery doomsday Christmas Carol UK/US?BC soil back on its any d-day  now, track,  fiery apocalypse I explained, no exaggeration, seeing tens of millions will perish,  so easily, a million times worse than Australia's unprecedented, historic, bushfires, and the Holy Bride, Holy Angels, and  once a as described, Rev 17/18, whoring bloodletter, West  Rule, is no more this planet, beware, Apb

Article, [Donald Trump takes out another terrorist leader: U.S. kills Al Qaeda's chief in Yemen in an airstrike after he repeatedly threatened to attack American soil]

Uh, RUN!

     -Are they the terrorist responsible for shooting down that US soldier Military 5G, reconnaissance Jet? Heart breakingly went down around the same time as Kobes helicopter. Until early its morn the charcoal arm with three fingers left, I don't know which of these crashes. 
     -To the marina fire and plant explosion, it was, then with too many to count following, into the heavens I saw actually; It's all that you all beware, we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but powers and principalities and now, a throwing down Red Dragon legions of devils and demons, Rev 12 Star Warring Michael. 
    -So see here, Ezekiel 5, marvel not Holy God bringing all weighty, warring US/Western soil to a screeching halt. Commanding its Brexit relent to simultaneously blessed Briexit to the Blaexit and exodus. Even while stampeding into Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic, for decades now into the present hour, I've see it!  Beware, God Is! 

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Hands Of The Beast! Apb

     "So do we Juttah globers think Trump's, Pence 2016 campaign, and now White, Kushner and Pomeo, mocking their rebellion Nethanyu as well. How it is these error Hussein leaders are aligned to Gog and Magog because as Sia Maaseiah say, their middle eastern deal will deliver Israel to Islam?  Right into its Ancient Syria Hamath, seeing as well eventually lead Jerusalem to all men slaughters, the Hybrid Alexander/Hitlers Germany Antichrist? Just think laying kingdom nation building its traps, as damning seizures dates back to hearing God say lay a seize and by the 7 heads, ten crown beast send with fire as Chaldean slayers burning great whore warmongering inherits with nuclear, solar and molten apocalypse! Why? Uh, Run, Apb

Article, YouTube, [Most Professing Christians God To Hell

     -I AM The Way, The Strait Path, Gate,  He That Believe In Me, Though He Be Dead, Yet Shall He Live! Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!

Article, [Seven school districts near Cincinnati CLOSE to be sanitized after more than 1,000 students and scores of teachers are absent with flu symptoms]

   Article, [School District Closes For Two Days After 600 Students Call In Sick, (no, I'm reading it right here, grand heard it on YouTube Marfoggle. Here, 600 students in one district called in sick, and if that's not proof Holies are enforcing commanded school closures nothing is. Didn't grand Massimo, just warn the best way to target, what you just call me? Mass, okay, Mass, didn't grand just warn the best way an enemy is to target children to parents separately. Y'all know like disasters Hawaii leaving Memphis children orphans! Only don't ask me what happen to the gazillions of children, of even parents, how many US States and cities and counties. That is before a Hawaii eruption reaches the midwest to midsouth and wipe out only Memphis parents. Don't forget 101 Yellowstone super eruptions reaching, affecting a planet its many firing elements and into the universe yonder snatching down fiery stars and bringing them along, when all life is over. Anyway, anyway Alhambra the way to target either, or both is by their lawful, praised, stringent school to work, to business itineraries. Do you know how many school students to workers or any mingling with the public, are suddenly plenty versions of typhoid Mary to their families? No way any laid siege to invasion coronavirus isn't killer with their rebellious unison being its target to perfect, covert, delivery system." Why speak in parables? Beware, God Is! Apb
