America Cried To Campaigning Trump, Make America Great, Holy God's Trump Cried Back, But Yours America Is A Nuclear Fate! Only The Bridges Sold Across Town, Into Southeast Georgia, Totally Worth It

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

-Seen to be seeing 2004, Britain, America take separate forks in the road, hear Britain, America, separate them into bitty, bitty pieces, 5 % inyo 15%; hear8ng 2005, smiling faces don't last, wipe Canada from the map! Beware

-After Another two weeks and 7 years timetable April 2, 2019, The Declaring of Jesus 2, 70th Matrix Count, Nov 12/13, 2019, the last day planet earth, Nethanyue is indicted, Trump Goes Under Impeachment Proceedings; France, Germany and Russia turn more attention on pending world rule, their error Islam, Iran, (such error men of prediction thinking Pres Trump two weeks in  April 17, 2019 Middle Eastern Deal is the answer, only its not, see how it all turns out, here, Dan 9:27, Rev 11;1, 2, Rev 17;16-18/18, woe, woe, woe!

Article, [North Korea warns of looming nuclear deadline and says it has 'Christmas gift' for US] Article, (Dec 3, 2019, the second revisit, Rev 2, Jesus first Matrix countdown to doomsday, Dec 3, 2017, portrayed stampeding elephants of staying unaware causing permanent failed cease-fires to non-aggression pacts, spinning the world along a plethora of quaking, erupting, flooding and burning, the world at an end, chaos, beware!

Some A For Decades Pending Breaking Of News Reports, After Seeing A US soil, Arab, Asian Invasion

["It's a hit, cities hit, Guam Just Did It", 2003

[Witnessed US Western Seaboard go of the planet, ,heard, "The Eastern Seaboard Is Gone," 2001

[heard, "10.2 earthquake, heard, "Major, Major Earthquake, West Pacific Canada," 2018

["After 101 Yellowstone Eruptions," 2019

What could North Korea's 'Christmas gift' to the US be? (actually my 16, year old, Jan 12/13, Memphis Grand, texted me about this threat, the teen seer 2016, that witnessed events as an EMP to CME stood our everything still, caused a multicultural, southeast march to safe haven, US Georgia/Africa's Atlantic, possibly my Aug 7, 2019, frozen on all HD, 5G screening, the single word, disappeared, beware!

Feb 12/13, 2015, Thus Saith Reigning Bride To Daniel 2, Mountain From Heaven, Separate Them Into Itty, Bitty Pieces! A Predicted Nov 12/13, 2019, Last Day Planet Earth, Beware!

Article, The Early Edition: November 12, 2019 Article, France, Germany, Britain and the European Union (E.U.) issued a joint statement yesterday saying they are “extremely concerned” by Iran’s decision to restart nuclear activities, Article, (again this apostles predicted last day planet earth, Nov 12/13, 2019, a 70th, man in Linen,  Daniel final week, a 70th, Rev 2 Jesus, Matrix ten day countdown to doomsday, beware, Apb see Jer 37:8, Eze 4, 5, Daniel, 4,.5, 9:27, I Cor 15, I Thess 4, II Thess 2, Rev 11:1, 2, 13, 17/18, 

Nethanyu Indicted Nov 12, Nov 21, 2019 · Benjamin Netanyahu, seen on Nov. 12, 2019, is the first sitting Israeli prime minister to be indicted. (JTA/Miriam ...

Pres Trump Impeachment Proceedings
Tens things Nov 13, 2019 (see my June 26/July 6th, 2015, escape to Heaven or Georgia/West Africa, Rev 17:14, Jesus husband, mentioning, a tug of nuclear war, this laying a siege, (Jer 37:8/Dan 7/8/Rev 17:16-18, 1999-2019, pending breaking news, "there's something about Cameron," (my Jesus husband death/Ascension Feb 22, 2012/see Feb 22, 2016, Cameron's Brexit, come, 2017-2019/2026, Briexit to Blaexit), beware, Apb   .

-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Durance Castillo black and Queen Bride Joslyn Breana  Josk

 The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 1986-2016/2026-3036 into Infinity 

Listening To, California Raisin, White Christmas, 

Unto Durance Castillo Black and Joslyn Breana  Josk  was born, a daughter, Casius Ilene Black, a son, Cody Quentin Black and a son, Harrison Nathan Black, Josk   
      The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

    Scene, Mark Genesis Marriage Worshiper, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, Matrix, LXX,

"Don't you Maaseiah, yet have to ask yourself how did lowly, lead as a Lamb to the slaughter Jesus transition into Almighty Lamb of God, the reigning Son/Sunlight God's Your witnessed Back Turn, Throne? First that's exactly what I was thinking about, flesh and blood didn't reveal that, and you Nicholas darling just asked and answered a question, because Holy Lord Jesus, had too. I know you're yet discomforted all about it all, I can see it, sense it; maybe and thankfully we're in our own little corner, also what you sense Nicholas, for the last two days I've woke with extreme soreness to muscle spasms as I've spent hours without end on a bike or even a horse, I'm talking literally crippling discomfort. Such Maaseiah, as riding, so your hips, thighs and butt cheeks, yes, yes, what is that, how? I know I get distracted and can stand, sit, even sit my bed's hours upon hours at a time, and my body, joints all reacts, but, this, this is different. So your butt is sore, it's not funny and its not, it's my butt cheeks, hips, thighs and if you go telling Brad them, I'll never, I know you tell them things, don't even deny it. I wouldn't tell, like, like, my singing 99 bowls of molten lava on Trump's wall, I didn't, Sye was there, picking me up, he heard you for himself, plus I'm not going bragging my wife ass is sore, not my, my butt muscles, I'm just saying. You have dreams about bike riding, it wouldn't be the first Maaseiah, you experienced physically what you dream and weren't you lately commenting on Jesus and his arriving in the heavens on horses. So are you saying, I'm riding little white horses in my dreams, okay, okay now who's laughing, crying laughing Maaseiah at that, I know, I know, hilarious , uproarious, but look, we could try walking the soreness out. I hear the Parental Juttah is without description with holiday cheer and decors, plus, we're our closest, think you can endure a carriage ride from here? I don't know, are you still mocking me? I never mocked you, you're the one riding heavenly white horses in your sleep, and waking all sore and sitting here, eating, drinking and laughing about it, all. I'm done Mr Coogan, I'm embarrassed enough, if those grand Sia's of mine get wind of this and broadcast it across the Juttah, it's your fault, I'm ascending without you, I won't, ah, okay, I won't, look at you May, you're still laughing. What, I call you May? Sorry, that's Desrek nickname for you, not that, okay, that grace is not Desrek Alum alone, I'm barely Nicholas used to you calling me Maaseiah, come, let's catch a carriage, okay then, into the parental Juttah it is!" >>>"What, what what? Grand Sia Ni'be, not getting past the movie, 'Same Time Next Christmas,' I told y'all that, the guys still married, anyone he or his wife are messing with they're all committing various forms of adultery. Being born again guys we're not just hearers of righteousness but doers, also, don't think God Is mocked you asking Him not to be lead into temptation only 24,7 leading yourselves into temptation. Then this debate Hallmark, Lifetime LGBTQ, HD screenings, whose in control of your controller, of what you watch, you or them? How fast did we leave Ghosting, The Spirit Of Christmas, when we realized what it was, as quickly as you click buttons mute to power. You, you control your own HD, 5G and social media screening not these antiGod/Christ evils, so don't let those deceived, deceive you, Sia Maaseiah keeping saying. Right, right, I have access to so many portraying, again portraying natural born men dating natural born women Christmas movies. I can watch one every hour on the hour and not watch the same twice, unless I want too, two, three, five. We don't want to know Reese how many times you watched Princess Switch or Christmas with a View, ah ah, Holiday Calendar, what's a new one? Ah Noelle, I love multicultural as is this world system, movies, so really too bad about Same Time Next Christmas, huh? "Look, isn't that Chelsea, Reese, touching on Jesus saying to religious leaders you search the scriptures, for in them you think you find immortal life but you won't come to me, that you may have immortal life; isn't that like mass assembly, ever learning and knowing but little doing its living, spirit truth? As perfect as always Evolent, of an example, which then lead me to ask, Sia Maaseiah's Matrix ten day countdown, what, how is that come about? You read just now what she wrote grand, Princes Brooklyn inquiring about North Korea Christmas surprise, right? How since Christmas eve, day 2001, so only three months after those Sept 11th attacks. How she was placed in a demo, Dan 5, as America, West Rule come it's own for generations even Nov 4, 1975, weight of blood guilt, weigh station, 190 lbs, worth. Though given, as Eze 4, Dan 9:27, Rev 11, Rev 13, by the month timetables, making it until 190 months, so like 15.10 years to make amends, ah, Daniel 9, 70 weeks prophecy says, til, reconciliation for sin, Jesus' Cross, and one week of years that table remain until the end now come, as in now come. So around, Dec 23,24, 2016, then adding ten months, you get, Oct 23 2017, adding, 40 days, still Eze, 4, as of Jesus 40 day trial, into Jesus' 40 days of resurrection, now we have, like Nov, 23, Thanksgiving, 2017, and the end of the Americanized world system.  Only this 2017, Thanksgiving night to Black Friday, Sia sees Rev 2 Jesus, as of the Smyrna church, thinking Jesus husband come to help, and as usual he did. Though you guys, by reminding them by or for tens days more they're going under greater trials, other than their pastor being martyred, endure and a crown of immense glory is there's, in heaven. So enters a timetable of ten days, just as a demo, of a Matrix screen of tens, appears, as in ten days past Nov 23, 2017, right into its Dec 3, 2017, stampeding of elephants of staying unaware.  Herein Dec 3, 2017, its first ten day Matrix countdown into a pending doomsday and Nov 12/13, 2019, its as Daniel's 70th week, 70th Matrix count, explaining why Sia Maaseiah declared this day, the last day planet earth. So Evolent, by Holies prophecies America ended Thanksgiving to Christmas, 2017, but Rev 2, Jesus, as Dan 12, Man in Linen, swearing by God's Throne, extended this end come, gave an every tenth day of Saints enduring greater the trials and rebellers make amends for sin. Then instead and only he know how many until Bride actually ascend and ELE'S impact, and they both go off planet, fire rocketing into heaven, simultaneously, as Grand Sia Maaseiah has equally seen, right? That Princes Ni be we, all my Sia sisters here, is right, that's how the Rev 2, Matrix ten day countdown come about.  Now your Ni be we, how a covert escape from US Georgia's Atlantic exodus end in three African Juttah Princes Marriages? Why Speak in Parables? Jesus Disciples, ask of him, with him saying as the prophets of old, well, see here, Mat 13:10-17, how it ends prophetically, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

   -Seen to be seeing 2015, a giant, carnivore beast stomping and chomping at people sitting peace getting pulpits/pews, stock markets, porches and tearing to raining down crystal skies; along a voice crying, "I have a bear in 120 countries, actually the bridges into US Georgia sold across town better than Trump's targeted stock market any nano-second, beware, Apb,

   -Thus Saith Jesus, Satan Can't Cast Out Satan, Devils and Demons!

     -Like Jesus unforeseen anointing made in comparison to devils, someone here called me a witch,. Not unusual, 15 minutes into a Sunday school class of their choosing me, I'd been called a devil as well. The odd is someone here, defended me, again, that's odd, but why I share these comments here...Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

     Ezekiel 9 God calling six slayers from the higher gate north, an inkhorn man now Jesus' blood. Those God commanded I soon saw 2010/17 US soil, bearing swordlike syringes, heard, kill all parents by; finish all schools! Beware, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, 

     Seen to be driving in Memphis Raleigh, A little Miya girl watcher of transit to translation it's backseat, to soon walking its Midtown, Memphis, it's Downtown/Obama's Dunlap Street, News Paper Bells, Ringing, It too, As California, as Canada, Ss The Americas, Going off The Map, Jan 13, 2018/Dec 15, 2019, beware, repent, Escape Yellowstone/Memphis!  Apb

     -Thus Saith Sunlight Gods Back Turn Throne, I hath remembered Their Sins, Judge Them Double Its Dec 24/25, 2001, Petrodollar, Weight Of Blood Guilt! Beware

Article, [Why Trying to 'Live Like Jesus' Leads to Disaster]

     -America Cried To Campaigning Trump, Make America Great Again, Holy God's Trump Cried Back, But Yours America Is A Nuclear Fate, A Fiery Noah Cousin! Only The Bridges Sold Across Town, Into Southeast Georgia, Totally Worth It! Beware, Repent, Escape Yellowstone!,

The Books Were Opened! And Another Book Was Opened

    -In 2015, I woke exhausted, like I'd ran a marathon, soon realizing the lyrics, we exalt thee were going on and on in my head. I listen to a lot of music, my being a holy spirit, they were familiar but not recent,. Something we did, listen to Holy Ghost, music, my dying, to ascending, Rev 17:14, Jesus Husband, hospital to hospice stay.

     -Soon I begin to remember, quoting John, Rev 20 and the books were opened, the book of life. It's a phenom ceremony in heaven, looking into a book of names, like a school roll, call, also a census taking and amazing all around, we exalt thee.
    -I was also in heaven during ginormous celebrations, when the silence happen. When its 30 minutes finished, the cause of it, like John so helpless, Holy Father was crying, weeping uncontrollably. Through the testaments we're reminded of records of remembrance being kept, Psalm 139/Rev 18, Holy God crying, I Hath Remembered.
    -Here, dating back to the first murder Abel into 2015, present-day despite 6 millennia, (6 days) had passed. From this ancient keeping of records the righteous names one by one were called out.
    - Christ Cross gotten, It's your freedom to be atheist or anti God/Christ/Nature/ the Genesis Human-being/MARRIAGE. Don't equally be deceived by those being deceived thinking God come holy blood HIMSELF causing the mutiny in heaven, fall in the Genesis, divine victory the garden of Gethsemane, no more the mystery, Jesus is God!
     -No way has Emmanuel designed a daily, second by second regiment of righteousness that even the simplest person to living spirit to living soul can't follow. That it is their names being called right now, truly parting ways, the saint from the sinner, clearly Jesus knocking mass assembly, crying, repent or perish!
    -Those reading behind me know I see in reverse, I'd been waking for decades with odd names my head, my lips, now I know why. The first of Jan 2019, I opened my memory to a list of names, single page, filed, black and white, seeming all last names.
     -I woke the more they fade, keeping Logan, just now, Dec 14, 2019,  it was Gideon, the other night, first and last Jeremy Aeon, but like in another language. So like Holy God, Savior Friend, Comforter, COMFORTER, as is Holy Bride, their names are all heartily written, here.
     -Knowing as your stampeding elephants of staying unaware, get it, get Jesus, get out. Causing the silence in heaven, another foundational Jesus' apostle upon the earth, and Holies from Genesis to Revelation allying her ? Holy Father crying His People are dying, they are being stripped of everything Jesus Christ has brought them, behold I will stripped their leaders birthday naked, yes including presently, error Trump, AMERICA, and Western Rule! Beware, repent, Escape Yellowstone! Apb, The RAM

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Jesus Saying Know The Signs, Pray Your Flight Isn't Wintery, Frozen

    -My 16 Yr old Memphis Grand, texted me asking about N. K. Kim, Christmas Surprise. She not knowing now its these lyrics, my waking moments, Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive, from Movie, "Blast From The Past," see alike Cuban missile crisis, Venezuela, N.K. Kim, Russia, a tug of Cold War/WW3/ Armageddon, and all earth enders Putting Jesus Millennium Here from April 17/1986/2019, by April 17, 2026, and God's Reign, by April 17, 3026, beware, Apb

 Article, The Early Edition: November 12, 2019 (again this apostles predicted last day planet earth, Nov 12/13, 2019, a 70th, man in Linen,  Daniel final week, a 70th, Rev 2 Jesus, Matrix ten day countdown to doomsday, beware, Apb see Jer 37:8, Eze 4, 5, Daniel, 4,.5, 9:27, I Cor 15, I Thess 4, II Thess 2, Rev 11:1, 2, 13, 17/18, 

      Article, France, Germany, Britain and the European Union (E.U.) issued a joint statement yesterday saying they are “extremely concerned” by Iran’s decision to restart nuclear activities, Article, (see my June 26/July 6th, 2015, escape to Heaven or Georgia/West Africa, Rev 17:14, Jesus husband, mentioning, a tug of nuclear war, this laying a siege, (Jer 37:8/Dan 7/8/Rev 17:16-18, 1999-2019, "there's something about Cameron," (see my Jesus husband death/Ascension Feb 22, 2012/see Feb 22, 2016, Cameron's cursed Brexit, come, 2017-2019/2026, blessed Briexit to Blaexit), beware, Apb   

     -America Cried To Campaigning Trump, Make America Great Again, Holy God's Trump Cried Back, But Yours America Is A Nuclear Fate, A Fiery Noah's Cousin! And The Bridges Sold Across Town, Into Southeast Georgia, Even West Africa, Totally Worth It! Beware, Repent, Escape Yellowstone! Apb

By Jan 3, 2019, And The Red Rooms Were Opened 

    -Seeing last day planet earth, Nov 12/13, 2019, as during error Bush's Saddam, America in a block-aid by four nations Russia, Germany, France, Asia, as of a nuclear Iran. Then I heard as Clinton/ Bush's/Obama's White House, Trump's 2017, Inauguration, 50 million will die US soil, until by its Jan 20, 2019, we have a Rev 12 Michael star warring in the heavens, beware, see more here, it ends prophetically, Apb

     The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 1986-2016/2026-3036 into Infinity 

Listening To Lewis Capaldi, Someone To Love,

Unto Tristan Cohenson Rift  and Cavanaugh, Gabrielle, Shields, Hopps was born a daughter, Deovonnne Pricilla Rift, a daughter, Britani Versace Rift, and a son, Knightly Baron Rift, Hopps   
Unto Christian Cagney Rift and Kemiko Geneva Voight was born a son, Navid Fiona Rift, a son, Aimson Kirtland Rift, a daughter,  Kiery Constance Rift and a son, Kinderland Vimcent Rift, Voight    

 Also Starring: Christian Cagney Rift and Kemiko Geneva Voight

      The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

    Scene, Mark Genesis Marriage Worshiper, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, Matrix, LXX,

     "Look, isn't that Chelsea, Reese" touching on Jesus saying to religious leaders you search the scriptures, for in them you think you find immortal life but you won't come to me, that you may have immortal life; isn't that like mass assembly, ever learning and knowing but little doing its living, spirit truth? As perfect as always Evolent, of an example, which then lead me to ask, Sia Maaseiah's Matrix ten day countdown, what, how is that come about? You read just now what she wrote grand, Princes Brooklyn inquiring about North Korea Christmas surprise, right? How since Christmas eve, day 2001, so only three months after those Sept 11th attacks. How she was placed in a demo, Dan 5, as America, West Rule come it's own for generations even Nov 4, 1975, weight of blood guilt, weigh station, 190 lbs, worth. Though given, as Eze 4, making it until 190 months so like 15.10 years to make amends, ah, Daniel 9, 70 weeks prophecy says, til, reconciliation for sin, Jesus' Cross, and one week of years that table remain until the end now come. So around, Dec 23,24, 2016, then adding ten months, you get, Oct 23 2017, adding, 40 days, still Eze, 4, as of Jesus 40 day trial. Into Jesus' 40 days of resurrection, now we have, like Nov, 23, Thanksgiving, 2017, and the end of the Americanized world system. Only this Thanksgiving night to Black Friday, Sia sees Rev 2 Jesus, as of the Smyrna church, thinking Jesus husband come to help, and he did. Though you guys, by reminding them by or for tens days more they're going under greater trials, endure and a crown of immense glory is there's, in heaven. So enters a timetable of ten days, just as a demo, of a Matrix screen of tens, appears, as in ten days past Nov 23, 2017, right into its Dec 3, 2017, stampeding of elephants of staying unaware. Herein its first ten day Matrix countdown into a pending doomsday and Nov 12/13, 2019, its as Daniel's 70th week, 70th Matrix count, explaining why Sia Maaseiah declared this day, the last day planet earth. So Evolent, by Holies prophecies America ended Thanksgiving to Christmas, 2017, but Rev 2, Jesus, as Dan 12, Man in Linen extended this end come, gave an every tenth day of enduring greater the trials that rebellers make amends for sin. Then instead and only he know how many until Bride actually ascend and ELE'S impact, and they both go off planet fire rocketing into heaven, simultaneously, as Grand Sia Maaseiah has equally seen, right? That Princes Ni be we, all my Sia sisters here" is right, that's how the Rev 2, Matrix ten day countdown come about.  Now your Ni be we, how a covert escape from US Georgia's Atlantic exodus end in three African Juttah Princes Marriages? Why Speak in Parables? Jesus Disciples, ask of him, with him saying as the prophets of old, well, see here, Mat 13:10-17, how it ends prophetically, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Jesus Saying Know The Signs, Pray Your Flight Isn't Wintery, Frozen

      -Seen to be driving in Memphis Raleigh, A little Miya girl watcher of transit to translation it's backseat, to soon walking its Midtown, Memphis, it's Downtown/Obama's Dunlap Street, News Paper Bells, Ringing, Jan 13, 2018/Dec 15, 2019, beware, repent, Escape Yellowstone/Memphis!

What could North Korea's 'Christmas gift' to the US be?

     -Yours America Is An Asian Invasion, A Nuclear Fate, A Noah's Cousin, An Aqua Age, 101 Yellowstone Eruptions And Tens Of Millions Parental Dead, ALL SCHOOLS FINISHED! Beware!


    -My 16 Yr old seer, Memphis Grand, texted me a week back, asking about N. K. Kim, Christmas Surprise her, not knowing now it's these lyrics, my waking moments, Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive, from Movie, "Blast From The Past," see alike Cuban missile crisis, Venezuela, N.K. Kim, Russia, an ASIAN INVASION, a tug of Cold War/WW3/Armageddon, and all earth enders putting Jesus Millennium here from April 17/1986/2019, by April 17, 2026, and God's Reign, by April 17, 3026, beware, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Walking In Memphis, Feet Up and Down off Of Bill, Raleigh into Midtown

     Seen to be driving in Memphis Raleigh, A little Miya girl watcher of transit to translation it's backseat, to soon walking its Midtown, Memphis, it's Downtown/Obama's Dunlap Street, News Paper Bells, Ringing, It too, As California, as Canada, As The Americas, Going off The Map, Jan 13, 2018/Dec 15, 2019, beware, repent, Escape Yellowstone/Memphis!  Apb

     -And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Durance Castillo black and Queen Bride Joslyn Breana  Josk

 The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 1986-2016/2026-3036 into Infinity

Listening To, California Raisin, White Christmas,

Unto Noxon Raleigh Elysium and Hannigan Taurus Guthrie was born a son Golden Haile Elysium, a son, Mailey Nelson Elysium and a daughter, Clariann Torreon Elysium   
Unto Nolden Bartlett Elysium and Hannah Tetley Carbone was born a son, Claiborne Liston Elysium,  a son River Ryker Elysium and a son, Sheridan Crewson Elysium, Carbone     

      The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

    Scene, Mark Genesis Marriage Worshiper, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, Matrix, LXX, The End Of West Rule!

     "Its just I think we should be asking why America, West Rule weight of blood guilt come, that date, December, Christmas 2001, and, and only months after that September 11th 2001 attacks. Say, if we subtract from that, ah the first Inauguration, ah President, Ah Washington? Okay, okay, researching that, god, you all not gonna, guess what's Pres. George Washington's birthday? Feb 22, 1732, nall, heck nall, don't do it man Blaze, plus you can't walk to heaven. Sia Maaseiah, Grand Grand Jesus husband Feb 22, 2012 date of departure, death, ascension; come UKs Cameron's Brexit, the authentic end of the US, by Feb 22, 2016? Ah my god, the beginning and end of world reign Washington DC, told this single date, man Noxen if you'd not asked, still just think how many reading behind her already knew that. Look, I say do a history search on that date, both dates, Feb 22 2012, 2015/16 and December 25, 2001, Nolden man, yeah I'm on it, actually after that surreal reveal I can't wait"     >>> " Yeah,  I heard about a Netflix portrayal of a more homophile Jesus, I'm just saying,how can you put anything more mindblowing to heart stabbing past those evils? They  tried to rewrite holy scripture to make same sex perversion biblical, what a surreal mockery to sacrilege to lets hope insanity. Their only get out of Satan's prison to Hellish lakes of fire, ah, ah that maze of sin mystery woman offer of business cards for better homeless earth, shelters, as Mansions in heaven. To be honest, Shell, I think they're so far gone, dehumanized even, the fellowship of the American perversion. Remember when Gollum finally again possessed the ring, celebrated until totally possessed, he's, leaping, skipping and falling into a river of lava, a molten dissolving both it and him every second. Sadly, totally hoodwinked until they're both no more planet earth, then the unthinkable tortures, cries and screams of what's actually happening to them all only too late. So Ni be we, come on, don't make us wait, Evolent has told us much more about the Hemingway exodus. How, meticulously it ends to begin at the mount of transfiguration their own, of an unbeknownst to them the Hemingway entire exodus,now passing off to reigning King Bridegroom and Queen Bride, those 144,000 specialty saints. Wait Sia Princess, Evolent De Rossi, so was she, the reigning Bride you all saw, was Sia Maaseiah now Lord Urusalem? Both Sia Silverton and Sia Lakeside and us, their Genesis marriages saw that she was, she is, yes, Lord Urusalem, only don't repeat it, our first and second African, Prince Juttah's in enough relocating troubles. Actually Sia sisters all, before US/Canada quaked, rumbled and erupted off the map, and Yellowstone began to erupt its predicted 101 earth ending Megatrons. I'd for no reasons other than a road trip with my friends, and please, tissues please, please don't ask what happen to them. Truthfully, I  haven't seen them since we were at a New York Highrise, at a balcony Frat Party, I know kicking myself hard enough. No way I was supposed to be there but we were initially to go southeast for spring break, and being so  begrudging, we took its detour. Anyway, this was Raliegh Fraser, here his picture, asking and I couldn't turn this doll boy down, look at him, those chunky, edible curls alone. So raise your hand if you seen the movie Cloverfield, not to, ah, sound, but scary as hell on earth events like that started. Loud eruptions, building quaking, everybody panicking, crying, screaming, some falling to their deaths even, these 911 horrors squealing" crippling fears.  Finally I manage through all this chaos to see Raleigh at a distant and begun clamoring, clawing and climbing through terrified others. Only  another ear piercing eruption sound, instantly it was like watching a slow motion landside. He, darling Raleigh, this horrid look reaching out for me, if only I could touch his hand, same us both, we're falling and crumbling, being buried alive this unforeseen, paralyzing death. When all I could think is how sorry I missed that southeast deadline, misleadingly, what the hell was I thinking? Like I woke Ni Be, the other night in black darkness, I'm not talking just my surroundings, I'm talking black neighborhoods, the earth itself black dark, the heavenlies all black. I Ni be knew instantly, this was not a dream, and I just start crying, pleading, begging please God I'm not ready, thinking I'd known this, suppose to be ready and I'm just crying, I'm not ready, please God, please, please! I'm begging, I'm not ready, the next I woke it'd been a horrifying, forthtelling dream. While sis Angelical, next I woke from my friends and I being swallowed up alive, I was standing the exodus of The Americas. This was Instantly like hundreds of miles relocated, like months now its advance and so well organized, a stunning, Atlantic ocean view tent city. Wait a minute, that's al, that's all l could see, ah my god, that's, none of the all around developments, my god were they all gone? Soon an odd one approached, hand me a paper plate of food and an umbrella drink, "did you just arrive, come, I'll show you where you can wait, Aqua Juttah Hemingway.  I said but my friends, began to name them one by one, tears all, she said yes dear, I know, the last I saw or heard from her. The rest all sis Sias here, you know, but not our Prince husbands, this is as detailed as I've been, I want to keep it that way, and I mean it. But why Ni be why? I just do, Brook, okay, I Just do, I'm meeting Cobberson right now, the news of this spread, I'll know how and who, keep it confidential, please. I know what Tore is thinking, how close to Silverton's sudden translation from those identical extinction level events. Yes Prince Brooklyn, only Ni be end to up States away, and he an entire Country to era away, and s9on continent, surely Torrance they being Prince and Princess Juttah, present some clarity. The Holy powers that be had to get them out, like they got Abraham's Lot out, Sia Maaseiah saw it. Then she, Nibe and five others, piggy backed its Hemingway into an Heir Juttah arrival, here, the Juttah Septennial. Evidently, while predestined Silverton go on and serve as a Moses day, Hemingway exodus, type, it's 12 heirs mountain, deliverer. Well seeing Evolent, I got this stunning husband, Reidler out of it, I'm not complaining, neither sis Brook am I, catch you ladies later, wait up sis, I'm with you. Wow, a now perfect but once so defiant Ne bi we, who knew it, even imagined? Careful Seychelles, stop gloating someone else's past faults, all have fallen and will at one point, fall, it's the Holy Jesus hand reaching your hand getting up part, we all better get, I have homes and gardens, and no more excuses for being tardy."     >>>"That is so, so loud, like in a scary movie, 'The Birds'. and the tree tops just invaded. Sorry madam, there have been complaints along this path about the loud cawing of black birds, but we're near through them all. Remember the dream I had Maaseiah, I watched them all, black birds, shape themselves into the form of a Christmas tree, like a black, deadly Christmas was pending, what N. K. Kim's is threatening, you think? I remember Nicholas watching live, the passenger seat, one year, grand, grand Memphis, black birds as if they poured and poured from a portal in the sky. There was soon local breaking news all about it, seeming like right here, an invasion of black birds, indescribable. Ah, we can begin to see the lights from here, ah how stunning, does it snow in Africa? I don't think so, but Maaseiah, these crazy, mixed up seasons to climate, it's entirely possible, go on Maaseiah, dream of a White African Christmas. Dreaming instead Nicholas, come into Holy Father's opened, healing arms, wings even, hearing, welcome my good and faithful servant, finally home heaven, its point of no return. Okay, okay, I'm not knocking that at all, talk about an authentic, home for Christmas, imagine Sia Maaseiah, Adonai those decorated mansions and how phenomenal indeed, I think I feel like singing, now thst would be stunning." Why speak in parables, for those heathen raging today as those Ezekiel day, saying the lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, beware, repent, Escape Yellowstone! Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

   -Seen to be seeing 2015, a giant, carnivore beast stomping and chomping at people sitting peace getting pulpits/pews, stock markets, porches and tearing to raining down crystal skies; along a voice crying, "I have a bear in 120 countries, actually the bridges into US Georgia sold across town better than Trump's targeted stock market, any given, nano-second, beware, Apb, see more here,, how it ends prophetically
