We Have Heard With Our Ears, O God, Our Fathers Have Told Us, What Work Thou Didst In Their Days, In The Times Of Old.

     -And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring The King Husband, Dickerson Nashis Hannity and the Righteous, Queen Bride, Pristina Orica Phillip

The Unending Love Antidote

Also Starring: Pearlman (Perl) Michelle Lenna and  Cathia Vallejo Gooseman, Camdenton Verruca Alfredo and Quintana Saline Caress Genaro Reynolds Lawson and Patatine Inanna Caress, Arrack Jermyn and Keystern Eliana Neil and Arietta Roseland Lawson, Cobra Burleson Neelson and Xenias Diametric  Lawson, Bradenton Aeolis Lawson and Kassidy Tyneka Daniel, Terrain Brazeen Phillips and Radisson Apollo Lenna, Alston Bishop Phillips and Eiddyson (Eiddy) Racine Daniel, Tyron Lyndsay Teams and Lainson Hazel  Viceroy, Jovanni Sariah Teams and Cynthia Ella  Teams, George, Atchison Zariah Teams and Talleston (Tally), Shaughnessy Phillip, Royston Clarisse Viceroy and Ami Reston Colum Hannity.  

Give to the Church Of The Martyr, www.persecution.com
Give To Time Sensitive Escape Fund Here, https://paypal.me/pools/c/81LRj0V4GB

THE UNENDING LOVE ANTIDOTE ...The African Juttah 1986-2016/2017-2024, The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy,

Unto  Pearlman (Perl) Michelle Lenna and Cathia Vallejo Gooseman, was born a daughter Alivia Ballerina Lenna, a daughter, Acidy Floris Lenna and a son Colenso Elian Gooseman      
Unto Camdenton Verruca Alfredo and Quintana Saline Caress was born twin son Adonis Jaquez Alferdo, a son Acquis Jamila Alfredo     
Unto Genaro Reynolds Lawson and Palatine Inanna Caress was born a son, Ural Lakington Lawson, a son, Josue Bryton Lawson and a daughter Arrington Rosary Caress         

THE UNENDING LOVE ANTIDOTE ...The African Juttah 1986-2016/2017-2024, The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy,

Unto Arrack Jermyn Lovington and Arietta Roseland Lawson was born a daughter Remington Arianna Lovington, a daughter Channahon Erivan Lovington and a son Lytton Mathewson Lawson       

...We have heard with our ears, O God, our fathers have told us, what work thou didst in their days, in the times of old...

                                                         Scene XVII And VII

  "I'm saying escaping to Georgia doesn't seem no different than any other, oh but admittedly it is, just like unforseen Jordan’s Petra and merciful God designing it that way and not even the gates of hell shall prevail against it! Kiss, kiss babe, see you for lunch, okay loving girl. Then I'm saying like my wife Felicity, yeah Georgia on the surface seem nothing special, but on the spiritual it's a phenomenal difference. Now when Sia Maaseiah witnessed Michael battling star wars to get even tribulators out, like the 2015 Jesus Husband it was to get us all either skyward or into Georgia pending, pending Africa, don't y'all get it, it's where it's been designed star warring holies of holies are taking a stand for us? Battling out a star, yeah my Shell girl point out that star wars reference, Revelation 12 says the Dragon draws a 4th if the stars, of now fallen Angels, so star warring, get it? Also remember, March 13, (2018), it was to get into Georgia, with Africa pending from one mistrusting barbecue to a barbecue most trusting. At the time Sia Maaseiah compared the difference with the conversation Jesus is having with the woman having a bucket of water from Jacob's well, verses the living water he offered her but she couldn't see. That's Kadesh man, Moses burning bush but it wasn't consumed, the three Hebrew boys tossed in furnace, Jesus right there, did not harm them; Sia Maaseiah, three time test doors into a sunlight, that could consume but by it's mercy didn't consume, wore red eyes all her childhood, doctors giving her weekly visits couldn't figure it, hey you guys scooch, scooch. Only Beeth man by faith would she see phenom living water, partake of it and sustain all life, for all eternity, not just this temporal, curse of life. Now Davidson man she call it star warring in heaven because during the January 2019 Super blood moon that's what she saw, and in 2013, when she woke hearing five more disasters that just zeroed out with US West Pacific flooding and Hawaii disaster Feb 11, (2019), but at the same time she heard five more disasters, that possibly began again with disaster Alabama, but she's seen two incoming ELES since then, while a day prior actually. Anyway back then, 2013,  she heard stars wars, as of a fierce battle being waged in the heavens, this was live, not a dream, like Sia Kadesh man she could walk outside, look up and see it, now just now, she did, making what she saw, heard, saw during the super blood a revisit to Rev 12, Michael warring in heaven, so signs in heaven could be acts or bouts of spiritual warfare and what's her Matrix 12, even 2012, right? Yeah the not for 7000 years Rev 12 sign September 23rd 2017, was shown to her June 26, 2015 to be the Brides estimated time of escape, ETE, yeah only Beethoven man it didn't happen, no, it was all as biblical prophecy past and future fulfilled the moment Jesus mourn it is finished because of various timetables set, especially Daniel final week of years and the man in linen timetable that was sworn into it that we now know was pending Obama's White House Which June 2015's Bride ETE's was ending with Cameron and Trump having but a short space to set into place all blessed exists now Sia Maaseiah's framed, famed Briexit, and, or Brexit, Blaexit, where she's called Trump a Truexit, yeah, yeah and Hillary's a predicted 2002, Hilexit., there literally is no getting out of it, we're a Noah's Ark to Moses Exodus, seen Rev 18, commaded exodus ourselves, woe, woe, woe, it's more Ky man, like the first woe is past! Why you always do that Sia Beethoven Artz? I don't understand, that so smell good, steaming hot cup of chocolate, I told you how tempting that is! Sorry bro Kadesh, I had to have it, but at least I didn't tempt you further by getting you one. I got to go too hubby BFA files, alright Braveheart love, meet you later at the nursery, right, you guys be sweet. Look, look Kadesh man what about this Anunnaki, even Nephilim crap, saying they're seven spirits of the mythological underworld, that they must've talked to Moses, told him everything he knew, wrote. While Cassius man if they're not talking about the holy watchers designed by God, who're as Ancient as God. Who often come and talk for God, who come and talked to King Nebuchadnezzar during Daniel, who in the molten, underworld gorge between hell and Abraham's bosom watched over Abraham and all Ancient, righteous dead. That when Ephesians 4 scripture says he, Jesus Cross descended, as into hell and talked to spirits there, this is all it meant, all those righteous pre Christ's cross and resurrection and ascension. Miraculously Jesus during those three supposedly tomb days, nights, that's descended and delivered paradise hell to paradise heaven, leading captivity captived, actually, just as he promised the dying beside him calling Him Lord, thief. As in now post the cross, that keeping the ancient righteous safe partition is now empty, served its purpose again until Christ Cross be fulfilled. Now, over two thousand years return is now for her, and, prophetically as in 7 Daniel years later, return is with her. So Davidson man if not these Holies of Holies, then rebellious man still going about his own form of righteousness the spiritual warfare of the Anunnaki slash the Nephilim. It is then, they are then just another reason not to accept Elohim God's form of woman seed to Christ's glorification and God reigning King Zion, David, Lamb, ask me, Ps 2, Elohim now says to Him, and I will give you the heathen recently crying they want full term abortion, they want GOSNELL for an inheritance! Though having Grand Maaseiah here, and witnessing how all Holies of Holies and their various dominion work and war with her, as with Rev 17:13-14, Christ and His anointed. Just saying with her being here, and THEY here with her, we have a personal understanding of how God's Kingdom come down to us, even for us mere men yes, but still HIS, Genesis, man, marriage, of procreating his human to holy spirit being, so this is how HIS divinity for us works. Could then mean, the Rev 12 Michael reveal, snatching out the specialty child the Rev 12, Dragon's aim could as well referenced the snatching out of the Bride. As in Sia Maaseiah just witnessed Rev 12, Michael and Daniel 9 Prince of Persia in star wars about, very good Beeth man you used that analogy, what did she see, mention also she saw days after Michael was said to set His all round? Have you all noted she heard Michael and not Archangel Michael? Just as is written in holy scripture, I thought that telling as well, a UK Michael Volcano erupted, but so did God's apostate Israel and Abraham's apostate son, Islam erupt into what some call the look of Armageddon, Yeah, reconcile, be holy Kadesh man there being no coincidences we're indescribably far from being alone, seriously man, Great Ancient Angels and Ancient Fallen Angels and Ancient Demons are warring over us, as in literally over, above us. Why you Heus man keep calling him that though? it's making me batty, making you batty, then where is your faith just now? It's his name, woo Kadesh man, I should've taken your advice, still Curri girl, Meshullam Kadesh mean reconcile, be holy, and Sia Maaseiah Adonai, anyone know what her name mean? Sia is Assembler, her name mean made of Jehovah's God, God, I gotta go, men's room beware, over share, TMI, Beeth man, all if that!!! Regretfully looking at the time we all better go, get with y'all through the day, we're doing it guys, doing, ah what? Living in a world whereas America, West Rule no longer is, and soon Israel will fall to an enemy who hath his name, Hamath, and there began Daniel's 7 year peace accord, yeah Davidson man all finished and finaled God's Christ and Kingdom come down to reign forever, bringing a Planet X, a new heaven, earth and Jerusalem right along and the nations were Rev 11, 7th Angel, angry! Amen and Amen! I'm coming, I'm coming, you all think that's her invasion of war reveal, peace, invasion of peace I mean? (www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com), patriot soldiers, huh? She got that a night past, ah BFA Files who get his from the now Septennial Globe past such reveals to him he to me, I'm right here taking up the rear, that could referenced the landing of the non combatant us to r troops, I guess really, really soon we'll soon, yeah. Plus, she just referenced Jesus shorten days could as well referenced a blackout to a twilight earth, we well, we should see coming, the great dark they're calling her now for decades predicted EMP to CME extinction level event, while at least they got it, finally. Yeah a sudden subtraction of 190 years of technical growth, and don't forget, and 40 days, I'm just saying I wouldn't want to get it either, then with all the molten lava rising up, raining down there's only one blessed to obedient prep! And his word you guys shall be a lamp to our feet and a light to our path, I think I got that right, yeah BFA files man, yeah and Amen, but didn't she dreamed that? Yes, more a demo, as holies of holies lead her out of an all of a sudden arcade, void, creepy, outer darkness, yes, light come under her footprint step by step, she said, then all around her, precept upon precept, line upon line, Grand Maaseiah always told us, her ah, grands."    >>>"Y'all know how the Hemingway exodus ended right? Almost identical to Jesus disciples witnessed of what they described as the transfiguration on the mountain with Moses and other worthies. What about Maaseiah's discovering herself there, the prophesied Jesus, the Bride, Michael and legions of the holies, described the air that would by then be beyond toxic, it's skies twilight with it, but she found it crisp and clean? Yeah, yeah Shell, all you all, l just imagine it present-day, that all the Hemingway, Aqua Juttah escapees, twelve coupled as Noah's ark, genesis marriage worshippers taking the lead. Just as so, 12 coupled as Noah's day, genesis marriage worshipers taking up the rear, and all those they're leading along an identical as Moses day, Egypt, the Nile river all, well, 144, 000 of them anyway, are now atop that mountain. Amazingly, not only meeting with the Bridegroom Lord Jerusalem, but with the Bride, Lord Urusalem, and they're passing them off to these holies of holies one by one, 12, 000 per each tribe of Hebrew just as apostle John describes it, and all you hear for now is, of the tribe of Judah were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Reuben were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Gad were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Aser were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Nephthalim were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Manassas were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Simeon were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Levi were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Issachar were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Zebulon were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Joseph were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Benjamin were sealed twelve thousand. And the background running on continuously were these amazing, amazing lyric, we exalt thee, I mean how do you really described anything such a zillion times beyond, it was just so phenomena. Then you just think, before any of them stepped one foot atop that mountain, what I'm tell you was all hindsight, as in not in a billion years could any of us have imagine our blood lineage would culminate one day that they'd come in likeness to Jesus and early disciples and ours from the earliest of great, predestined worthies and deliverers.  As in, we had no ideal not even a clue, those they we're leading were being lead as to into the African Septennial until into the marriage supper all is bidden, and if either of you ask, how Sia Evolent de rossi of the house of Egypt is it know this, I'll then have to tell you, because Sia Lakeside Pier Swanson and I, were the leading couple that took up the rear end twelve. Though the details of what I just told isn't written, well not knowingly, the witnessed and testament I just gave is as God bore it as well, and all I got to say is all of that must of been the phenomenon of what Sia Maaseiah experienced. Evidently each time she found herself in the presence of holies of holies, and don't be concern knowing these things, as soon as Maaseiah got the word Hemingway. Just as so as huge enough to block out the skies, bold, black, a single word, I knew it was time for it's none confinement, reveal and fulfillment, a farewell to arms, to Atlantis to home, planet earth and the days of Noah. Truly since for three decades present-day we've been in a slow motion exodus of diminishing, disestablishing, disenfranchising and frittering away into the molten winds totally and completely as right under our stagnant feet, it's rebelliousness, dangerous, deadly and damning denials, as it is written, let it be done. You know that kinda sound like Sia Maaseiah being in the midst of the Lamb's book being opened into a name roll call and census you sis, yeah someone figured what is that's happening as the righteous rise from graves, here their name as easily as Lazarus and come quaking up and out? And the dead Evolent de Rossi shall rise first, yeah Sia Maaseiah witnessed as a ballooning cloud great larger and larger with them, and that' were we made our reign until the tribulation saints were well interceded."     >>>"What brother are you reading, and why is your spirit so cast down, you're still not over suffering with her? Just now, I'm reading Ezekiel 19, remember the first of Jan 2019, it was given to her, that and a single egg readied to be trashed, it talk about Israel have raised up lions who became hunters of both animal and men, but each time they were each thrown down until by Babylon it was taken and nothing good to prosperous to material, nor life  was heard no more at all in them. Here saying her stature was exalted among the thick branches, and she appeared in her height with the multitude of her branches.  But she was plucked up in fury, she was cast down to the ground, wait, wait, you know that sound like the Daniel, 4:4, curse against US, Western Soil, Sia Maaseiah's October (2018). This is until the next seven years be fulfilled, wow, wow Apache man, wow her reveals are just spot on with prophetic revisits, now to finish, but she was plucked up in fury, she was cast down to the ground, and the east wind dried up her fruit: her strong rods were broken and withered; the fire consumed them, the fire Apache, Arrow, just as predicted US/Western soil; and now she is planted in the wilderness, in a dry and thirsty ground. And fire is gone out of a rod of her branches, the fire that sword from prison bars that targeted our, well Apache's US's, as Moses day, burning Bush. So an enemy of her own making, like the little horn, Dan 7, Rev 17, rising out f his own, the ten heads; which hath devoured her fruit, so that she hath no strong rod to be a sceptre to rule. This is a lamentation, and shall be for a lamentation.  Well I don't know what to tell you, Sia Maaseiah witnessed Sioux that whether we're safe guarded here, or in the second to third heavens we had or we were an up close and personal witnessed of rebellious men, devils, demons and a mixture of every arriving extinction level events that they reaping horrors all implode upon themselves, could Sioux if it wasn't for divine intervention Christ's second return, would by the antichrist even short execution, extinct themselves.  You get with Eve Lynn over what happen with Sia Maaseiah, the tempting to glorious things she said? How did I know Arrow you would ask me that question, you know Sia Maaseiah as a child suffered with bad eyes, red eyes? At times it was so bad she visited eye doctors weekly and more, but they just couldn't figure it, even how she was even bullied in school about and eventually suffered head trauma from, by one of them, right now like Apostle Paul, a horrible after after-effect she's suffered since. So these visitations to heaven been going on with her for a while, yes, and why Sioux they were described to her as memories more than dreams and you're brother I love dodging the question. Calm down yes, we talked, and we decided it's just more reveal Arrow, that the old man, present earth, this planet, all are becoming new, holy, spirit and truth, all. Then here we, well rebellious man is disobedient, cursed to death, damnation, we're 6 millennia carnal trying to understand ancient of years of spiritual warfare. So let me Arrow instead ask before we go our separate ways, ah twelve samples of blood, the twelve Tribes of Israel or twelve acts of bioterrorism, the ten monkeys to the last ship, TV series? I would Sioux care to think what she thought when she first heard, both, she said she thought of the twelve tribes of Israel, but she considered the fact they'd also by a the microscope of a local science lab shown her how does entrusted were crafting an act of bio-terrorism. As forewarn years now, something old she was to understand with something new, plus the first judgment she witnessed after an act of an EMP to CME, the big dark they'r e now calling it, was a pale horse infested with fleas. After she researched such, in the form of a towering horse meant it represent not Arrow just an outbreak but an unprecedented, never this earth, outbreak.  As so an outbreak of mortuary that soon seem as the western days again, those who were infected parents, children all, shaped their hands into what seem a backward letter C, how that oddity as well made sense. Seeing that's how the bio-terrorism the merging of something old, with something new, that's how it appeared under the microscope, like the flu pandemic of the past, but having a mass its center, as something new like the Swine Flu to Bubonic plague, I say bubonic seeing the towering pale horse she saw, was infested with fleas, an indication I guess, then Rev 11:1, 2, even Rev 13, 17:16-18, Israeli/Islamic reign to Antichrist rule then followed. Well Sioux Noell, right now, by the January to February 2019, Hemingway to Rite Aid reveal there is no doubt the for millennia, to centuries to decades now come American, even WestWorld Moses day exodus is here, and Sia Maaseiah seeing Volcanic ash building on escape bridges, just as she a Rev 12, Michael battling along star wars in heaven  justas we're readied to be taken out, meaning said Brexit/Blaexits into Georgia/Africa's Atlantic are dwindling. I know you read her Georgia, George and Hemingway parable, farewell to Arms, to Mystery Babylon, Mystery Atlantis and soon, Planet X Landing, farewell to this planet earth. Mystery Atlantis Arrow? While Holies of Holies stampede the entire hundreds of millions North American's Continent into either US Southeast Atlantic and Africa's West Coast Atlantic, making it new and how many Sioux as of a half of billion knowing are on the move? If they're not being heart to head lead a few, if any, very few, as in Noah's extinction level event they're gonna wait on what's a ginormous filled ark so obvious the end is come. They're to wait until they like Noah's day can't run, they can only die, then judgement, then the second death. There this one thing good about Americans, as John watch an incalculable multicultural number come out of great tribulation unless they die instantly, they know how to pray when they're like now in their most nuclear of  danger and disasters." Why? Jesus disciples asked Him why he speak in parables? When Jesus quoted the prophets of old, like, Jer 5:21, equally saying, well see more here, Mat 13:10-17, beware, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (The RAM), hear thee a parable about the name, Georgia, and George, see, https://littlemiyagirltopreppers2019.blogspot.com/2019/02/here-thee-prophetic-parable-about-t-he.html
