And the mean man shall be brought down, and the mighty man shall be humbled, and the eyes of the lofty shall be humbled:
Article, [Editorial: Trump's food stamp crackdown is as pointless as it is callous]
Prophecy Links Fulfilling April 17 1986-2016, thru 2026, beware, Apb
Thus said, 534 BC/2004, AD, Angel Gabriel, All Biblical Prophecy Fulfilling into 92 AD/2018 AD, Rev 17, 7th Angel, Beware,
Listening To: We Exalt Thee Heard Around The Throne Of God, During The Opening Of The Lamb's Book Of Life Into A Name Roll, Divine, Census Taking!
We Exalt Thee!
-I testified, how in 2015, I woke in my bed totally exhausted and physically overwhelmed, with these lyrics continuous in my head, "we exalt thee!" When I begin to vaguely, slowly remember, I'd been along another demonstration in heaven, the lamb's book of life was opened, I could peer right into it's ancient memories and names, soon to realize this was like an old fashion school roll call, only to learn later, this was also a census of the righteous that was being taken and the God of Heaven and Earth, A Of His word, promises and prophecies, alone, being praised.
-Soon even by creating a recent book character, 'First Prince, African Juttah, Silverton Nicholas Coogan, Chow, see here, the little Miya girl of translation,, and here, Witnessed Sia Maaseiah's Ascension, , and here, unbeknownst to me, to us both,
-Although we'd both dreamed it, but eventually the seeing to the Moses exodus, from Egypt's Nile river, into a mountain transfiguration whereas Jesus and Holies of Holies awaited, the specialty saints, the 144,000. This beyond miraculous what if, from a single book character, and 23 other young marriage worshipers, again book characters, I created 2017, while I stood over a sink washing dishes, see further of first Prince African Juttah, Silverton Nicholas, story here, the exodus of Egypt's house, Evolent De Rossie,
Prophecy Links, Talk About The Horrors You Can't Now, Unsee,
- I was placed in a dream years back, two male prisoners, thrown upon a wall having gay, unnatural, relations, and I wondered why holy spirits showed me something so unimaginably vial. Then I remembered, Holy Him taking prophet Ezekiel, 8, by a lock of his hair, and tearing a hole in the walls and showing him the evils his sanctuary to temple leaders do, behind closed quarters.
-Only since there's the showing to a mother Mary, a, elder son Reuben and still a 7th son, Jesus husband, as three generations to one bike, it's handlebar attached, funeral reef into the heavens with it's death tolls. This satanic invasion was as of demons, pouring from a ground portal like smoke into the church and leaving it's young male members all erected a future, readied generation of being pedophile deviates of your infant children, beware, Apb
On The Third Night Before Christmas Eve! Beware, Dutch Earthquake ‘Enthusiast’ Claims to (ALSO), Predict, Major Tremor
For Her Abominations To Detestation's Has Reached Unto Heaven and I Hath Remembered, Thrust In Reaping Sickle, Billions Will Perish It's Fiery Noah's Cousin! -Thus saith Rev 18, Holy Father, come out of her my people, thus saith, Rev 4, Sunlight, from behind a Mountain God's Back Turn Throne/Rite Aid Pharmacy Counter, Let My People Go! Mat 24, Jesus said, pray your flight isn't in the winter. As in imagine Yellowstone, it's 1996, predicted Death Rider, come from beneath/Sept 30/31st 2019, 101 mega eruptions, all come. Only, a slow motion exodus, you're frozen by snow storms like the traffic snarls both Thanksgiving travels to and from their holiday, predestination's; just beware of any little Miya girl, watcher, your backseat travels, not carrying you, US/Canada's Southeast into Georgia to Africa's Atlantic, beware, Apb
Article, [Hallmark Channel, Lifetime Wants to Make More Christmas Movies Focused on LGBT Characters]
-Seen to shoot into the heavens like sky rockets, odd is a constantly ballooning healing cloud to wings is this miraculous collector; stranger is, Holy Bride meeting with Holy Bridegroom. This speedy get away, to oddity this stay in second heaven after ascension equals Rev 12/13, Tribulation Saints, intercessions, and no more wondering if the Lamb's
marriage supper. The offer by the mystery woman, the maze of sin, business cards for better homeless shelters, the last supper being fulfilled in heaven, is suspended until the two witnesses to Tribulation saints resurrection, get there, join in, knowing get it, get Jesus, and as Israel's, Jordan's Petra, get ye to a safe haven, US Georgia's Atlantic, West Africa's, Atlantic, beware!
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Acquis Jamila Alfredo and Whitney Nicole Deburk
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 1986-2016/2026-3036 into Infinity
Unto Acquis Jamila Alfredo and Whitey Nicole Deburk was born twin daughters, Astana Clarabelle, Alfredo and Haley Asante Alfredo, Deburk
Scene, Mark Genesis Marriage Worshiper, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, Matrix, LXX,
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
Scientist predicted devastating earthquakes on Earth in early May, 2019 (Although for a decade or more I've seen California go off the map, heard Canada be commanded off the map, and all US cities burn from there, Walmarts, White House, all come smoke, volcanic ash and wind . Knowing It Shall All Be Consumed What Manner Of Servant Ought You To Be Stampeding American Or Christian?
Flee, Pray Your Flight Isn't On A Sabbath Day, Already, A Slow Motion Exodus!
-Why did Mat 24, Jesus suggest during blessed flight, presently The Americas slow
motion exodus, pray your flight isn't in the winter? Read here, Eze 5, to see how much procrastinators really, infuriate already Rite Aid/Throne Back Turn, Holy God.
-Understanding God chastens those He love, right until I witnessed blessed Elohim send those Eze 9, sword like syringes bearing reapers after them. This spin into a waltz, this two edge sword, one strike the tell all heart instantly you're ascended or descended. But such end days mockery, all while you're stampeding, imagine that, Americas, new normal,
now, prep that.
-Seeing Rev 12, Michael star warring in the second heavens, the two year revisit, Jan 20, 2019, of Trump's Jan 20, 2017, Inauguration being as well aligned to 50 million US deaths. Spiritual warfare is no longer about the Holy Bride, Jesus to Holy Angels won Holy Her ascension, the moment Holy Elohim's, Holy Cross, Cried, it is finished!
-No, it's your escape, pending tribulation saints, just as Rev 12 Michael
battles star wars to bring Holy Bride up, equally he war to safely bring The Americas stampeders out. That sea of America refugees I witnessed walking into an Africa, Island coast; until that unnumbered multicultural group, John saw walk into God's Throne, Christ, robes, washed, made holy, Homy His Redeeming Blood.
-Truly, some of the appearances of Revelation Book Holies, visits are forewarning into
its equal blessed exodus, they didn't leave Abraham's Lot, you think they want to leave you, any of you, those their Ancient of Days suffers for so long, after? Beware, Apb,

Happy Holidays, Into Memory Lane,
I first found out, cause one Christmas eve night, stirring awake, barely opening my eyes, squinting to see, it was my aunt Lula, and Madear, and they were getting out presents. Busy as Santa's elves, setting them around the Christmas tree and filling named, brown, paper bags with fruit, shelled nuts and hard, candies, then by morning, all clustered together, so, so yummy. I had to be about 13 still, but that's how clever our parents were, Santa's sleigh, prints, in the snow all, going all out to keep up this merry rouse, or that's how naive, I still was at, thirteen? Now my grands like that famous movie, are more like thirteen going on thirty, so, if you ever believed, what's your juicy story of reveal? Apb
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Sebastian Aeron Buryton and Queen Bride, Sabrina Ashleigh Forthsmith
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 1986-2016/2026-3036 into Infinity
Unto Sebastian Aeron Buryton and Sabrina Ashleigh Forthsmith was born a son, Ambos Lovington Buryton, a son Asbury Levingston Buryton, a son Nielson Livingston Buryton and a daughter Ballerina Alwen Fort Smith
Scene, Mark Genesis Marriage Worshiper, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, Matrix, LXX,
"Then I have to believe Nicholas, just as John witnessed them come right into Heaven, Into Jesus' reigning Throne, healing bosom; just as I witnessed them all, a sea of American to world refugees as by Rev 17:14, the Jesus Husband, allied by Rev 17, 7th Angel, Gabriel and Rev 12, star warring Archangel Michael. I witnessed them in reverse, all pour first into an African coast line, and a decade later, as a sea of refugees into Georgia's Atlantic first. I know, though I can't little see these American to world stampeders in real time, I have to believe, knowingly, unknowingly escaping these proven to be targeted areas, well, there are these reports Nicholas of people leaving the West Pacific going into the Midwest into the Southwest. Only we know Nicholas with unprecedented mass destruction natural to NEO events following less useless escapes accordingly, because as Noah's Ark to Lot's Angelic to Moses escape. The only present day blessed Briexit to Blaexit laid is into Georgia's slash Nicholas, Africa's Atlantic, making slave repatriations at this time both sweet and bitter, saying, I'm sure escaping African Americas aren't to enter Mother Africa, penniless, even heavenly father, encouraging Moses' escaping Hebrews to borrow from battered Egyptians as needed, as in Holy He would repay. But that is our goal, Holy Rev 17:14, Bridegroom, 7th angel Gabriel, to Archangel Michael, and the Holy Bride, joining, second heaven's intercessions, it's since, Jesus ascent to reign was hers, God's Throne intercession, now, her alike ascent to Throne, reign, is now there's, Tribulation saints, intercession. From Nicholas experiencing the first time speaking in tongues, as I prayed down, interceded around the universe, from an open door in heaven, this divine intermission explains years later, being skyrocketed into a stay over in the heavens, I little understood it, and still being told, years later, how soon the Church Bride, as in the Holy Bride, no spots, wrinkles, nor blemishes, Christ redeeming, blood renewed, Holy She, could be in heaven, looking down upon and praying for tribulation saints, as the Antichrist overcomes them. Those two Nicholas, Rev 13, beast, one from land, one from sea I witnessed rise into debated Hussein filling stations, US , Western soil, during the predicted, Hussein pending White House, Senator, Barack Hussein Obama's 08/09, Presidential campaign, Those years Maaseiah, you woke saying you would build an ark, witnesses during a mocked Nation summit, this Native African, Hussein, being declared "The One," and on to watch as a native African male, showed you a sea of American refugees, pouring into an Africa's Atlantic, Island. Evenly Nicholas seeing the Sunlight God's Throne, the play by play preparation of the harvest, I saw their labors, witnessed Holy Sunlight wash them and make them clean, especially their hands, (Psalm saying he that hath clean hands), and give them everything, a new heart, a new heaven, a new earth, and universe, that like those prior, would never pass away. Witnessed Holy Him, anoint and put His Mark, upon them, their forward heads and Nicholas suggest one thing of them all, that they be acquainted to Holy His grieves and sorrows, be as divine in love and long suffering over his godlike creation, as Holy He is, only then are they authentically His This remarkable of making of Holy Labors unto a world blood harvest ready to be reaped, is still Almighty Go,d laboring to restore the Genesis man, marriage, back to Holy His, their former Glory to Deity, the Holy Spirit of a God-man. Right until Nicholas, when I hear much about those leaving the church, I can only hope, this predicted falling away is with direct purpose they're to instead find and follow, Jesus salvation and outreaching righteousness, ministry. Look, someone asked, does God commit genocide, and I thought, no, that's damater, since the first Adam fall, chaotic nature, God is instead harvester to avenger. Other than these reveals, the One Holy, Righteous God is good at keeping His Promises, the Genesis, man, marriage, here, now in the Billions, this planet, will inherit a new planet earth, heaven, just as all else, like at present passes and passes away. Behold Holy, His Christ, stands at the door and knock, if any man. Beware, beware, beware, Eze 9 reapers, Sia Maaseiah, target all first born's, presidential to peasant, I saw proven, when Archangel, Michael, tripped up that Jan 23-29, 2018, Republican Congressmen, train of escaping these impacting ELE's they made." Why speak In Parables, for those rebellious todays as in the days of the prophets of old yet say, the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth! Beware, Holy God is not mocked, beware, repent, Escape Yellowstone, Apb,
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
-Its similar to his war on the migrants and why even his 2016, campaign was aligned to Eze 38/39 Gog and Magog. Right into the fulfillment on US soil, on his watch, of Daniel 9:27 and Rev 17;16-18, until by April 17 2019-April 17, 2026, we're looking at all kingdom, nation building nemesis, Jesus' Millennium reign. Still, Riddle Apostle I am this, if most young people lately alleged to as Jesus, have a more socialist government, how did a tyrant like Pres. Trump ever get into the White House, America's, Jer 37:8/Rev 17/18, reaping weight of bloodletting, sworn? Beware, repent, RUN! Escape Yellowstone! Apb
Article, [Hallmark Channel, Lifetime Wants to Make More Christmas Movies Focused on LGBT Characters]
Imagine My Amazement, When I witnessed These Alike Slayers UK/US /BC Soil, Chase Down And Destroy, American to Western Refugees, Already Stampeding! Woe, Woe, Woe! see more here, Isa 5, Jer 5, Eze 5, Dan 5, Mat 5, beware,
Imagine My Amazement, When I witnessed These Alike Slayers UK/US /BC Soil, Chase Down And Destroy, American to Western Refugees, Already Stampeding! Woe, Woe, Woe! see more here, Isa 5, Jer 5, Eze 5, Dan 5, Mat 5, beware,
-They're to slay both old and young, and all mass assembly look out, they're to begin, in house, possibly the giant beast I witnessed stomping and chomping through pulpits, leaving all righteously, stampeding pews vacant! Ezekiel 9 watched as Holy God summoned them from the higher gate north, a total of six slayers and one ink horn man, now Jesus Holy Cross/Blood. This inkhorn man was to mark for life all yet acquainted with Holy God grieves and sorrows, the mourners.
-Like it's Jesus crafting all Abraham's to Moses, gone before him into two impossible, except you're reborn, great commandments of love. Then told his disciples, even as the Sunlight Go's Throne, His prepped laborers, none would know they're His, we're His, except they show love for each other. Therefore all not marked, as I saw of these slayers US soil, bearing sword like syringes, ending this highly prized world system, with only one waltz and one strike the tell all heart, beware, some were ascended, but most were, descended.
-Saints of the most high God, for your viewing pleasures, try Pureflix, you won't have to like a Joseph duck and dodge sexual evils, F for fornication, A for, Abortion, GLADD TO LGBTQ and P for Pedophiler agendas. They plus Hallmark, Lifetime, promising to increase in these genocidal efforts, your HD to 5G screening by 20%. Beware, only days prior, April 7, 2019, the same HD/5G screening where I saw the word disappeared, just frozen, a national to international stand still, hum, possibly why Russia is working to separate their networking from all others, the hearing, Jan 13, (2019), "whore and beast separated."
-Rev 9 20, 21, saying, and the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils; just say this presistant abominable is like happily, rebelliously building Americanized dream houses, right beside Noah building the Ark, ELE'S impacting, targeting mostly of all, sexual wickedness, tens of millions will die, US soil, alone, beware, repent, all first born's are targets, Escape Yellowstone! Apb, see here,, how it ends prophetically, Apb
-Like it's Jesus crafting all Abraham's to Moses, gone before him into two impossible, except you're reborn, great commandments of love. Then told his disciples, even as the Sunlight Go's Throne, His prepped laborers, none would know they're His, we're His, except they show love for each other. Therefore all not marked, as I saw of these slayers US soil, bearing sword like syringes, ending this highly prized world system, with only one waltz and one strike the tell all heart, beware, some were ascended, but most were, descended.
-Saints of the most high God, for your viewing pleasures, try Pureflix, you won't have to like a Joseph duck and dodge sexual evils, F for fornication, A for, Abortion, GLADD TO LGBTQ and P for Pedophiler agendas. They plus Hallmark, Lifetime, promising to increase in these genocidal efforts, your HD to 5G screening by 20%. Beware, only days prior, April 7, 2019, the same HD/5G screening where I saw the word disappeared, just frozen, a national to international stand still, hum, possibly why Russia is working to separate their networking from all others, the hearing, Jan 13, (2019), "whore and beast separated."
-Rev 9 20, 21, saying, and the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils; just say this presistant abominable is like happily, rebelliously building Americanized dream houses, right beside Noah building the Ark, ELE'S impacting, targeting mostly of all, sexual wickedness, tens of millions will die, US soil, alone, beware, repent, all first born's are targets, Escape Yellowstone! Apb, see here,, how it ends prophetically, Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling April 17 1986-2016, thru 2026, beware, Apb
-By the time I saw Jan 13, 2018, Rev 2 Jesus, Memphis, judgement of sickbeds to sleepovers,they were now counted as riches to rags treasures; the Death Rider from beneath, Holies crying fret not, elite to rebellious soon cut down, to cut out, you'll never find their Pompeii to Atlantis places, repent or perish, or I will kill your children with death! Rev 2 Jesus/Apb
-Article, The tax is expected to generate between $500,000 and $750,000 annually for the reparations fund, which will be capped at $10 million over the next ten years. Article
-Thus Saith Sunlight, Back Turn Throne Holy God To Rite Aid Pharmacy, Holy Bride, Come Out Of Them My People!
Within One Hour I Judge Her Double! The Seeing March 3, 2019, two ELE'S launched, incoming, impacting US World, Soil! Woe, Woe and Woe!
Thrust In Thy Sickle, And Reap!
Sweet and bitter, finally some reparations for slavery, I thought, was the two terms, the Obama's White house/Memphis Dunlap Street. Though ironically in time for commanded relocation into Mother Africa's now said to be, its 4000 year repatriation, the America's own commanded exodus. Holy God, Moses exodus did suggest refugee Hebrews did take from the embattled Egyptians, well borrow as needed, things seen, temporary treasures, things not seen, Jesus' impenetrable, well Mystery Bride last chance, offering up, our, mansions in heaven for better homeless earth, shelters.
-Loaded up cars, to backpacks to boats if you please, the Hemingway exodus, the Atlantic, ocean crossing. Apostle John did witnessed you all come , washed white and as far as God's Throne from Michael's healing wings to Jesus' healing bosom. Senator Obama's pending White House, my Memphis stay over, a native African male showed you pouring a sea of refugees into Africa's Atlantic.
-Here, a decade later Inviting you from UK/US/BC/The Americas, states of barbecue, my Georgia's relocation, I witnessed a sea of American refugees instead pour first into US, Georgia's Atlantic. The Bride's Briexit, come, I then past, said unnumbered in stampeders for further blessed escape to a native African male, now a Georgia, Hemingway, Landlord, deliverer.
-Apostle I am, shall say as prophesied and predicted, yes you all come. Then only short, tens of millions right this moment, sheltering in place the most volatile areas on the planet, now suddenly dead. Those even dutchsinse, not listeners, but followers, most dreaded mistake. Eerily, but did you know, the day I witnessed elephants of staying unaware, stampeding was my Dec 3/4, 2017, birthday. Ironically still, the day I heard, the end of a news report, September 30/31st, 2019, "after 101 (mega) Yellowstone Eruptions," I later heard tell, this was dutchsinse, birthday; thus saith Rev book, Jesus, blessed are hearers and, and, and doers, and doers!
-These three, UK/US, BC since 2004/05, commanded into itty, bitty pieces, while erupting and burning off the map, so nothing is left the bloodletting, petrodollar to tug of turf Israeli/Islamic wars, over. Just as suggested also to nations summits, by Ancient Beast rule, one hour with the whore and beast, now separated, as in all knives out, all her enemies. The knowing during Noah's day but being caught as unaware, presently, a fiery Noah's Cousin.
-Odd is, Nov 28, 2019, while I sat the steering wheel, reading an in the Dutch,language, article, the Dutch scientists, US West coast, 8 plus earthquake threat;anyone want to to now guess what the held up English sign, interpreted into the Dutch language actually said, how about something like, (entkomme, yellowstone?), speaking Dutch is like peaking many languages, African to European. Continuing, by Dec 3, 2019, I saw American stampeders waving through thigh to waist high flood waters. There's those Mat 7:21-23, a decade back, left behind immensely distraught atop Trump to Elon Musk like towers to space centers/stations; got Him, got salvation Ark Jesus and stampeding like your Dec 3/4, 2017, stampeding elephants, yet? Beware, Repent, Escape Yellowstone, Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
-Odd is still, there's the other time, I learn later, while I March 13/Oct 15, 2018, was shown to invite you all from a barbecuing into Georgia. Most surreal, dutchsinse witnessed by google earth these huge plumes over US cites, with only Georgia the exception, knowing, doing, stampede! Apb
Thus said, 534 BC/2004, AD, Angel Gabriel, All Biblical Prophecy Fulfilling into 92 AD/2018 AD, Rev 17, 7th Angel, Beware,
We Exalt Thee!
-I testified, how in 2015, I woke in my bed totally exhausted and physically overwhelmed, with these lyrics continuous in my head, "we exalt thee!" When I begin to vaguely, slowly remember, I'd been along another demonstration in heaven, the lamb's book of life was opened, I could peer right into it's ancient memories and names, soon to realize this was like an old fashion school roll call, only to learn later, this was also a census of the righteous that was being taken and the God of Heaven and Earth, A Of His word, promises and prophecies, alone, being praised.
-Although we'd both dreamed it, but eventually the seeing to the Moses exodus, from Egypt's Nile river, into a mountain transfiguration whereas Jesus and Holies of Holies awaited, the specialty saints, the 144,000. This beyond miraculous what if, from a single book character, and 23 other young marriage worshipers, again book characters, I created 2017, while I stood over a sink washing dishes, see further of first Prince African Juttah, Silverton Nicholas, story here, the exodus of Egypt's house, Evolent De Rossie,
Prophecy Links, Talk About The Horrors You Can't Now, Unsee,
- I was placed in a dream years back, two male prisoners, thrown upon a wall having gay, unnatural, relations, and I wondered why holy spirits showed me something so unimaginably vial. Then I remembered, Holy Him taking prophet Ezekiel, 8, by a lock of his hair, and tearing a hole in the walls and showing him the evils his sanctuary to temple leaders do, behind closed quarters.
-Only since there's the showing to a mother Mary, a, elder son Reuben and still a 7th son, Jesus husband, as three generations to one bike, it's handlebar attached, funeral reef into the heavens with it's death tolls. This satanic invasion was as of demons, pouring from a ground portal like smoke into the church and leaving it's young male members all erected a future, readied generation of being pedophile deviates of your infant children, beware, Apb
On The Third Night Before Christmas Eve! Beware, Dutch Earthquake ‘Enthusiast’ Claims to (ALSO), Predict, Major Tremor
For Her Abominations To Detestation's Has Reached Unto Heaven and I Hath Remembered, Thrust In Reaping Sickle, Billions Will Perish It's Fiery Noah's Cousin! -Thus saith Rev 18, Holy Father, come out of her my people, thus saith, Rev 4, Sunlight, from behind a Mountain God's Back Turn Throne/Rite Aid Pharmacy Counter, Let My People Go! Mat 24, Jesus said, pray your flight isn't in the winter. As in imagine Yellowstone, it's 1996, predicted Death Rider, come from beneath/Sept 30/31st 2019, 101 mega eruptions, all come. Only, a slow motion exodus, you're frozen by snow storms like the traffic snarls both Thanksgiving travels to and from their holiday, predestination's; just beware of any little Miya girl, watcher, your backseat travels, not carrying you, US/Canada's Southeast into Georgia to Africa's Atlantic, beware, Apb
Article, [Hallmark Channel, Lifetime Wants to Make More Christmas Movies Focused on LGBT Characters]
-2019, Movie, Christmas On My Mind, Though Heaven is on My Mind, During The Holidays, Clicked It For Its Sweet Title, Hope It's As Good As It Sound, Beware Of Creeping LGBTQ and P for pedophilers, HD screening, genocidal, agendas! Happy Holidays, Apb
Listening To, Dancing To Leona Lewis', One More Sleep,
-On The Third Night Before Christmas Eve! Beware, Dutch Earthquake ‘Enthusiast’ Claims to (ALSO), Predict, Major Tremor (beware, I found myself as one, the morning of Nov 23, 2019, sitting the steering, stalled in traffic,reading this written in Dutch, article, while so many waved through knee to chest high, flood waters, the predicted Aqua Era to Noah's Cousin, to many a decade back, left stranded by ascending Bridegroom and Bride, atop blacken Trump Towers, to White House, to Kennedy/ Elon Musk Space Centers, beware, Apb,
Twas The Night Before Christmas! Apb
-Twas the night, before the night, before the night, before Christmas Eve, guess what December day I am? No, no, no, every to all creatures were stirring about with might, my dads' all out war on the mouse and the mice. No, the stocking weren't all hanging by the chimney with care, okay, because in my hood, we had no Santa into chimney's into fire places, here. See, there's my dad now, taking a break, decked in his Raider's Mack Jersey and matching Raiders' cap, all nestled to settled down, for a full stomach, nap.
-No way were the kids all nestled in bed for a long, winter's snap, the youngest two as usual, were in front of a game of fortnight, fussing along their own war, to fist, fights. My eldest sister, this year, man, away, P. farming, no man's zone, wondering, dancing, she her mourns, would he ever get there, she being all alone?
-Then there's the dark horse bro, probably out with his killer girl, no doubt looking for more of those killer, banging, clothes he be wearing, dap, dap, boom! Awwww, my most gentle and kind male family member, over there, kinda on lock up himself, singing, wishing, praying for Christmas day, that he's also here or fastening on his way.
-Don't get me started, my travel, the nation, nod head brother, away for miles and miles, yet wondering, how did he get trapped by those California wildfires? Did I mention my mom? This kerchief tied, her head, sitting, knitting, whatever all that is, not even here, out somewhere as usual, shopping with aunt Guinevere. What's that, where am I? Shhhh, shush, I'm in the kitchen, sneaking just a bite of grandma sweet potatoes pies, that no one can have just one bite of, to save their miserable lives.
-Still, joy to the world, our Savior is Born, there is yet one Wonderful, Winter land story to be told, it's zero tempts, frozen outside the door, and look, weeee, there's, snow, ahhhh, snap, there's my mom, and she's not alone, I'm gone, ah, happy holidays everyone, hope you make it home! Happy Holiday Everyone From My Grand Ministers, Happy New Year, Apb, The RAM, see more here, how it ends prophetically,
Prophecy Links, Fulfilling, As To Reap, The Horrors Of Prophet Ezekiel's Flyover, Reveal
-Apostle of Jesus I am, I was taken into a flyover the country, August to December 24/25th 2001, I now call a fiery doomsday Christmas Carol, things past, Hawaii, Alaska, into the California/Canada West Coast, as commanded, gone off the planet; things that were, the US, West Pacific ring of fire into Wyoming Yellowstone erupting, all along the North American Craton, right into the Eastern Seaboard, into New England/ Newfoundland.
-Beware, all things burn from there, the White House, Walmarts, Memphis Texas, Tennessee, see, Kennedy to Elon Musk Space Centers, right into the Caribbean. Just realize, soon none of the Americas Continent was spared, thus the stampede Southeast into US Georgia, for as far as Africa's Atlantic, is the new normal, The Americas' mounting death tolls, their slow motion exodus, beware, repent, Escape Yellowstone, Apb,
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
-Beware, all things burn from there, the White House, Walmarts, Memphis Texas, Tennessee, see, Kennedy to Elon Musk Space Centers, right into the Caribbean. Just realize, soon none of the Americas Continent was spared, thus the stampede Southeast into US Georgia, for as far as Africa's Atlantic, is the new normal, The Americas' mounting death tolls, their slow motion exodus, beware, repent, Escape Yellowstone, Apb,
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
-Seen to shoot into the heavens like sky rockets, odd is a constantly ballooning healing cloud to wings is this miraculous collector; stranger is, Holy Bride meeting with Holy Bridegroom. This speedy get away, to oddity this stay in second heaven after ascension equals Rev 12/13, Tribulation Saints, intercessions, and no more wondering if the Lamb's
marriage supper. The offer by the mystery woman, the maze of sin, business cards for better homeless shelters, the last supper being fulfilled in heaven, is suspended until the two witnesses to Tribulation saints resurrection, get there, join in, knowing get it, get Jesus, and as Israel's, Jordan's Petra, get ye to a safe haven, US Georgia's Atlantic, West Africa's, Atlantic, beware!
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Acquis Jamila Alfredo and Whitney Nicole Deburk
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 1986-2016/2026-3036 into Infinity
Unto Acquis Jamila Alfredo and Whitey Nicole Deburk was born twin daughters, Astana Clarabelle, Alfredo and Haley Asante Alfredo, Deburk
Scene, Mark Genesis Marriage Worshiper, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, Matrix, LXX,
"What Nicodemus, Nicholas, saw and he was far from being alone, was
though Jesus was apparently Almighty God, he carried himself as a lowly
shepherd, to servant, to lamb, Jesus telling us to love and forgive our
enemies, seeing our's like His is the Kingdom of God, eternal reign. There was just no way of
comprehending, how all this phenom was possible, entire wars from third heaven
into it's second, first, and soon planet earth had been wedged for six
millennia, it's spiritual warfare, could not, would not prevail. Heretofore Jesus' lesson, ye must be born
again, the blood redemption of returning mankind to their former glory, the
authentic, Godman, Genesis man, marriage of procreating the same, identical godman, Holy creator even saying if they unit, and scatter them all a babel, along various, Kingdoms, Nations, Tribes, tongues and people, presently the unite nation to states. These great
abominable whoredoms, F for fornication, A for Abortion, GLADD/LGBTQ and P for
Pedophilers, even an, openly, pending, Pete, Buttigieg
samesex marriage, White House, have no ideal Nicholas, they too have been thrust into the battle, the ancient mutiny of Lucifer to genocide, this genesis, man, marriage, before it's first procreation, of the godman, actually. Thus we hear two years it's June 26 into July 6, 2015, Rev 17:14, Jesus husband escaping some into US Georgia before taking the Bride skyward out of the dragons hand; presently this forewarning from holies, of holies, it's June 26, 2018, "get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood," and no first born's Nicholas, blood cursed, survives, again, ye must be born again." Why speak in parables, for they say the lord seeth us not, the lord is ascended from the earth, beware, Apb
samesex marriage, White House, have no ideal Nicholas, they too have been thrust into the battle, the ancient mutiny of Lucifer to genocide, this genesis, man, marriage, before it's first procreation, of the godman, actually. Thus we hear two years it's June 26 into July 6, 2015, Rev 17:14, Jesus husband escaping some into US Georgia before taking the Bride skyward out of the dragons hand; presently this forewarning from holies, of holies, it's June 26, 2018, "get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood," and no first born's Nicholas, blood cursed, survives, again, ye must be born again." Why speak in parables, for they say the lord seeth us not, the lord is ascended from the earth, beware, Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
Scientist predicted devastating earthquakes on Earth in early May, 2019 (Although for a decade or more I've seen California go off the map, heard Canada be commanded off the map, and all US cities burn from there, Walmarts, White House, all come smoke, volcanic ash and wind . Knowing It Shall All Be Consumed What Manner Of Servant Ought You To Be Stampeding American Or Christian?
First reconsider Rev 7:1-3, Sunlight God's
Throne, is instructing, Jan 23, 2018, Rev 17, 7th Angel, bearing 7 bowls, to
hold back predicted world altering earthquakes to Volcanoes US's Britain/The
Americas soil, until Holy Bride, Holy Angels are enraptured skyward, beware!
Thus Said Rite Aid/Throne Back God, Kill All First Born Parents By Now, Finish All
Schools, Not Just Coronado's, A 5% into 15%, West Rule, In Death Tolls! See predicted to go nuclear, Pres Trump July 3, 4th, 2019 plagued by several major quakes. It was 2018, I heard both "10.2 earthquake," and "Major, Major earthquake, West Pacific Canada. Then Aug 30, 31st, 2019, also youtube dutchsinse related, the last part of a news report, saying, "after Yellowstone 101 Eruptions" BewareThus Said Rite Aid/Throne Back God, Kill All First Born Parents By Now, Finish All
Flee, Pray Your Flight Isn't On A Sabbath Day, Already, A Slow Motion Exodus!
-Why did Mat 24, Jesus suggest during blessed flight, presently The Americas slow
motion exodus, pray your flight isn't in the winter? Read here, Eze 5, to see how much procrastinators really, infuriate already Rite Aid/Throne Back Turn, Holy God.
-Understanding God chastens those He love, right until I witnessed blessed Elohim send those Eze 9, sword like syringes bearing reapers after them. This spin into a waltz, this two edge sword, one strike the tell all heart instantly you're ascended or descended. But such end days mockery, all while you're stampeding, imagine that, Americas, new normal,
now, prep that.
-Seeing Rev 12, Michael star warring in the second heavens, the two year revisit, Jan 20, 2019, of Trump's Jan 20, 2017, Inauguration being as well aligned to 50 million US deaths. Spiritual warfare is no longer about the Holy Bride, Jesus to Holy Angels won Holy Her ascension, the moment Holy Elohim's, Holy Cross, Cried, it is finished!
-No, it's your escape, pending tribulation saints, just as Rev 12 Michael
battles star wars to bring Holy Bride up, equally he war to safely bring The Americas stampeders out. That sea of America refugees I witnessed walking into an Africa, Island coast; until that unnumbered multicultural group, John saw walk into God's Throne, Christ, robes, washed, made holy, Homy His Redeeming Blood.
-Truly, some of the appearances of Revelation Book Holies, visits are forewarning into
its equal blessed exodus, they didn't leave Abraham's Lot, you think they want to leave you, any of you, those their Ancient of Days suffers for so long, after? Beware, Apb,

Happy Holidays, Into Memory Lane,
I first found out, cause one Christmas eve night, stirring awake, barely opening my eyes, squinting to see, it was my aunt Lula, and Madear, and they were getting out presents. Busy as Santa's elves, setting them around the Christmas tree and filling named, brown, paper bags with fruit, shelled nuts and hard, candies, then by morning, all clustered together, so, so yummy. I had to be about 13 still, but that's how clever our parents were, Santa's sleigh, prints, in the snow all, going all out to keep up this merry rouse, or that's how naive, I still was at, thirteen? Now my grands like that famous movie, are more like thirteen going on thirty, so, if you ever believed, what's your juicy story of reveal? Apb
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Sebastian Aeron Buryton and Queen Bride, Sabrina Ashleigh Forthsmith
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 1986-2016/2026-3036 into Infinity
Unto Sebastian Aeron Buryton and Sabrina Ashleigh Forthsmith was born a son, Ambos Lovington Buryton, a son Asbury Levingston Buryton, a son Nielson Livingston Buryton and a daughter Ballerina Alwen Fort Smith
"Then I have to believe Nicholas, just as John witnessed them come right into Heaven, Into Jesus' reigning Throne, healing bosom; just as I witnessed them all, a sea of American to world refugees as by Rev 17:14, the Jesus Husband, allied by Rev 17, 7th Angel, Gabriel and Rev 12, star warring Archangel Michael. I witnessed them in reverse, all pour first into an African coast line, and a decade later, as a sea of refugees into Georgia's Atlantic first. I know, though I can't little see these American to world stampeders in real time, I have to believe, knowingly, unknowingly escaping these proven to be targeted areas, well, there are these reports Nicholas of people leaving the West Pacific going into the Midwest into the Southwest. Only we know Nicholas with unprecedented mass destruction natural to NEO events following less useless escapes accordingly, because as Noah's Ark to Lot's Angelic to Moses escape. The only present day blessed Briexit to Blaexit laid is into Georgia's slash Nicholas, Africa's Atlantic, making slave repatriations at this time both sweet and bitter, saying, I'm sure escaping African Americas aren't to enter Mother Africa, penniless, even heavenly father, encouraging Moses' escaping Hebrews to borrow from battered Egyptians as needed, as in Holy He would repay. But that is our goal, Holy Rev 17:14, Bridegroom, 7th angel Gabriel, to Archangel Michael, and the Holy Bride, joining, second heaven's intercessions, it's since, Jesus ascent to reign was hers, God's Throne intercession, now, her alike ascent to Throne, reign, is now there's, Tribulation saints, intercession. From Nicholas experiencing the first time speaking in tongues, as I prayed down, interceded around the universe, from an open door in heaven, this divine intermission explains years later, being skyrocketed into a stay over in the heavens, I little understood it, and still being told, years later, how soon the Church Bride, as in the Holy Bride, no spots, wrinkles, nor blemishes, Christ redeeming, blood renewed, Holy She, could be in heaven, looking down upon and praying for tribulation saints, as the Antichrist overcomes them. Those two Nicholas, Rev 13, beast, one from land, one from sea I witnessed rise into debated Hussein filling stations, US , Western soil, during the predicted, Hussein pending White House, Senator, Barack Hussein Obama's 08/09, Presidential campaign, Those years Maaseiah, you woke saying you would build an ark, witnesses during a mocked Nation summit, this Native African, Hussein, being declared "The One," and on to watch as a native African male, showed you a sea of American refugees, pouring into an Africa's Atlantic, Island. Evenly Nicholas seeing the Sunlight God's Throne, the play by play preparation of the harvest, I saw their labors, witnessed Holy Sunlight wash them and make them clean, especially their hands, (Psalm saying he that hath clean hands), and give them everything, a new heart, a new heaven, a new earth, and universe, that like those prior, would never pass away. Witnessed Holy Him, anoint and put His Mark, upon them, their forward heads and Nicholas suggest one thing of them all, that they be acquainted to Holy His grieves and sorrows, be as divine in love and long suffering over his godlike creation, as Holy He is, only then are they authentically His This remarkable of making of Holy Labors unto a world blood harvest ready to be reaped, is still Almighty Go,d laboring to restore the Genesis man, marriage, back to Holy His, their former Glory to Deity, the Holy Spirit of a God-man. Right until Nicholas, when I hear much about those leaving the church, I can only hope, this predicted falling away is with direct purpose they're to instead find and follow, Jesus salvation and outreaching righteousness, ministry. Look, someone asked, does God commit genocide, and I thought, no, that's damater, since the first Adam fall, chaotic nature, God is instead harvester to avenger. Other than these reveals, the One Holy, Righteous God is good at keeping His Promises, the Genesis, man, marriage, here, now in the Billions, this planet, will inherit a new planet earth, heaven, just as all else, like at present passes and passes away. Behold Holy, His Christ, stands at the door and knock, if any man. Beware, beware, beware, Eze 9 reapers, Sia Maaseiah, target all first born's, presidential to peasant, I saw proven, when Archangel, Michael, tripped up that Jan 23-29, 2018, Republican Congressmen, train of escaping these impacting ELE's they made." Why speak In Parables, for those rebellious todays as in the days of the prophets of old yet say, the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth! Beware, Holy God is not mocked, beware, repent, Escape Yellowstone, Apb,
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
-Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming experienced 193 earthquakes in October, according to a report by monitoring services from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS, (Tuesday, March 6, 2018, Inhaling deep as to calmly exhale awake, first thing, was his Giant of a father leaning over him, startling him, surely something wasn't right. "There's been a 10.2 earthquake, the West Pacific Canada, what? Raising confusingly into his elbows, ingesting hard, not believing what he was hearing, seeing, "what, father, what, am I dreaming? Not dreaming, we got to go son, this major, major quake has fractured all the more, the highly active areas along the US West Pacific, they're saying it's going, so son are we, ...just as sia Maaseiah warn, a 10.2, earthquake, what? That dern Maaseiah again, if you Lakeside son believe in her so such, then why didn't you join your friends who went Southeast for 'Spring Break? (Thinking: because I couldn't leave you), see here,, how it ends prophetically, Apb
Article, [Neighbours and employer turn on pastor who said pride marches were anti-Christian]
For In One Hour Is Thy Judgment Come, Flee, Escape Yellowstone!
-Mat 24 Jesus fixing to describe to inquiring disciples, an apocalyptic end, saying, let no man/World System deceive you; the F for Fornication, A for Abortion, GLADD TO LGBTQ and P for Pedophiler agenda to curriculum, to burning Whitehouse, are all sexual abominations. They're biblical transgressions, anti nature, anti the genesis man, marriage, antiChrist, AntiGod; no more doomsday Passover, a sudden, cataclysmic end of all such Noah's to Lot's to Nimrod's, days, wickedness, now come, as in now come!
-Actually, why Jan 13, 2018, Rev 2 Jesus threaten these sexual evils to repent or their children all the more dead. Justly why He describes these days of knowing but being impacted by ELE'S as those unaware. Undoubtedly as the days of Noah and named these alike wicked days as a mostly fiery, an outbreak of mortuary no less, a mockerous, Noah's Cousin.
-Surely, I'm not telling you this because you don't know, as a bitter to sweet fact showing your elephants of staying unaware. As those instead stampeding the abomination that maketh, desolate; and to mock begrudging stampeders, by sending, two edge, swordlike syringes, bearing heart striking, reapers, again one strike the tell all heart.
-The Dec 3, 2017 tug of nuclear war into Armageddon, Trump, Netanyahu, Abbas and Abbas threatened, eight leads. Just until by April 17, 2019, Trump and Kushner's offered up the middle eastern deal that's gonna make these two warring States Israel and Palestine. Again, Abbas eight leads.
-Prophetically, the Ancient Beast ruled final ten heads concluding the last 7 years, April 17 2019-April 17 2026, this side of Jesus descending millennium. Then if you're wondering when did all this fulfilling of all endtime prophecy happen? While you were American dreaming, ironically, all while she's coming apart at the seams/screams, molten foundation up, melting crystal skies, peace getting porches, down.
-A mentioned since Dec 24/25, 2001, weight of blood guilt, fiery doomsday Christ Carol now come, as in now come. I can just hear Jesus telling American refugees, as He forewarn stampeding into Jordan's Petra, Jerusalem, pray your flight isn't in the winter; while America's continent suffers its worst FROZEN yet, saw the word disappeared on all HD to 5G screening, all overcome by a sudden stoppage!
-There'll be skyrockets flying high, both vanished from planet earth, the Holy Bride by Amazing Grace, America/ West Rule by fiery Judgments; with Jan 13 2018/Jan 20, 2019, Rev 2/17:14, Almighty Jesus, Dan 9-12, Rev 17, 7th Angel and Dan 9-12, Rev 12 Star Warring Archangel, Michael, seeing to Ancient of days long suffering being fulfilled, crying, no further delays, US soil, desolations predicted, now come!
-Knowing all that's left of the Americas is a coast to coast impact crater bubbling and boiling over with 101 super eruptions and 99 bowls of molten lava; landed, here asking 2 Pet 3, question, one strike the tell all heart, what kind of fired up, doomed mankind ought you to be, ascending or descending? Beware, repent, Escape W. PROF, Along The Americas Seismic/ molten Craton, Yellowstone 101 S. Eruptions, until Eastern Sea, New England, Newfoundland and Caribbean, until all the Americas, are no more!
-Thus saith Holy God, Thou shalt burn with fire a third part in the midst of the city, and thou shalt take a third part, and smite about it with a knife: and a third part thou shalt scatter in the wind; and I will draw out a sword after them. Though by now,190 years, lost, beware of Memphis, New Madrid, 10.2 earthquakes, historic famine and Rev 6, 4th seal, pale horse, pestilences. Marvel not I said, error American leads, error Islam, as predicted Bush's 2003, a Hussein would rule; these 12 Princes, equally of father Abraham, a rock Kingdom, nation building is now broken against, by now as well, ruling the world, beware. Apb, The RAM, see here, The Derryfarm, doomsday, A Christmas Carol,, how it ends, prophetically
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
-Thus saith Ps. 66:18, Throne/Rite Aid Counter, Back Turn God, 586 BC/ 2017 AD, Kill All Parents By Now, Finish All Schools, Begin At My Sanctuary, 93 AD,1993/2018 AD, Rev 1-3, burning Churches to Churchians! Beware, God Is Not Mocked!
-Lest I forget, 2013, strolling along mass assembly, I heard it said, these people, (Churchians), need to fall in live with God, (Christians). How you think Jesus could take all written the old testament for thousands of years, but pending Prophets. Moses laws, doctrines, ordinances all, and draft blessed all into two great commandments; you guys never thought how ginormously important to almighty, to fulfill all biblically gone before, some thieves and robbers Jesus called them? Jesus' two great commandments of love, then I witnessed a hand writing in red, in holy Scripture, man can't do this, only the Holy Spirit can. That's love God with all ones heart, mind and soul, treasures set in heaven and love its neighbor, as himself, a heart of Jesus Christ, they must be born again.
-Then equally you hear, Apostle Paul, once crying, I am crucified with Christ, I beseech you brethren, present your bodies by Christ Cross as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to Holy God; no longer be conformed to the American delusional system, but transformed by a renew heart, mind and soul. As prayers always turn to praise that Holy Ones inhabitants, I was reminded, hallelujah all around, not only is Heavenly Father to Holy Savior, and an incalculable intervening Heavenly Host but my divine comforter to blessed friend, is Almighty God.
-Whose righteous troops are no longer marching in but raised up, being warred over, a star wars even, Jan 20 2019, by Rev 12 Michael and Holy Warriors, THE Dragon Slayer, setting his all around, the Bride up to second heaven intercessions, stampeding American refugees out, across Africa's, Atlantic seas. Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the Lord, and spake, saying, I will sing unto the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea; knowing like your Dec 3, 2017/2019, stampeding Elephants of staying unaware, get it, get Jesus, get out! Beware, Repent, Escape Yellowstone! Apb
-Lest I forget, 2013, strolling along mass assembly, I heard it said, these people, (Churchians), need to fall in live with God, (Christians). How you think Jesus could take all written the old testament for thousands of years, but pending Prophets. Moses laws, doctrines, ordinances all, and draft blessed all into two great commandments; you guys never thought how ginormously important to almighty, to fulfill all biblically gone before, some thieves and robbers Jesus called them? Jesus' two great commandments of love, then I witnessed a hand writing in red, in holy Scripture, man can't do this, only the Holy Spirit can. That's love God with all ones heart, mind and soul, treasures set in heaven and love its neighbor, as himself, a heart of Jesus Christ, they must be born again.
-Then equally you hear, Apostle Paul, once crying, I am crucified with Christ, I beseech you brethren, present your bodies by Christ Cross as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to Holy God; no longer be conformed to the American delusional system, but transformed by a renew heart, mind and soul. As prayers always turn to praise that Holy Ones inhabitants, I was reminded, hallelujah all around, not only is Heavenly Father to Holy Savior, and an incalculable intervening Heavenly Host but my divine comforter to blessed friend, is Almighty God.
-Whose righteous troops are no longer marching in but raised up, being warred over, a star wars even, Jan 20 2019, by Rev 12 Michael and Holy Warriors, THE Dragon Slayer, setting his all around, the Bride up to second heaven intercessions, stampeding American refugees out, across Africa's, Atlantic seas. Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the Lord, and spake, saying, I will sing unto the Lord, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea; knowing like your Dec 3, 2017/2019, stampeding Elephants of staying unaware, get it, get Jesus, get out! Beware, Repent, Escape Yellowstone! Apb
And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Diamonhead Tierianna Hillsfeet and Queen Bride, Beatriz Shelby Joplin
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 1986-2016/2026-3036 into Infinity
Unto Diamonhead Tierianna Hillsfeet and Beatriz Shelby Joplin was born a son, Ava Brooklyn Hillsfeet, and a son Jamisen Lakeside Hillsfeet, Joplin
-The Derryfarm, A Doomsday A Christmas Carol, One Year Earlier Into The Present Doomed Hour, The Exodus Of Darius Aden Lowd
Scene, Mark Genesis Marriage Worshiper, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, Matrix, LXX,
"You see Mr Dark, tall and more drop, dead gorgeous this planet? Girl, I saw him as soon as that million dollar coat and those long, galloping slacks turn into the door, while apparently Felicity girl he saw you as well. As I helped him with million coat, and just as costly cologne, I mind you, he asked your name, I told Mr Darius Aden Lowd, I'd let you tell him your name, when you bring his drink, yeah right. So tell him you're not interested? I didn't say that, what is he drinking? Mr Lowd said to bring him a glass of your favorite wine, okay, okay, the duties of a stewardess, yeah what a horrid day so far to have that Mr incredible courting after you. Girl, I'll serve Mr Beast and Beauty TV series, character, a convenient stumble, a drop of a few nut packages his lap, ah we know Adeline, we know! But that is who he look like, those two black, beauty, brothers that TV series, Beast of Beauty, breath, Fe Fe, take him your favorite imbibe and let him girl, mesmerize us all the the rest of this flight." >>>"Pinch me lest I perish," waking the arduous flight, meticulously a wipe of his cheeks, chin, his neck, appreciating Kleenexes were kept close at a glance the available ETA, thanking God, though he'd dreamed of first meeting his Felicity girl, he'd slept all the way, from the stay over in Rome, Italy. "I was not Holy Father, to take this trip alone, I don't understand, for a year Fe Fe and I did everything right, even biblically, the genesis man, marriage, blessed all. But knowing scripture, it's not the first trial of the taking of one's spouse, the prophet Ezekiel wasn't even allowed to mourn such a horrid lost, here, finding myself blessed in comparison. The Heir Juttah, didn't even know if they were real, sir, no, stewardess, just talking out loud with, god, your name is Felicity? What would you say if I told you I knew a stewardess, Felicity, I know, sorry for your lost, we called her Fe, Fe for short, excuse me. I was there when you two met, I was the one you trusted to bring her to meet you, I was called Fe, she instead Fe Fe, or they differentiated between us by using our last names. Did I hear you Mr Lowd mention the Heir Juttah, so awaiting you when you land, you off to the Septennial Juttah? That's Felicity, only if I'm worthy, if you know what entering the African Juttah mean and what it takes, unworthy, commanded reapers Mr Lowd, will get you, plant you Negeb Ophel, until judgment day from heaven to hell. Terribly, like they took her, one strike the tell all heart, I warn Fe, Fe for Felicity, she couldn't marry you, she was already married, vowed and all, to ah, me, no, Darius Aden, this is not a dream, nor nightmare even, the fasten your belt light is on, godspeed, Mr Lowd. Ah, ah, wha, what just happen? No, no, no, I won't, I can't, get thee hence, ah, Satan, I'm entering the African Juttah so, sir, please, please sit, fasten your seat belt, yes, ah, ah Stewardess, ah Felicity? Felicity and I switched flights, she won't be in the air for hours now, you know her? Thank you, yes sir, and welcome to Mother Africa, if assigned it's manifest, an Heir Juttah will take you from here, if not, you will be given further instructions, yes, ah, thanks again, your name? Beverly, there are Kleenexes there for your, right, again thanks, godspeed, you too." Why Speak in Parables? For those rebellious today, like those rebellious in Ezekiel day, the days of the early prophets, have eyes, but they see not, ears they have by they hear not, their hearts are waxed grossed, as their stone gods, so are they." Beware, Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
-Aug 5th, 2019, the hand that wrote Jan 20, 2019, the predicted 2015, 99 bowls of molten lava on Trumps's wall, was the hand now writing nervously, hardly, Escape Yellowstone; its Aug 7th, the word disappeared left frozen on all HD to 5G screening; Its Aug 30, 31st, hearing the last end of a news report, "after 101 Yellowstone Eruptions; truly why, hundreds of millions of refugee Americans are stampeding, into US Georgia', Africa's Atlantic, and remember, none of its predictions returns to Holy, Back Turn Rite Aid Pharmacy/Throne, God, void, beware, Apb, see Psalms 37/Rev 10
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Tyrell Alfredo and Queen Bride Rena Anyanika Deburk
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 1986-2016/2026-3036 into Infinity
Unto Obadiah Tyrell Alfredo and Rena Anyanika Deburk was son a daughter, Novel Dominica Alfredo a daughter, Dasani Bellerose Alfredo and a son, Hillstone, Alexus Bay Deburk
Unto Connor Mailey Gooseman and Allory Ivanna Logins was born a son, Tritton Twilight Gooseman, a daughter, Tristan Kartson Gooseman and a son Colten Piersten (Pierse), Gooseman, Logins
Unto Giampaolo Elena Steinberg and Andanes Gloriana Foxworth was born a son, Laerson Bishop Steinburg, a daughter, Verona Aliceson Steinburg, and a son, Tristian Ryerson Foxworth
Unto Shiloh Apophis Cornrow and Brienne Noelia Epiphanes was born a son Orison Decimus Dylan, a son, Fires Stone Tirana Cornrow, a daughter,
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
Unto Diamonhead Tierianna Hillsfeet and Beatriz Shelby Joplin was born a son, Ava Brooklyn Hillsfeet, and a son Jamisen Lakeside Hillsfeet, Joplin
-The Derryfarm, A Doomsday A Christmas Carol, One Year Earlier Into The Present Doomed Hour, The Exodus Of Darius Aden Lowd
"You see Mr Dark, tall and more drop, dead gorgeous this planet? Girl, I saw him as soon as that million dollar coat and those long, galloping slacks turn into the door, while apparently Felicity girl he saw you as well. As I helped him with million coat, and just as costly cologne, I mind you, he asked your name, I told Mr Darius Aden Lowd, I'd let you tell him your name, when you bring his drink, yeah right. So tell him you're not interested? I didn't say that, what is he drinking? Mr Lowd said to bring him a glass of your favorite wine, okay, okay, the duties of a stewardess, yeah what a horrid day so far to have that Mr incredible courting after you. Girl, I'll serve Mr Beast and Beauty TV series, character, a convenient stumble, a drop of a few nut packages his lap, ah we know Adeline, we know! But that is who he look like, those two black, beauty, brothers that TV series, Beast of Beauty, breath, Fe Fe, take him your favorite imbibe and let him girl, mesmerize us all the the rest of this flight." >>>"Pinch me lest I perish," waking the arduous flight, meticulously a wipe of his cheeks, chin, his neck, appreciating Kleenexes were kept close at a glance the available ETA, thanking God, though he'd dreamed of first meeting his Felicity girl, he'd slept all the way, from the stay over in Rome, Italy. "I was not Holy Father, to take this trip alone, I don't understand, for a year Fe Fe and I did everything right, even biblically, the genesis man, marriage, blessed all. But knowing scripture, it's not the first trial of the taking of one's spouse, the prophet Ezekiel wasn't even allowed to mourn such a horrid lost, here, finding myself blessed in comparison. The Heir Juttah, didn't even know if they were real, sir, no, stewardess, just talking out loud with, god, your name is Felicity? What would you say if I told you I knew a stewardess, Felicity, I know, sorry for your lost, we called her Fe, Fe for short, excuse me. I was there when you two met, I was the one you trusted to bring her to meet you, I was called Fe, she instead Fe Fe, or they differentiated between us by using our last names. Did I hear you Mr Lowd mention the Heir Juttah, so awaiting you when you land, you off to the Septennial Juttah? That's Felicity, only if I'm worthy, if you know what entering the African Juttah mean and what it takes, unworthy, commanded reapers Mr Lowd, will get you, plant you Negeb Ophel, until judgment day from heaven to hell. Terribly, like they took her, one strike the tell all heart, I warn Fe, Fe for Felicity, she couldn't marry you, she was already married, vowed and all, to ah, me, no, Darius Aden, this is not a dream, nor nightmare even, the fasten your belt light is on, godspeed, Mr Lowd. Ah, ah, wha, what just happen? No, no, no, I won't, I can't, get thee hence, ah, Satan, I'm entering the African Juttah so, sir, please, please sit, fasten your seat belt, yes, ah, ah Stewardess, ah Felicity? Felicity and I switched flights, she won't be in the air for hours now, you know her? Thank you, yes sir, and welcome to Mother Africa, if assigned it's manifest, an Heir Juttah will take you from here, if not, you will be given further instructions, yes, ah, thanks again, your name? Beverly, there are Kleenexes there for your, right, again thanks, godspeed, you too." Why Speak in Parables? For those rebellious today, like those rebellious in Ezekiel day, the days of the early prophets, have eyes, but they see not, ears they have by they hear not, their hearts are waxed grossed, as their stone gods, so are they." Beware, Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
-Aug 5th, 2019, the hand that wrote Jan 20, 2019, the predicted 2015, 99 bowls of molten lava on Trumps's wall, was the hand now writing nervously, hardly, Escape Yellowstone; its Aug 7th, the word disappeared left frozen on all HD to 5G screening; Its Aug 30, 31st, hearing the last end of a news report, "after 101 Yellowstone Eruptions; truly why, hundreds of millions of refugee Americans are stampeding, into US Georgia', Africa's Atlantic, and remember, none of its predictions returns to Holy, Back Turn Rite Aid Pharmacy/Throne, God, void, beware, Apb, see Psalms 37/Rev 10
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Tyrell Alfredo and Queen Bride Rena Anyanika Deburk
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
Unto Obadiah Tyrell Alfredo and Rena Anyanika Deburk was son a daughter, Novel Dominica Alfredo a daughter, Dasani Bellerose Alfredo and a son, Hillstone, Alexus Bay Deburk
Unto Giampaolo Elena Steinberg and Andanes Gloriana Foxworth was born a son, Laerson Bishop Steinburg, a daughter, Verona Aliceson Steinburg, and a son, Tristian Ryerson Foxworth
Unto Shiloh Apophis Cornrow and Brienne Noelia Epiphanes was born a son Orison Decimus Dylan, a son, Fires Stone Tirana Cornrow, a daughter,
-The Exodus Of The Aqua Juttah Hemingway, Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
-Scene, Mark Genesis Marriage Worshiper, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, Matrix, LXX,
"I hear you all going at it, so what's the campfire stories tonight,
the last we were doing before you know,
the cataclysms, you Comet man? Odd is, my girl and I were actually
talking on the phone, we never talked on the phone, like everybody else we
texted, but we were discussing black Friday coming up and what stores were, the
first to be hit, and, then, and then, and then, and then what Comet man? That
was it, the call was dropped, I thought she hung up, looked my at phone the
screen was black, thinking it's lost it's charge at first, the battery just
filled. So, damn it, I had to get a new battery, then I glance up and realize
something was going on with the TV, first saying connected with problems, and
soon it too went blank. I started fussing the more, thinking I'm just call my provider and
curse them the hell out, but just as scary, the lights began blinking back and
forth, just as the appliances in and out, and I began wondering is it workers near by, had
there been a major car accident. I know man right, but did you ever Comet, in a million
years think it was this? Ah nall, no, no, no, hell nall, this, that we'd in an
eyes' blink been set back like the last two hundred years never happen. then even
worse, nothing that Revolution TV Series, there was no way to get it all, back, not even a little of it, never could
I think that, and that the entire American Continent was no more. What if told
you all I was out with my girl and family, days prior, and she, grandmar was like,
who want to move to Africa? Nall, man nall, yes, and everyone was like nall,
then she said, if the American continent is no more, who want to move to
Africa? And then everybody agreed, wow, wow, that's so freaky, she had to know,
she had too. Hundreds of millions of American refugees knew Mathias man, they'd been told and warn for generations by every source of information to
technology this planet and universe, every, every, everyone of them. Yeah Tails man, that's what Sia Maaseiah, seeing
elephants of staying unaware stampeding meant, God was satisfied with us knowing end time events. Then it's like come on,
2019, Rev 14, harvester, thrust in thy sickle and reap, 175 feet of blood
guilt, for the time hath come for you to reap, for the harvests is white. I, was, ah, when
I woke, or when my worrisome tail, sister woke me, saying, I need to come see this,
it'd already happen, and my parents and running over neighbors, and other family were in a huff to fuss, trying to figure, it all. I said really, really loud, Sia
Maaseiah said was happening right now, as in right now, she also said prep your
escape accordingly, there in no prepping to stay in places. How it is, when blazing
infernos are coming at you, from beneath, from above and all around, you run,
just like she said, you run! I turn, went back into my room, felled on my knees and cried harder than I ever have, I
thought I would cry myself to death, when done, come to senses I told my brother and sister to
bring their school backpacks to the kitchen and pantry, fill them, we would be
walking out soon, so by the time my parents figured it, nothing,
beyond the late 1800's would function again, we were ready. Just say from there, I wasn't
the only one crying, often I watched my dad, he didn't know, but I had him on
suicide watch, especially after hearing so many guns going off, some rapidly,
firing. See, once the news broke what was broken couldn't be fixed, our neighbors
were killing their entire families, my sitting here this Aqua, Hemingway
exodus, mean, while, like Forrest Gump would say,
that's all I got to say about
that. Ump, why it I feel as though
all eyes are now turn to me? Ah we heard plenty about the other worldly, off planet
experience of yours, but Prince Silverton, that's nothing like hearing it directly. So I
tell you all it's craziness, you're believing it, what if I tell you, my best
friend and I had just jumped into his
car, and were speeding off, thinking us Wyoming natives could out run the latest
Yellowstone eruptions, plural, since this planet; then, at the speed of an eyes
blink, instead I'm like thousands of miles away, a brand new era, like hundreds
of years now lost, no driver, not even the car we were driving, what, no, no
driver, and there's a little Miya Girl watcher over post to present,
apocalyptic transit to translation, in the back seat? Once I get to gather my
cognition, I glance around, see no traffic the driver less car is turn, but a
divide over, into the other direction, there's plenty of movement. Soon I ease
over into the driver seat, do like a U-turn, into the traffic, not long we come
upon a toll bridge, and are told to know, it's take two quarters exactly to crossover,
we find the one, then the other, and next I know, I'm waking up another country, my
own room, El Salvadore, as in a flash, seem like that Yellowstone eruption blew
me into another country, even another world, era, I know, into Jesus millennium reign. The ah , Silver, mention of the little Miya girl, apparently there's someone
with Sia Maaseiah during the Rite Aid Pharmacy reveal, it is her, this same back seat watcher? Grand, Sia Maaseiah, since allying it to when she reprieved Little Miya from
now the Obama's both Barack and Lady
Obama, Memphis, Dunlap street, then yes, that would be a great assessment, alright you guys, we only have a few hours before dawn, blessed night, sweet sleep." Why speak in parables?
For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth,
beware, repent, Escape Yellowstone! Apb, see here, Prince Silverton Nicholas,' Little Miya,, how it ends prophetically
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
You Are My Sunshine, My Only Shine! Please Don't Take My Sunshine, Away!
-I woke Sept 2019, singing, you are my sunshine, please don't take my sunshine away. I mean other than given the lyrics, a year past, "ain't no sunlight when she's gone." Then to have a Jan 13, 2018, Rev 2 Jesus asking ascending Church Bride would guardian to warrior Angels also ascend, is that the darkness predicted 1998.99 to come? (See Rev 7, The Church Bride, Holy Angels, the only of Holy Throne worthies as recently as spring, April 17, 1986 thru April 17 2019/2026 preventing not only nuclear, natural and NEO disasters from going full throttle, but Eze 38/39/Rev 13/17/20 Ancient Beast Rule: a predicted two quarters will die, including Britain 5%, America)'s 15% and Israel's, Zech 13/14, two thirds. This is the darkness, forewarn, error Bush/ Clinton/Bush 1998/99, was then coming, get to repentant altars. Instructing by its error Obama/Clinton/Trump, June 26, 2017, get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood," no first born's survives this, ye must be born again, beware, see here,,how it ends, prophetically
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Stassen Blain, Emir Ketsup and Queen Bride Madison Blake Homeles
Unto Metacomet, Bevel, Obama, Hillsfeet and Lorelai Elaina Urban was born a son, Geffrey Metacomet, River Brook, Hillsfeet, a son, Wendell Blackhorse, Mount, Hillsfeet, a son, Garrison, Snakerattle, Ravine, Hillsfeet, and a daughter, Whitefeather, Brooke, Comet-Crossing, Hillsfeet, Urban, how it ends prophetically
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
You Are My Sunshine, My Only Shine! Please Don't Take My Sunshine, Away!
-I woke Sept 2019, singing, you are my sunshine, please don't take my sunshine away. I mean other than given the lyrics, a year past, "ain't no sunlight when she's gone." Then to have a Jan 13, 2018, Rev 2 Jesus asking ascending Church Bride would guardian to warrior Angels also ascend, is that the darkness predicted 1998.99 to come? (See Rev 7, The Church Bride, Holy Angels, the only of Holy Throne worthies as recently as spring, April 17, 1986 thru April 17 2019/2026 preventing not only nuclear, natural and NEO disasters from going full throttle, but Eze 38/39/Rev 13/17/20 Ancient Beast Rule: a predicted two quarters will die, including Britain 5%, America)'s 15% and Israel's, Zech 13/14, two thirds. This is the darkness, forewarn, error Bush/ Clinton/Bush 1998/99, was then coming, get to repentant altars. Instructing by its error Obama/Clinton/Trump, June 26, 2017, get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood," no first born's survives this, ye must be born again, beware, see here,,how it ends, prophetically
-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Stassen Blain, Emir Ketsup and Queen Bride Madison Blake Homeles
The Unending Love Antidote
...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple,
April, 1986-2016/2026-3036 into Infinity
Stassen Blain, Emir Ketsup and Madison Blake Homeles was born a son, Tyreek
Nielson Ketsup, a son, Sassen Bishop Elon Ketsup, and a son, Valkin Zion Ketsup, Homeles
Scene, Mark Genesis
Marriage Worshiper, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, Matrix, LXX,
no, no, if this amazing grace can reproduce another human being into the world,
a holy spirit, living soul, God man, you tell me how phenomenally without
description serious the Genesis, man, marriage.. Just why Holy God Almighty have
slain some of mightiest Empire's, kingdom and nations, to safeguard his, now those
same warring Holy of Holies, one foot the sea, one foot the earth" now
saying, no further delays US/Western soil, desolations predicted now come,
beware, UK, US, BC, United states of barbecue. That was way harsh comet man,
good. Millions of people dead hell on earth, and she's obsessing over the lost of the worse
sexual abominations this world, like friends with benefits, wickedness. Knowing it can happen, cause it has, our one concern is
that we don't make a wrong turn and end up lost in this wilderness the duration
of Jesus' Millennium, ah come on Metacomet man, you just had to put that
freaky thought in my head, be still my panic panic heart! Good, cause I think
you all forget this is like Moses exodus, only with Ezekiel style reapers on our
heels, readied with sword like syringes to plant us all Negeb Ophel, and we come
out, Ezekiel dry bones, style. You think they're out there, all the bush,
brush? We are blessed exodus, they target procrastinators, or so Comet, I
thought, you think it enough to chance it? Huh? Look, Sia wants us to go out
and find honey, he thought he spotted some of their honeycombs, a couple miles south,
alright, let me grab my scarf, we'll meet you at the path." >>>"I'm saying, Bronze man,
just think, a prayer bed or a sickbed, one blessed, one cursed, one blessed
death, one eternal death. Now come on you guys we have guess and this is as
close we're to get to a triple bachelor party, our triple wedding coming up.
You lead Lion man, we're following, so to be cast into a sickbed, when the
scripture say they shall beg for death and not find it, that unimaginable
curse. Med man, you and Tynan taking the Juttah vows, whose idea was that?
Cause I didn't think she was like that, like what Bronze, Tatiau, all holy and
stuff? Believe me Tatiau has her problems with marrying a Global, I was just
curious, who rushed things, yes it was Tynan, ah idea, but neither Coten did I
want to wait, so you two didn't ah, wait? I'm hungry, either if you want
something? What's the third degree, Coten man? You know Lion man, nerves, you been
married, Peton isn't your first, sharing your most personal self like that, is ultimate surrender. Two people in love and marriage, having the ability to procreate not just a human being but a living soul and
holy spirit into the world, that's beyond God's kingdom serious. You haven't
heard, walk with me to the balcony, stop it Lion Wolf man acting like
somebody died, did it, did somebody die? Look, Medicine just learn Tynan is an
ex male escort, and she used that seducing capability to get into his life and
marriage bed and it's freaking him all out right now! How, how, you know that, and
what it means for this, his, their Juttah marriage? First calm down, wow, look
who made it, Jesus ascension is come, Sioux is here, well he and Eve Lynn could
marry as well. I say Bronze Coten, with Medicine Bow, and people looking to exploit to abuse the
Juttah vows, let that his situation be a lesson, and let us Bronze be supportive not
judgmental, and that little gold nugget Lion, is really why we're out here. I see you
made it bro, yeah, Arrow suggested I should, didn't know it would be this
standing room only. You hear about Medicines' Tynan and Bronze let that be the
last time you ask that question, this is not a spreading rumor, okay, got, you.
Good, I'm going in, gonna eat before its all gone or too messed over. Your
brother Bronze is right, you remember all the rumors about Eve Lynn, her being
born a man, a trans all, when she had ovaries that were severely overgrown, undetected,
inoperative. Soon the day there's biological proof of what she believed all
along, now we can marry, have a family, will Bronze Coten marry. So the triple
wedding come a quad? Don't know about that, the thing is, God repairs what men
break, and use the miraculous Sioux Noel for His Glory, yes, Jesus explanation
Bronze Coten for the man being born blind. I don't believe Tynan's love for
Medicine is a hoax, that she only used specific skills to win his bed, and if so, she lost her heart to him and won his heart to her along the way, and that
little bro is what I told him. Now come in, us looking all cloak and dagger
like this, has to make Medicine uncomfortable, here he comes, you two globers
missing a righteous party, with the emphasis, Med man on righteous, see you two
in there. Hey, Coten man, sorry about earlier, but Tynan didn't seduce me, no
more than I seduced her and that's the part I feel most guilty about, but you
two Med man, going on to have an incredible marriage bed and family, all is forgiven you
both, honestly, I'm kinda ready for the party to be over, I miss Peten. Who says Bronze
you gotta wait? Go, be with your girl, yeah shout me out as the weakest
link here, true love is death to self, you're slain, die, forget about you, get to
her. If Tynan wasn't in New York, I'd be out of here Bronze, sooner than later,
well, I'm eating first, yes, I'm coming little bro, you know you're
only a few years older, but the point Bronze Coten Field is, I'm older, and get
to call you little bro, that you hate so much, so I earn it? Our parents earn
it, you suffer from it, ah, thanks for that correction, you welcome little bro, always." >>>'Surely Ty, it's not a leap off the balcony dramatic, trippy, Erica Lynn reading my mind again, I just don't want to lose him, the Glober men, Ty, are men who stand in the truth of the true, no way way Ty, your being true will
work against you, now, you find your gown? When I first saw Medicine Bow, I
lost all cognition, when I see our wedding gown, that overwhelming feeling will
repeat and thanks for the reminder of the phenom of what's next after marrying
that unspeakable man, come screen through Tips earlier collection, how
early? As in Ty yet in the sketches, meaning we're sneaking to do this and if
word gets out, ah you better believe it, I'm denying any involvement, that
sound so like you Dr. Mrs Coogan, and you Ty already know me so well. But
don't thank me just yet, you're heading for fainting spells, galore, just be
warn, Tips can have that effect, who you telling? I've seen the drop dead
gorgeous, all this planet men in her life and now this Desrek Alum, Desrek
Chocolate, come home to Dissuasion, I'm like does raining unfathomable men stop with her? No, just
so you know, who was your dropping dead for, Medicine Bow goddess and all his
goddess brothers visiting for you Tynan dear to lay hold of stunning him?
You're right, this limitless barrage of herculean men, doesn't stop with her,
your stunner wedding Erica, now mine, a triple wedding. I tell you, I must stand out from
the crowd, and you will my Ty girl, you will, I just don't know if I'll live to
see it! Look at this marvel, and study its train, ah, its train? Yes, what
Tynan wouldn't you do? Here paper and pencil, I will see you soon, you know this
dress is heaven's glory, right? Yes Ty, so is your matching husband, Medicine Bow, ah my god,
look at this, she set me up, look at this, ah my god!" {{{"Hello, Tynan here, hey
beautiful, guess where I am? I could ask you the same and never in a million, I'm on my way there, here, to New York? I couldn't wait to be where you are, my
ETA is in less than an hour, meet me and we'll plan the next amazing days from
there, or is your silence telling me I just Tynan made the, no, no, my teary
words are telling you I can't wait to see you, hold, kiss and love you, see you
soon, as in I'm leaving right now, okay loving girl, be right there, okay stay
safe, you too, Godspeed."}}} Okay, Erica Lynn Hymn told me to focus on this
unspeakable train for a reason, as in what about, a New Jerusalem descending
would I change about this indescribable, super gown, is that the riddle,
here? I better get, slap pencil and blank paper on her desk, back at her, nothing about this gown will change, got
her, ah yeah, I got her!" >>>"Loving girl, if you look to Almighty
Father God and call on blessed Savior Jesus, clearly the way you look to, and
call on us; if you would wait behind sincere prayers for Holy Father's
intervening mercy, like you await our help behind text messages, your life
would change 100%. Holy Father God, who love you more than a million years
could say reward only those who believe He Is there, your prayers, and
diligently seek Holy His blessings. If you don't look to Holy Creator like you
look to cursed creatures you're not only burning bridges to temporal loved ones
but to eternal Holy ones, your aunt pat, love and kisses, wow Lorelei that's
incredible, yeah, my aunt sent me that, right before what some call, the great
gathering of saints, I texted her back asked her was she mad at me or
something? She said, the apostles epistles were called epistles of love, despite they were as a two edge sword, and if
she can't tell me the truth, then she can't ever say she loves me, wow,
who was your aunt? For most of my life, Apostle Aunt, ah, Apb, at times, Apb? Yeah, and with that look, why Metacomet, what do you know? We need to get back, this is plenty for our group, even for others, your being here, should I assume you didn't follow aunts Apb advice, is your being here being Lorelei is because you did? I'm not answering any of Metacomet questions until he answers mine, okay, but why is that is that response second to third person, directed? You knew her, didn't know her, she ministered to millions, even billions, but of the 26 followers, the Hillsfeets were about twenty or more of them, she was more my great, great aunt. you know she invited the billions, said to worship Christmas day to come to Jesus an ascend with her, that was right before she got that blocking out the sky, in capital, bold, italicized, flood water-down pink letters, the single word, offer, and months later still, that odd standing death, 5% into 15% , back turn, Rite Aid, Pharmacy, now that offer could've referred to seeing the mysterious woman, the ginormous maze, at that time making an offer of business cards for homeless shelters, so having said all that Lorelei in such a short time, yes, I follow your distant Aunt Apb, no, I didn't take her advice, after those comments, I never dealt with her again, deemed her disturbed to crazy like the rest of the family, even Lorelei if what she said was so Jesus, sermon the mound, address worthy? I'll get this to Sia, see I help more, see you all for morning rations, as long Lorelei as you know you can run from the inedible, but you can't hide." Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, beware, repent, Escape Yellowstone! Apb...
Unto Metacomet, Bevel, Obama, Hillsfeet and Lorelai Elaina Urban was born a son, Geffrey Metacomet, River Brook, Hillsfeet, a son, Wendell Blackhorse, Mount, Hillsfeet, a son, Garrison, Snakerattle, Ravine, Hillsfeet, and a daughter, Whitefeather, Brooke, Comet-Crossing, Hillsfeet, Urban
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