Fret Not, These Procrastinators Would Call Jesus Mat 24, Telling Of His Disciples Of These Evil Day End All This World Judgments Now Come, As In Now Come, Fear Mongering,

Woe! Woe! Woe!

    Fret not, these procrastinators would call Jesus Mat 24, telling of his disciples of these evil day end of this world judgments now come, as in now come, fear mongering, you're  a blessing to all who will hear the molten lava, smoke of Rev 17/18, of America's/West rule burning, see more here, Hawaii 38 minutes of terror, intensified a million fold, understand that's what come, escape isn't east  it's syward or southeast preferably Georgia, but as far as Africa, beware, Apb

Offer! Offer! Offer!

     -AMTV Christopher Greene, youtube alternative news suggested that we read more, and Apostle I am these 30 plus springs, couldn't agree more, but an intermission into why I too, like Jesus, Prophets and Apostle's Prior, speak in parables. Now a predicted, US into Georgia/Africa exodus, Hemingway, was simply a character I created 2016, book before being forced to enforced June 26/27/2017 to relocate from disaster Hawaii/Memphis, into Georgia, while washing a sink of dishes, now a mountain, even a Hemingway is now the bypass of said relocation of American, Canadians of America's continent of molten refugees. Then the character Silver, I created post disaster Hawaii/Memphis 2017, over a sink of dishes, whose now in hindsight, is leading a final exodus, who unbeknownst to writer of  book character, so again in hindsight, he leads an exodus of the Aqua Juttah, Hemingway escapees that end along a transfiguration mountain top, exchange from now Silverton Nicholas' hands, into Jesus's hand, the 144, 000 specialty saints.
     -But how could we have known, it just come into my head while washing dishes, I wanted a book character named Silver, now first Prince African Juttah, Silverton Nicholas, Coogan Chow, Liverpool. Those as Noah's Ark,  genesis marriage worshipper, our 1996, their 2012, no reference to the Mayan apocalypse, first exodus by transforming, submersible Arks on and below the sea. As I suggested before see the mocked, exodus of God, the 2009, 2012 Movie as a surreal compilation of an outbreak with ELE's and mortuary I been seeing these again, thirty plus springs, as of the righteous Bride, demonstration of rapture, that's taken out just as simultaneously as America, West Rule is by an outbreak of earth enders nationally and internationally catalytically no more; Jesus disciples ask him why he spoke in parables, he answered by quoting Jer 5;21, equally saying, well, see more here, Mat 10;13-17       

99 Bowls Of Molten Of Molten Lava On Trump's Maddening Walls, If One Of Those Hawaii Molten Lava Bowls Shall Begin To Blow, 98 Bowls Of Molten Lava on Israel's Wailing Wall, see here,

     -Ironic you, well he would use Godzilla as an ensample, as John, as portrayed, Revelation 6, 6th seal, world wide, predicted, revisited Oct 15, (2017), super earthquakes/eruptions, especially Canada, melting mountains all, even engulfing all such prepping to shelter in place. I witnessed the heavens come not just as one 1998 Godzilla monster, but as two Sci fi/Cloverfield type Godzilla monsters, crystallized at that, as the crystallized heaven missiling and firing down upon running, screaming, dying Eze, 5., 9 stampeders . Both Amphibian, just as those frogs John also witnessed come out of the mouth of the Dragon, the Antichrist and false prophet. I guess it's like watching more than Wyoming erupting a VEI 8, but perhaps California and New Mexico as well,  my witnessed 1996, death bringer being released from beneath the earth, oddly a clock, a sixth year ticked backward under him.
     -Right this moment, lets say enough erupted magma to produce 99 bowls of molten lava, US soil alone then as you read and I write I've haven't since 2015, received so many indications that an ELE of an eruption nuclear, natural and or NEO US soil is rightly upon procrastinators. Then there's May 4, a Rev 2, 18th Matrix ten day count, as Rev 18 chapter opened, the year 2018, and as well predicted that 2015, disaster West Pacific ring of Fire, disaster, predicted, 99 bowls of molten lava, disaster predicted Hawaii into Memphis, which, Jan 13. 2018, a year gone down infamy my prophetic history. Cleverly, turn out to be not only a for 38 minutes inbound missile, terror alert, but a not for centuries inconceivable, as hell enlarging itself above ground in dramatic fashion a Volcanic, way of the earth vomiting up itself, mightily judging sinful man, as of lake, bowls of molten lava.
     -Inconsistently one would think for it's years anniversary January 2019, there's to be a return to total fulfillment of such historic feats, and surely , as to open it's 39th Matrix count,. Firstly, oddly, there's a list of names, as taken right out of the Rev 20th, 2015, lamb's book of names, roll call, census taking, the book of life, to death, itself.  One single page, black and white, all single file, all lowercase, no numerical order and all seeming to be last names, all begin to fade as I wake and left me with the memory of one, logan name; when during into yet another matrix count, the sunlight I witnessed rise behind a mountain God's Throne, say as Moses day, let my people go, was now rising as such the Phenom behind the single, name, Luther, (see since Nimrod, 1986-2019, Blaexit), go figure. Then all around on earth is as Revelation 11, 7th angel sounding celebration, the kingdoms of men Christopher Greene , Lisa Haven, Kanye West, Jussie Smollett, ex army/Marfoogle, are now become the kingdoms of God and His Christ and THEY, and, THEY, shall reign forever, see Rev 19, a 19th matrix and the disaster into fulfilling ELE'S US soil, it's year so far, of 2019.
     I admit, a glance additionally into this specialty, arcade list, and whosoever name isn't written are cast into more than Hawaii's 99 bowls of molten lava, but hell's eternally the same and was just reminded, God will not give them a second thought, not after six millennia of spilling righteous blood to save them all, so this Jan 2-5, 2019 list, either Rev 19 God remembering us, His Saints, or Rev 18 God, remembering them, His Sinners. Anyway,  by a 40th, Nov, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, 2017, Jesus, Rev 2 matrix ten day countdown to doomsday, I see a single, red bitten apple, and now a hand writing on a wailing wall 99 bowls of molten lava. Only now I like to say 98 bowls of molten lava if you count predicted, disaster Hawaii/Memphis, and on a staggering toll of death anniversary, Bush's Obama's Trump's now Jan 19-23rd 2019, a UK Michael Volcano erupted.
    -Mercifully, you're to gather when and where this molten lava displacement to fiery deletion began, again a Hawaiian 6th to 18th Matrix, then into a 41st matrix, plainly, as in all end time prophecy through to Rev 1--22 opened.  Dramatically it's now Jan 23-29th, 2019, but first a 6th Matrix, Rev 6, 6th seal, Jan 25-29th, (2018), there's heart gripping, mind numbing for many, the visit from Dan 10, 12, Rev 10/13, Man I Linen/Mighty Angel, Rev 17, 7th Angel. Even these holies of holies, THEY'RE either crying no more doomsday Passovers or beginning to began with Hawaii Jan 13, (2018), horror, terror scare, beware all now considered since March/October 1-13 (2018), invited into Georgia, US states of barbecue.
     -Frightfully as to be Britain/US/Canada/ states of Barbecue, all along the West Pacific ring of fire, as of Canada to the molten North American Craton, desolated, predicted by all science to prophecy come, as in right now come, just these not seen for centuries to a millennia world of mass destructions. Presently, as for it's year's revisit, since the list of 2019 reveals is so long, there's the Jan 2017, as 2003, 2013, chant, fifty million will die, there's the 2013, as of hearing star wars in the heavens, and hearing a trumpet sound on par with Krakatoa's' loudest sound ever, no wonder even mountains to elite's hideaway disrupted to erupted, so the Bride's escape an ELE all it's own. Unthinkably still, this Jan, 2019, I actually witnessed a Rev 12, Michael warring in heaven, (01/29-23, 2019), yes, all about us making a single choice, a Cameron' Brexit, 3th year anniversary, still your choice of Michael just now warring for you, Briexit skyward or a Blaexit southeast.
    -Then I'll finish it with the seeing, this blessed exodus, of a single egg readied to be trashed, as of what come first creation or procreation and on par with finding Father Elohim, prayer closet 1993 weeping uncontrollably behind a Rev 8, silence in heaven and we wept; a hand writing Ezekiel, God's, as Rev 18, even Jeremiah's lamentation, here's again the name Ezekiel and the chapter 19, (Rev 19, Matrix 19,(June 3-5, 2018) the year, 2019), saying, " moreover take thou up a lamentation for the princes of Israel's son/Abraham's sons, it's billions inherits, planet earth. Though like the backward  running clock along a 60th year the from the molten beneath death rider let's back all the way up, just how paramount would these Cascadia, California, New Mexico to Wyoming red alerts how to get; there're even some being summoned to red rooms,  about ash building on escape bridges, what surreal then entails renewed mandatory evacuations? I ask because by the time we reached a Feb 3-5, 2019, 42th Matrix, my daughter who doesn't tell such things,  is telling me a dream about standing this Hemingway bypass and friendly, fiery, rain is coming down.
     -Actually, just as I'm being bombarded by a repeated Hawaii 5'0, it's 10th day, before predicted, disaster Hawaii is again breaking news, I went on later, it's 15th and wake in a blizzard of friendly fire, from the heavens, from beneath and soon all around, myself.  Just as revealing, all biblical prophecy said, being done, it's Feb 12, 2019, it's 42nd to 43rd Matrix, there's a line upon line Rite Aid reveal and as God's Throne backed into us some thirty plus spring this ministry. The woman bearing Rev 17, 7th Angel bowls, along the ginormous maze of sin, breaking the line of a Rev 18, million man's single watercooler but in her upper right hand pocket are business cards for better all now homeless this planet billions inherit, for mansions in heaven. Great concern, now all we're getting, this closed case, issue, rite aid counter, with it's her, only with her back turn, only waiting on this single woman, and little Miya girl a for two quarters this earth of a translation into new error/era Jesus's  healing reign, that might be with her, something other is.
     -Only, with some confusion, allowing her a change from a 5 dollar bill into a 15 dollar bill as of the by 2005 into Jesus 2016, decent, the 15%  earned dead, US soil of its weighty Western to Petrodollar blood guilt. Apostle I am then tell you, if I was you, I would want to know Rev 5, even it's Rev 6, 5th seal, the matrix 5, what's it's date, what happen then into the year 2005, what end nuclear, natural and NEO's event upon us right now, with no further delays, were upon us then? Then there's equally Rev 15, what date is Matrix 15, what happen on earth, the heavens, what about the year 2015, what happen that our planet, Our predicted 1996, abominable, detestable  lives, lands, churches, money markets, peace getting porches and crystal skies aren't the same? That's as in all the more detrimental, as in earth standing, still, ending, just the end of the world, or Western Civilization, no prepping to shelter in place  and we're not feeling  fine, unprecedented troubles, even Trump's wall, all here to stay.
     -Except, elephants stampeded, Dec 3-4th, (2017), so now it's by staying unaware dancing, roses, poses and singing all around the pacific ring of fire.  No matter as of ancient beast, the lion, the leopard and the demon dog of keeping the dead, Anubis, are all posed in the home/Church as friendly house pets. So Ancient evils, demons and man slaughterers all posed domestically, socially just as other members of the family, then as Daniel sees a little horn rise from ten kingly horns, though now more a prestigious leopard, (Daniel 7/8 little horn) and Rev 13, 17, demons. Evidently, fallen angels to once bound demons right now poised as German Shepherds, buts is a multi nuclear Alexander The Great, Hitler, on the prowl to erase millions as sitting ducks, as of their lives.  Just as well, a revisited, 2003, 2010, 2013-2017-2019, fifteen percent in death tolls US, Western soil. Beware, Israel's, Zech, 13, Rev 13, 13th Matrix, predicted 2013, five more disasters, how all ELE's Hawaii 5'0, as zeroed out. Simply ELE's no longer delayed, again US's/Westerners fifty million dead does not include Israel's predicted two thirds in death tolls, knowing, get it, get Jesus, get out, beware, Apb, PS, although when checked, there are none, email QA's the Hemingway reveal/escape here,,                 
