Full Spectrum Survival Says There's Nowhere To Run, I Beggar To Differ Seeing Noah's God's Then, Is the God's Of A Noah's Cousin Right Now, Get Skyward To Salvational Ark, Jesus And, Or Get Southeast into Salvational Ark/Mother, Africa's Atlantic

Prophecy Links

-Seeing March 1-3, a day after Putin's Feb 2019 threat, to put the Rev 17/18 great whore mystery worldwide enslaved out if their misery, I witnessed two ELE'S being launched, incoming, side by side like in a gleeful race to impact US/Western Soil
-During The Flood Of 1993, I was one of two places, being overtaken of visions of God's Throne by my prayer closet, a demo of Rev 7, For 30 Minutes, Silence in Heaven Or Remembering here 1993 AD, Spring 1986 AD, a live Demo of Rapture, Jesus Himself, Calling Me Up, Taking Me Off Planet, Into Heaven, Handing Me Off To An Ezekiel 593, 586 BC, Opening Three Time Tested Doors To Me, Beware, Apb

-The ultimate question is do you love Jesus more, trust him, obey him, even when he's telling those sitting American peace getting money markets, porches and balconies, under priceless crystal skies, all not beast infested. That is don't come down, again into your treasured lives, lands and churches, flee the abomination that maketh all treasures not laid up in heaven, as desolate, s the souls of men, again, what say you, obey America's Trump or God's Trump, Jesus?
-In 2008, three, first I want you to imagine really, really hard, all mass assembly right now is being bombarded with a Noah's day judgement, Noah's escape ark message' right into Lot and family blessed removal out of mass disaster and Moses being schooled along his people's need for true worship and exodus. Again watered down pulpits come this fiery not because their rapture have come, but their sentence of cataclysmic removal and the mass majority of organised religion as Mat 7, Rev 2, Jesus warn, aren't going to make this first resurrection..
-That is, not according to scriptures, Psalm 66:18, II Chor 7:14-15, Jer 13, Eze 19, Jesus' Mat 7:21-23, Rev 2 Jezebel/Smyrna, Rev 17/18, all crying your sins remain, your unbelief condemns you. Any day now Mystery Babylon America as simultaneously as the Bride, one by grace one by judgement isn't to be found no more planet earth. Lets just say, Father God wouldn't be stressing and mourning behind a Rev 7, silence in heaven that after 6 millennia of outreaching righteousness HIS PEOPLE are dying, HIS PEOPLE are being stripped of everything Jesus brought them, behold, weeping Elohim will strip their leaders as days of birth, naked and bare, the final Antichrist's target.
-Through there's a sense of alarm among His people said denial has only produced what Holies of Holies deem a slow motion exodus, I seen it, these begrudging along all prep to escape, knowing only blessed exodus is to save souls by saving lives, but how despiteful, s to grieve intervening mass human die offs, Holies of Holies. ideally yes, a workable passover but only with 5% into 15%, confirmed 1986/Bush's 2003, Obama's 2010, as a New White House, as a New Jerusalem descended down into an end of all Kingdom, Nation Building, The World Wide, spreading of abominations, the American Dream..
-Then again Obama's 2013, this through the heavens death toll revisited, until 2016, Jesus descending Millennium was demonstrated but at a lost of 5% into 15% dead US/Western soil alone; right into a 2016 Trump/Pence campaign ticket made in comparison to two Godzilla, like, demon beast of human extinction, Gog and Magog; they being pure world agitators, that by its 2017 Whitehouse, they're aligned to both a nuclear fate and ah yeah, still that 50 million dead US soil, ELE'S, nuclear, natural, NEO'S, no longer on standby but launched, incoming, no more doomsday passovers.
-Knowing 2008 I woke sighing, we will build an ark; witnessed Senator Obama be declared, " The One," and witnessed still America refugees pour and pour into Africa's Atlantic; when soon I heard again all 2008/09, "two weeks and 7 years," so until July 27 2008/09-2015/16 be fulfilled, then come America's Obama lead Exodus into Georgia/Africa; hearing, April 2, 2019 still, two weeks and 7 years, so the Rev 13, hybrid Alexander/heil Hitler, Antichrist come and will target to kill millions of American to World refugees until April 16-18 2019-2026, be fulfilled, knowing get it, get Jesus, get out! Beware, Apb

Prophecy Links 

-Hearing, 2015, 99 bowls of molten lava, seeing Jan 13, (2019), a handwriting on a wall, 99 bowls of molten lava; visited, Jan 13, (2018), Jesus ask me, will Angels also ascend? 

-Hearing Jan 19-23, (2019), the revisited death toll of fifty million dead US/Western soil, hearing its culprit Kenneth, and waterdown gospel. Did from 1993 Aqua age/2005 hurricane Katrina, into Nebraska's aqua era to Mozambique's Cyclone Kenneth, and a Noah's cousin, making of the Mississippi river to illustrate God's people are being inundated in a cease pool of whoredom and bloodletting and are drowning in an ocean of a watered down gospel, when only the two edged sword, Truth of God's Holy Spirit, Living Word sets those captive by unbelief and unrepentance, free? Truth is, God start passing judgement on ones sin long before people open their eyes in hell's torture, thus if even assembled men regard sin in the heart God can't hear then curses, judgement, hell commence. Henceforth the prophets of old, the Cross/Gospel of Christ, Acts of the Prophets/Apostles, the blessed Early Church to the Acts of the Bride's resurrection, ascension.
-Truly all purposed the Dan 10/12 into Rev 10/12 man in linen to Mighty Angel timetable of grace, that redeems, saves. Though admittedly it all finale two weeks and 7 years into Hussein, Barack Obama's, one Hussein head down, one Hussein head reign, then come Ancient Beast rule Rev 11/Rev 13/Rev 17, Rev 17:16-18, Iran's Hussein/ Islamic/Israeli world reign. Clearly, all West Rule this planet, like the old, passing away anew is no more, fret not, Jesus Millennium hath reign, and that for a thousand years. So getting back to risen Jesus, the lake Tiberia, disciple Peter has denied him three times, looking to save this life, but forfeiting all other living souls laid to his charge. Something Lucifer offered a tired and tried Jesus, but he'd decline, see Jesus didn't come for one Genesis Marriage but them all; He'd not come to bring one Genesis family into God's Kingdom, but as grom Noah's Ark family, all families, nations, tongues, tribe's and people.
-Apostle John some 60 years later would witnessed all missed the Rapture, come in, out of Great Tribulation, washed and made white by the blood of the Lamb, Jesu Christ. Now was disciple into Apostle Peter, now the lead, yet on board blessed shipwrecks into blessed death with now risen Jesus; did Peter love, trust and thus obey Him? If he did, take that human sacrifice, his own bloody cross into Holy Spirit temples of God and spread its reconciling Gospel all across Israel, the Mediterranean and the uttermost parts of the world, preach spirit, truth, preach salvation, preach that all, all, all repent or perish! Knowing who, why, what, when and where to escape; knowing since Revelation 93 AD/Jan 19-23, 2019, Rev 12, Michael is battling along star wars the Bride's ascension but to equally bring obedient American refugees out; knowing, get it, get Jesus, get out! Beware, Apb, The RAM

-Blessed are the hearers and doers of this prophecy, for the final hour is at hand, Rev 18, www.intrepiddream2001.blogspot.com

 Prophecy Links

     -Hearing Jan 20, (2018), as Bush's, Obama's and now Trump's 50 million will die US soil, a 5% into 15% US death toll revisited, Feb 13, (2019), by a Rite Aid Pharmacy Reveal

    -I remember hearing 2004/05 smiling faces don't last, wipe Canada from the map, separate Britain, America into itty, bitty pieces, and here Jan 19-23, (2019), hearing, "the whore and beast are separated," beware of mighty Jer 37:8, 1998/99 betrayal against Western leads/soil.Tug of religion, politics or nuclear war, I wonder which is worse, or is there even a difference? They all being manslaughters to genociders, lying murders like their father Satan, wicked deceivers from the beginning. Now Trump and his manner of Gog and Magog labor for depopulation US/Western soil by Rev 17:16-18, 2018/19 wars to Armageddon with Russians, Asians and Islamics, repent or perish said Jesus, He also said SEE and flee, that's planet America, there's no more d-day passovers. See until April 16-18, 2019-2026 be fulfilled get to Georgia/Africa's Atlantic, like a present day Nimrod/Moses blessed exodus in reverse, beware, Apb

Prophecy Links

     -Seeing Jan 20, 2019, a Rev 12 Michael battling along star wars in the heavens, hearing, Michael is setting his all around, knowing to bring the Bride up and American refugees out! Beware, Apb

Prophecy Links

    -And I heard Jan (2018), "one hour with the beast,"  and I heard Jan (2019), "whore and beast, separated," meaning further, no more doomsday passovers, see, Dan 7/8 into Rev 17/18, beware, Repent, escape! Apb

-Article [Maduro is blaming Trump for the chaos in Venezuela. but the real problem is history] http://va.topbuzz.com/s/rZTTRS

    -Yeah Holies of Holies aligning it to Bush's, Obama's and Trump's, the last three US Admins. Well THEY cited world problematic problem to the Nov 4, 1975 into April 17/16, 2019-2026, the Saudi/US Petro-dollar. This was before they showed its latest US/western soil death toll, that from handlebars. Then like a funeral reef on Jack and the beanstalk growth hormones that equally torn into the high heavens, with 50 million dead US /Western soil alone, Israel's predicted two third death toll not included. I know the amount suddenly dead, but if you fator in God using the earth to destroy man whose from the earth, God using the heavens to destroy the godman whose from heaven; then you figure just how many of the half of billion North America's Continent who for whatever reasons can't believe this report, and are just sitting, shooting ducks in a roll.
-Easily, tens of millions US soil could be dead, as speedily as the Bride is taken out, I've seen it, both were taken off planet simultaneously and with lightning speed. One fire rocket shooting up permanently was the Bride's escape; the other rocketing, firing into heavens I saw was a nuclear missile, to again rain down an outbreak of mortuary and homelessness. Beware, as you see, all now in progress, The Chaldeans, Islamics, Asians Russians, and the Europeans, all come, again not coming but all come; all God influenced, Jer 37:8 1998,99/Rev 17;16-18, 2018/19 embolden against US/Western soil; Hmmmm, REPENT, RUN? Blessed as Noahs, Moses days escape is into Georgia/Africa's Atlantic,again Ezekiel 9 commanded reapers, as of an Ezekiel 5, judgement, target all people, things else as Mat 24/Rev 18, God is telling you to, yes RUN or perish! Beware, Apb

Prophecy Links

    -And I heard, Jan 19-23, (2019), "Michael is setting his all around," and I saw as I heard 2013, Michael battling along a star wars in heaven; and I knew, to bring the Bride up, as so to bring obedient, American/World refugees out of the worse Tribulations ever or ever again! Beware, Apb

Prophecy Links

    And I heard, kill all parents by, finished all schools, the biblical passage was to read, spare them Jesus Christ, the rod of righteousness, spoil, the Child; children obey only righteous, holy parents, beware, Apb

Suffer The Little Children, Deny Them American Dreaming And Bring Them To Me, Jesus

    -I thank God I've seen what happens to children after they die, first under a golden hue they're healed from cursive frailties, watched one born cripple learn to walk and under a ginormous pearl, twirling staircase in heaven they gathered and played. These abusers, murderers best get the praying and mean it that they don't have the same and worst done to them in prison. Then even worse than imagined by demons, a regiment of torture when they go to hell; then the great white throne judgment will toss them outer darkness and worm infested into lakes of fire, brimstone, gnashing of teeth; so yeah, they better get to praying and heartily mean it, God is not mocked by false worship/ The American Dream/Assembly, still whosoever calls on Jesus' Name shall be saved! Beware, Apb, see here why this 5 year child 2015, asked for a Jesus' Heart, see Rom 12, 1, 2; see www.2016onewayprayer.blogspot.com

Prophecy Links

    -I heard, 2007, the dying of schools is painful, go down to the middle school and cast a stone; then I witnessed 2017, during a ginormous maze of sin,  transgender restrooms being set as traps for school children, beware, Apb

 The Near Death Fiery Escapes

     Plus son, you and your wife are in disobedience, can't get God's blessings out that. I know your brother and his wife were forced here, but they're not forced to stay here. Know what I mean, first see Eze 5, then see this, https://youtu.be/BYikUpSx0Ro Only days before this happen I dreamed I invited them all from a barbecue into Georgia, understand the choices you make and chances you all take, disobedience, like sin is damaging to damning.

Terrorist Cells, They Too Are Predicted To Take The Country And Burn Its Cities, Beware, Apb

Prophecy Links

     -After I heard April 2, 2019 two weeks and 7 years, April 17, 2019, two weeks in a Hussein to Islamic reign for the next seven years 2018/2019-2025/2026, was appointed leader over Iran's (Eze 38/39/Rwv 17:16-18, 2003' a predicted Dirty Mede), as in now head of it's Revolutionary guards, see, https://youtu.be/j-UeML441kY; after I heard, July 27, 2008/09, two weeks and 7 years, four months later,  a Hussein became USA's President for rhe next seven years, 2008/09- 2015/2016. Dan 12, Rev 10, timetable then, 08/09 a prelude to a Hussein Antichrist reign, see Dan 7/8/Rev 13/17/18; Dan 9:27, presently as of Trump's an Ancient Beast/Hussein, Islamic Antichrist reign from April 17/18 2019-April 17/18, 2026; the seeing of all endtime prophecy as of Jesus descended millennium, fulfilled, again, April 17/18 1986/2018/2019-2025/2026

Thus saith, Jer 37:8, 1998, The Islamic Chaldeans Are Coming

     -Don't forget, I believe Memphis terrorist cell to targeting transgender school's is a partial answer to the 2017 question, what's the secret of Memphis? As so that the Memphis New Madrid fault zone, in all ELE'S are coming scenario, is just as pending with mass disaster as all other alike faults.  Knowing, get it, get Jesus, get out of US/Canada, predicated spring 1986- spring 2019/2026, states of barbecue to a Hemingway, farewell to arms, to Mystery Babylon America to any power of further residence this planet earth, knowing, get it, get Jesus and get out! Beware, Apb

     Full Spectrum Survival Says There's Nowhere To Run, I Beggar To Differ Seeing Noah's God Then, Is the God's Of A Noah's Cousin Right Now, Get Skyward To Salvational Ark, Jesus And, Or Get Southeast into Georgia/Salvational Ark/Mother, Africa's Atlantic

Prophecy Links

     -Seen to be seeing a raging bear, swift and rapid like a leopard furiously devouring one female on water, and the other on land 08/06/2003, see Rev 13, predicted 2003-2013/2016, see also, Rev 17:13. 14
    -Seen to be seeing Jan 19-23, (2019),  a Rev 12, Matrix 12, (April 23-30,  (2018) Michael battling along a star wars in heavens, hearing and I quote HOLY THEM, "Michael is setting his all around," knowing clearly, for the purpose of bringing  the Bride up and American refugees out, into Georgia/Africa's Atlantic, beware, Apb,
    -Seen to be seeing Jan 23-29, 2018, a 6th Matrix, Rev 6, Rev 10 Mighty Angel, Rev 17, 7th Angel, one foot the earth, one foot the sea, both indescribably anxious saying, and I quote HOLY THEM, "no further delays US soil, desolations  come, beware the midwest, the eastern seaboard,"  beware, Apb

     -Thus Said HOLY Jesus of Resurrection and Reign, Come Out Of Them My People, Flee, Pray Your Flight Isn't On A Sabbath, Isn't In The Winter, (the danger Jan 19-20 (2019, of seeing ash build on escape bridges, even 99 bowls of molten lava written on a wall, Jan 13, (2019), all during a slow motion exodus), 'pray for mothers with infant children,' beware, Apb 

     -Let me see, Noah's Ark was safe, Nimrod's Babel into migration/emigration was safe,  Lot's mountain was safe, Moses Canaan was safe, even Jesus' Tomb was for three prophesied days. As in all safe as of all these examples were various blessed escapes, as in influenced to commanded by God. So believe Apostle THEY,  Holies of Holies, allying Jesus's outreaching Cross say I am these 30 plus springs, seeing they both happen simultaneously; the American exodus, spring 1986-spring 2019/2026, into Georgia/Africa's Atlantic into Archangel Michael is as safe as the Bride being taken off planet into an awaiting Christ Jesus. As in now we know what my seeing God's Anointed shoot into heavens like fire rockets, being capture into ballooning clouds to healing wings, and remaining there for a time, that's until second heavens intercessory, the Holy Bride and Holy Bridegroom is fulfilled. Again explaining why it was the first i spoke in tongues, it was from an opened door in heaven, down into the earth, so more an intercessory prayer to Jer's lamentation, equally, what seeing July 27, 2016, Jesus millennium descend into earth was about. That's into Rev 12, second heavens and certainly what Holies of Holies in my ear 2013, meant. It is when THEY said and I quote HOLY THEM, "soon the church bride could be in heaven, (Rev 12 second heaven ), looking down upon and praying for the Tribulation Saints, as the Antichrist, Rev 13,  Matrix 13, (July 1-3, (2018) is given power to overcome them." Knowing, who? Jer 37:8 God;  why, Eze 4, Dan 5, Rev 6/14, US weight of blood guilt; what? ELE's, nuclear, natural and NEO's. two of which 03/1-3rd, (2019), launched, incoming; when? Rrev 10, Might Angel, Rev 17, 7th Angel, Jan (2018) saith no further delays; and where to blessed as Noah's, Nimrod's,  Lot's, and  Moses' day escapes, southeast, a Briexit skyward, a Blaexit, into Georgia/Africa's Atlantic, get it, get Jesus and get out! Beware, Apb

Government Prepping For A Impact 

Islamic Christian saying there is not Cross or Resurrection of Jesus Christ,

             -As  Holy scripture says If there is no death to Resurrection of Jesus Christ, there is no new birth or resurrection of His Anointed Saints, something He clearly taught to Lazarus' sisters, that He Jesus is the resurrection of life, before he called him back to life, how though there are those who be dead in Him, yet shall they live, as He's to raise them up from the grave on the last day of the church age. My question, if you don't foresee a Death to Resurrection of Christ to Christ's Saints will unbelieving Islamics remain in their graves when He call? See Mat 24, I Thess, 4;16-18, I Cor 15:51-58, Rev 1:4, see www.lordurusalem.blogspot.com
