Run Ye To And Fro Through The Streets Of Jerusalem, And See Now, And Know, And Seek In The Broad Places Thereof, If Ye Can Find A Man, If There Be Any That Executeth Judgment, That Seeketh The Truth; And I Will Pardon It.

 Take Thee A Parable From Jericho, American Drama Series September 20, 2006-March 25, 2008 

     A nuclear mushroom cloud appears on the horizon -- and for the residents of Jericho, a small Kansas town, it could mean they're the only Americans left alive. Fear of the unknown propels Jericho into mayhem, causing the town to come apart at the seams. Secrets are revealed, personal agendas take over and even the most sensible people become paranoid. But even in a time of crisis, some folks will find an inner strength they never knew existed, causing them to emerge as the most unlikeliest of heroes. As the citizens slowly rebuild Jericho, however, they also find themselves in a bitter turf war with the residents of another town, New Bern.

Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.

     The word Jericho been mighty in my spirit, first the revisited from 2013, 2019 Hawaii 5'0 before it's 191 winds, even prior the Southwest, and prior still, hearing states of New York, States of New Jersey. Just nights or so past I heard an exact number of over a hundred cities;  beware from West Pacific ring of fire, Hawaii/ California/Canada all along the North American Seismic to Tectonic/ Molten Dill Points to Craton, Apb, (then days later, President Putin Threaten this,, see more here,

Prophecy Links

     -And I heard in my hearing, 2017, a 2015 Rev 20, Lamb's book opened, name roll call, census done, revisited Jan 3-5, again I heard Eze 9's God commanding present day swordlike syringes bearing reapers striking the heart just once, ascending some, descending many, the saying, kill all parents by, finish all schools, began at My Sanctuary, king of kings Mystery Babylon, America, beware, Apb

    -Now hear thee a parable a day past, (02/24/2019), about the name George, Georgia, Hemingway and lest, I forget, a 01/19-23, 2019, warring, battling it out in the heavens, setting his all around, a name Michael!, beware, Apb
     Error! Error! Error! Six Millennia Of Thinking God Is Mocked By The Sacrifices Of The Wicked, As In The Eden, The Gethsemane, HE Want Obedience, He Want West Rule Exodus! Beware, Apb

War! War! War! Jeremiah 37:8, 1998-Rev 17:16-18, Matrix 16-19,  2016-2018/19, Beware Apb,

Explain Why March 1-13 (2018) Invite Was From A USA Barbecue Into A Georgia Barbecue, Faith Or Fear.

    -You all know I have a prediction 1986/1998 of a first war on US soil as an Arab enemy. Partly fulfillment by them 911, followed secondarily by an Asian Invasion on US soil. Revisited 2015 by a sorta mirror image, as an Asian invader, body, snatcher vibe, then come the word, EPIDEMIC!.
     -Anything else as usual pipe dreams endangering the soul, so I guess what I'm saying is ours, America and Western soil is exodus. Then while Trump is delaying the inevitable you should be southeast, running southeast or prepped no delay to go southeast. What is portrayed in Rev 17:16-18, what God's Wrath/China, Russia and all other nuclear enemies are threatening.
     -That all the nations summits this world kept US soil free of such military entanglements those days went out the window with Bush, now 50 mil in death tolls wang over your heads. I think y'all know this, God just let y'all live out that weight of blood guilt just as deliciously as all others. Though truly a Daniel 5 handwriting of judgement, Eze 4, God's planned and plotted seizure, just a ceremony of weighing, measuring, sentencing.
     -That is When 911 fiery, cataclysmic removal of world America commences into unforeseen lost of life, of everything accursed to accused to.  I know it was kinda not fair as the last 190 years had been, you thinking you unlike any other blood guzzler and scaved off so much commitment of martyrdom, I mean is it fair to call it mercy? Well, while sitting my desk of outreach days prior of 911, I was told when the unthinkable happen you would be a believer. Only just a month past 2018/19 you were caught demanding you want full term abortions, talk about crucifying Jesus aflesh, crying his blood be upon you and your children, a judgement Rev 2, spoken by and revisited by Jesus only an hour before predicted Hawaii's terror 38 minutes. I tried not to go over but I did, 
      -Actually it was that Thanksgiving to Christmas 2017, and Hawaii's attack spreading across the whole of North America's/Canada's Craton, and soon Continent was to be the end of North America' bickering turf wars and hundreds of millions multi-culture inherits
-Don't go spending time you don't have trying to assess why southeast, as Georgia, as Africa? Then you have to reconsider back to first parents ejection from Eden, why Noah's Arafat, why Abraham's was to sojourner to an unknown land, why Lots was a particular mountain, Moses Hebrews were Canaan Jesus hill of Crucifixion was golgotha and right now just as Jerusalem's is Petra, Westerners is Georgia to Africa. Realize obedience is better than sacrifice, plus you're questioning God for six millennia knowing what to do when the genesis man, marriage into marriage supper is endangered. Presently reconsider Jesus visit the morn of disaster Hawaii,asking will Angels also ascend?
-Then only ten Jesus, Rev 2 Matrix days later, Jan 26,( 2018), Rev 10, mighty Angel, Rev 17, 7th Angel crying no further delays, desolation come US soil and just now, Jan 19-23, 2019, a two year  2017 revisited of Trump's as well being deemed 50 million in US death tolls, whose year, Jan 13, 2018 revisited of Jesus inquiring of Angels just as war begin US soil at predicted Hawaii, only now, Jan 13, 2019 said beware is as a hand writing on all wailing walls this nation, this planet, 99 bowls of Molten Lava.
-Surely beginning in Hawaii May 4, 2018, a 17/18 Matrix count, bringing us back to Rev 17, 18, and activated years 2015-2019, and Michael warring in the heavens 01/19-23/2019 a two year revisit to the costliest of US soil death tolls ever, ever, ever and the woman baring Rev 16/ 17, black bowls a ginormous maze of sin but offer up business cards for better homeless shelters is now seen Feb 12-14, 2019, a closed, counter, back turn to a greatly visited Rite Aid Pharmacy, now disaster Hawaii 5 2013 disasters down, predicted 2003-2019, 15% dead by triple ELE'S, nuclear, natural and NEOS US soil, all now come.
-Still Feb 12, 2019, a three year revisit, Feb 14-19, 2015, America a pending Oct 15, 2018, Dan 4:4, madness, stall for 7 years, farewell to arms, farewell to Atlantis/America, farewell to planet earth. The Antichrist is in great prowess planet wide, the Bride is reigning in heaven prepping Dan 2, all rebellious earth deletion, Holies of Holies are texting a pending Jesus is on his way here, now July 27, 2016, between Obama's Blaexit and Trump's, Tru/Brexit, a pending after Daniels 7 Antichrist years are finished, 2017-2026/27, Jesus millennium descends into a planet littered with its dead.
-All made aware proven to be prophetically evident the moment Jesus, atop olivet concerning end time reveal told disciples let no man deceive you and told earth's billions inherit all gone before were us thieves and robbers, how 2004/5, now a 45th Jesus/Rev 2 Matrix one foort is parked the sea, one foot is parked the earth, come His saying, smiling face (religious, political, monetary and military agenda driving the nails) don't last, wipe to burn from the map Mystery Babylon's whoredom, North America's Continent all along its molten lava craton beginning with abominable, detestable disaster Hawaii, as the days of Noah, a Noah's cousin, nuclear, natural and NEOS, stop asking why? RUN!!!!!!!!!!! Beware, Apb

Bush/Cheney's Error Saddam, Obama/Clinton's Error Gaddafi, Cameron/Trump/Netanyahu/ Error Assad/Abbas

Before It's News Article,

  -Trump Targets, the deep States, Well, Rev 14, God's Wine Press, Russia, China/Asia, Islam, Rev 11;1, 2, those next to rule the world, and all Kingdom, nations making up the Rev. 17:17-18, prophecy, mutiny against the great babylonian whore of Rev 17, are doing this; target in Putin's nuke video looks like Florida, Though even if he or they don't, still as predicted Hawaii erupted, just as they lied about incoming enemy missiles lerts, other ELE's, like Yellowstone, those Nuclear, Natural and NEOS" are lined up one my one to finish all Mystery Babylon America, West Rule, this planet relentless bloodletting, kingdom, nation building, Jesus Zech, 14, Rev 19,millennium, divine world government hath reign, beware, obey your Briexits to Blaexits, skyward or southeast, beware, Apb

Prophecy Links

1998, seen to be seeing a Dan 5, hand writing on a wailing wall Jeremiah, 37:8
2019, 01/13, seen to be seeing a Dan 5, hand writing on a wailing wall, 2015's 99 bowls of molten lava,

     -Since thirty plus years of seeing this, I agree but the only prep for US molten soil, even North America's continent obeying Rev 17:16-18/18 Chapter judgment, what God's wrath to China, Russia, North Korea even Islam are all threatening there is only as the days of Noah''s Ark to Moses's exodus blessed obedience and blessed escape, Briexit skyward, or Blaexit, southeast into Georgia/Africa, beware, Apb,

  Take Thee A Parable From Jericho, American Drama Series September 20, 2006-March 25, 2008/See Oct 15/ 2018, more bear beast readying one on the horizon of the worst to come, while the word tribulation scrolled none stop on the news ticker, beware, Apb

     A nuclear mushroom cloud appears on the horizon -- and for the residents of Jericho, a small Kansas town, it could mean they're the only Americans left alive. Fear of the unknown propels Jericho into mayhem, causing the town to come apart at the seams. Secrets are revealed, personal agendas take over and even the most sensible people become paranoid. But even in a time of crisis, some folks will find an inner strength they never knew existed, causing them to emerge as the most unlikeliest of heroes. As the citizens slowly rebuild Jericho, however, they also find themselves in a bitter turf war with the residents of another town, New Bern.

Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant/No Flesh Will Survive The Molten, Fiery Inundation Throughout North America's Craton to Continent, Tens Of Millions Will Perish Instantly, Beware, Escape, Apb 

     -The word Jericho been mighty in my spirit, first the revisited from 2013 predicted five more disasters into  2019 Hawaii 5'0 , as in zeroed out, ELE's come, before  disaster Hawaii, 191 winds, even prior there's  the Southwest, and prior still, hearing states of New York, States of New Jersey, just nights or so past I heard an exact number of over a hundred cities. Beware, from West Pacific ring of fire, Hawaii/ California/Canada all along the North American Seismic to Tectonic/ Molten Dill Points to Craton, Apb, (then days later, President Putin Threaten this,, hundreds of US cites), see more here,, again all under the greatest fiery death tolls one nation to world system, since Noah's earth , deemed a Noah's cousin, only, only these triple Godzilla like threats, nuclear, natural and NEO's,, again  beware, blessed escape! Apb, see also here,
