Moreover take thou up a lamentation for the princes of Israel.

  Warning Signs That Yellowstone Could Erupt's


  -You say extinction, Holy Lords Say A Noah's Cousin, only nuclear, natural and NEO'S, meaning biblically, it's all happening for a reason, see Rev 17/18; First with the PROF, rising up into the crust, heat signatures, plumes and now harmonic trembling. Just as portrayed Rev 6, 6th seal, there's no hiding from God's wrath. No underground or above shelters, there's blessed escape, you know who why and where.
    -Believing a California to Wyoming super eruption is one of the two ELE'S I witnessed launched, impacting US soil, March 2019, dreamed, March/Oct 2018, I invited you all from a barbecuing in these areas instead into US Georgia for as far as Africa's Atlantic, West Coast; heard just before Trump's 4th was met with 3 US/BC West Coast major earthquakes and its PROF area been hit by 7's since.
    -Hearing June 19, 2019, "destroy Wisconsin," (2010, "Asteroid," Destroy West Constantly Sinning); Rev 10, mighty Angel, Rev 17, 7th. Angel said, Jan 2018, no further delays US soil;" So tens of millions since Bush's/Obama's and Trumps, predicted to be dead; experts say, 100,000 in death tolls, where hundreds of millions right this second, live; just how hoodwinked by these watered down alerts to deceptions they think American refugees, are? Beware, Apb, see here,

     -And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring The King Husband, River Kessler Arely  and Queen, Bride, Jesses Breanna Boss, see the exodus of  Cadence, Caddy, Nicole,

Give to the Church Of The Martyr,

Give To Time Sensitive Escape Fund Here, 

Juttah 1986-2016/2026, The African Juttah Infinite Genealogy,

Unto River Kessler Arely and Jesses Breanna Boss was born a son Breghton Javier Arele, a godson Eelam Rafael Arely and a son, Khalid Jamel Boss               
Unto Kellan Channing Small and Rossland Gazelle Raft was born a god daughter, Miyka'el Fiona Small, a daughter Kenia Sien Small and a god daughter, Raguel Nedra Raft             
Unto Anthony Clinton Adar and Tirrabella Ares Jobbs was born a daughter, Angelique Dariel Adar,  a son, Assieh Fidel Adar and  a god son, Muriel Amidah Jobbs 
Unto Courtside Bishop Prius and Parius Araceli Belmont was born a son Phael Nariel Prius, a god son, Trinity Kalel Prius, and a god daughter, Nagelique Riel Belmont       
Unto Darrison Matheson Levare and Katina Elion Rough was born a son, Aydin Romeo Levare, a son Harrison Elliana Levare, a god daughter Ahweh Shieh Rough             
Unto Jr. Ranch Collis and Delia Emporia Alison was born a son, Assieh Erotica Collis, a god son, Mikaela Abdiel Collis and a god daughter Mahasiah Haier Collis  and a daughter, Briery Caribe Alison

      ...Moreover take thou up a lamentation for the princes of Israel...  
                                             Scene, Mark XVII and VII

Unto Anthony Clinton Adar and Tirrabella Ares Jobbs was born a daughter, Angelique Dariel Adar,  a son, Assieh Fidel Adar and  a god son, Muriel Amidah Jobbs 

{{{"No, you're hearing me Clint, but you're not listening to me, okay, okay. Everything being predicted for or along the US/Hawaii, So Cal, Canada West/North Pacific, even into Wyoming Yellowstone is also right now happening to Memphis Texas, Tn. New Madrid. Y'all Clinton just can't see it, know, what you can't see is a part of the curse, why signs and wonders they are trying to hide from us are a blessing.  Like looking through a mirror darkly, not so much Clint, stumbling around in the dark, but like a dunkard, having blurred, unclear vision, even lessen hearing, responders. Well I heard that dutchsinse explain California couldn't go into the ocean, yeah Clint man, but Sia Maaseiah didn't say California, she watched like a lamenting Jeremiah, a flying over doomsday come Ezekiel, see John lamenting, Rev 18; the entire US/Canada West Coast be lost into the West Pacific, and horribly heard the same happened to the burning up everything from there, Eastern Seaboard. Only kinda like no further delays, forewarn Rev 10 Mighty Angel, Rev 17, 7th Angel, US West Pacific all lost, get instead into Africa's Atlantic, West coast, the Brexit come Blaexit, West Rule, North America's total removal come. Okay, okay Court man, calm down, with all that said, I'm in Louisiana, that's southeast as well, yeah, yeah, there are other parts of the Country Jordan, but only one Petra, one Israeli/Islamic blessed escape, are you listening? Clinton please, please, for North America's entire Continent, Caribbean all, that's Georgia, okay, that's southeast from there, Africa's West Coast! Now please tell me you understand, that I've cleared my hands of your resilient, resistant blood? I got to go, alerts are sounding here, a Juttah Loco, transit is come and Clint man, I better see you here or up there, you and Tirra both, bye, yeah, ah, ah bye!}}} So, so Tirrabella we're going, Tirrabella, really? You haven't called me that since we first me, I know, I'm just nervous, ah, our being southeast isn't good enough, isn't counted blessed exodus. Ah, not unless we're in Georgia or West Coast Africa, Rev 18 God Tirra not Sia Maaseiah planned it that way, count its obedience as Abraham's sojourn ying Righteousness.  So has been seen by HER, as well, a Rev 12, Michael, as recent as January past; I guess battling a star wars about it all, as in Tirra casting down Ancient devils and demons in high places, getting in the way, as the stalling them, Prince of Persia during Angel Gabriel to Prophet Daniel's, reveals, I know, as amazing as Jesus to John's, God's, Revelations. Look, I have no quarrel at all, just glad Clint we're only have like a few hundred miles to go, that love is a blessing, seeing we could lose access to our wheels at any given time, yeah the sight the same time as seeing Rev 12, Michael, of seeing molen ash building and building on escape bridges, soooo, let's do it, let's go, it's said if need be, we got churches and shelters who Tirra, can't refuse us, all along the way."

Unto Tatum Oniel Cobberson and Princess Ni Be we Consquella, Isabella Kroff was born twin daughters Hadee Caelan Kroff and Habaiah Kaamil Kroff, a son Cooper Listan Kroff and twin sons Dejan Cas'sel Kroff and Sterling Equardo Cobberson and a son Chandler, Brantly, Kroff  

     "Hey, ah Princess Ni be we, I just read your grand Maaseiah's response to Trump's racists tweets. Yeah, sadly I was there, tears triggered along her face as she did, like he insulted her and hers, Ghost River, directly. So Is that why they seem so eerily confrontational, especially when she said, thinking he's unstoppable, cause I think the planet, even the heavens, mightily shook. Remember that dream, Feb 12/14, 2015, the Rite Aid Pharmacy reveal Feb 12/14 2019, just revisited? She witnessed the Antichrist in great prowess and seeming as Pres. Trump, unstoppable. Though Princess Nii be we, what was the reigning Bride doing at that same time? Prepping that mountain, King Nebuchadnezzar saw falling from heaven, scared the living hell out of him. Said it was made without hands, meanings, it's nothing of man's doing or control, but as she heard, the Antichrist murderer. Not Ghost just owning it, prepping it, but releasing it, so is it like Dino days extinct, about to hit us? You know, like all this line here, she's seen March this year, two ELE'S launched, impacting, and heard days before Trump's disaster, earthquaking 4th, the 2010 command to destroy west constantly sinning, but like Ghost it's commanded Asteroid is already here. Will this be all?  Actually Phe, Phe, I think I'll have that pearl pin for tonight's Wedding Supper Ball. You may as well Ghost River ask, are Rev 1-19 chpts and it's three woes, opened, firing? I read your mind, you're concern about what Sia Maaseiah's dutchsinse is trying not to report, incalculable volcanos US/BC West coast, readied to blow, her 2015/19, 99 bowls of molten lava, only beginning to end iron men, but your mind Ghost River or mine? Either, getting April 17, 2019-2026 as a finale to it all, any d-day now, doomsday Christmas Carol US soil has to happen; where Sia Ghost River are all your immortal soul treasures again?"     

Unto Courtside Bishop Prius and Parius Araceli Belmont was born a son Phael Nariel Prius, a god son, Trinity Kalel Prius, and a god daughter, Nagelique Riel Belmont       

"No Tirra said Clint's brother, cousin, ah Court reminded them, ah us, Georgia into Africa's Atlantic is the blessed escape, and not any other place is US Georgia; just as Jordan's Petra is for refugees North Africa, Israel and Islam is there's. But how all these people, half a billion here alone Pari gonna fit? You all have to remember that not all people will escape, this is as Noah's day a human to all life on this planet extinction, get ye to Christ's altars of repentance. Youtube's Full Spectrum Survivor gave an example how a million people, some Asian country were called into mandatory evacuation, massive, deadly flooding was coming, but only 400 chose to escaped; are you sure, only 400 out of a million? Yes, that's why it served as a perfect example then and now, well I didn't even know there were still passenger railways in the country, no, but that's why the African Juttah took its advantage. If our leaders had turned from the turf wars of spilling our predestined holy blood to saving our lives, a strait path, gate to Christ, Jesus, the Africa Juttah escape could've been realized ancients ago. Who's talking there? The One with his white glove hand raised, but eyes down texting friends and loved ones, still, as in wicked, religious, political, and social enemies held back, GO, get out! Just how is it you know so much? I have been following the Genesis Marriage worshippers reveals all my life, so all your 16, 17, no 19 years, I'm the Court your Clinton and Tirrabella mentioned, you're, wait, wha, you're the one that had them get out of before all that massive flooding, how is, how did you know? I only knew Louisiana, nor any other state in the US is Georgia nor Atlantic's West Africa, heard that, so you're' Court, well I'm, I know who you both are, we take a few classes together, I'm always way back, you two front and center, wait, wait, are you stalking us? All divine intervention, you all know that's what Sia Maaseiah's African Juttah is, and some of the most unprecedented Holy of Holies ever recorded in scripture have made their appearances showing her, even us, even they're with Holy Her. You're the one sending those text, sending them now, yes, but you Parius, Katia and all this Juttah transit of escape are those hearing, doing, blessed. Could you move closer, break, let us see your face, Clint and Tirra just texted, they're in Alabama, taking a breather at a church shelter, you know, as Sia Maaseiah shepherds all charities, even prep be sent to taken to those areas. You have to see me from here, I can't come any closer, I guess you kinda look familiar. Can I, knowing Court, as you say, ask, you think the reason why all these biblical Warrior Angels to Patriarch Ancestors from blessed Genesis to Revelation are stampeding us southeast into the Atlantic is because God will too split it apart, an intravenous crossover for us all? We know, ah, you are? Darrison, most call me Darri, we know ah, Darri, Holy Emmanuel will if need be, like Apostle John witnessed them all, now washed in Christ's blood, pour into Heaven's Throne, Sia Maaseiah first witnessed a sea of American to world refugees pouring into the African coastline, she couldn't or didn't devouge how variously they arrived. But that same 2008 year she woke chanting we'll build an ark, and during a mocked nations summit, again 2008, she was told then Senator Obama is the one, meaning the Dr. King humanitarian he was before being demon possessed and dehumanized by the great beast whore of the American Presidency, the further that 2015 into 2018, witnessed them be brought by Rev Mighty Angel or stampeded by Rev 12 Michael, into US Georgia, remember, just a pretentious as she's seen the Bride escape, she's seen a blessed as Moses exodus US/Western soil, nationally and internationally, and meaning Illegals are being deported with a half of billions, it's American Continent inherits, on their resistant heels. Look, look, the please be quiet light you guys, like bowing your head, and there Parius, was silence in heaven."

Unto Anthony Abraham Coogan and Cossie Ann Matheson was born their first son Bradford Ean Coogan, their second son Syefan Erin Coogan and a third son, Nicholas Edin Coogan

"No, no, no, this time Sye, instead of 99 bowls of molten lava on Trump's wall, if one of those should happen to erupt, 98 bowls upon Trump's wall! You know she witnessed January 13 2019 past, a handwriting as Sye on Trump's wall, 99 bowls of molten lava, why Nickie is anyone left in that god forsaken country, hell on that continent? Rev 7:1, Mass death Sye being held back until the final trumpet sounds or last Matrix ten day countdown to doomsday, claims those projected US soil, tens of millions. So I'm off early, she's clueless, I ease into the house, dinner is smelling incredible, the scent alone is rapturously, ascending, I'm madly in love all over again. I'm in the bedroom, I begin hearing this cute to cataclysmic jingle, happily repeating 'these boots are made for kicking, ...and that's just what they'll do…  if you don't get to running, I'm gonna, kick the hell, out of you." I know Sye, I know, drop and roll on the floor stomach and throat hurting, funny, I'm closing into the bathroom door, trying not to laugh so loud, I knock, and I can Sye just imagine she's shocked as heck, breathless all. Panicking, who is that, Erica, Sissy, or Ron, did I lock the door, one of my grands? All these inquiries just firing and firing, ah so funny, I got tears in my eyes even now, me too Nickie man, my stomach paining. Only Sye it all made for a gorgeous balcony dinner, and she soon apologising for threatening refugee procrastinators. I know Nickie right, as in Sye, that's those grim reapers and the little Miya girl's of present Apocalypse to translation into a new fear factor of era, job. We woke from star gazing hours later, the ah, cantope swing, I carried her in and all, so, so ah look, that's what Tip, well Sia Maaseiah told you? What? That the Nicholas so undeniably obvious as Moses' day, 10 plagues of persuasion all, mass American to world exodus is come. You Nickie without hesitation said procrastination abounds until the last  trumpet sounds or the final Rev 2, Matrix ten day countdown to doomsday claims its projected US tens of millions? Sadly Sye she did see as one of its' weights of blood guilt sentences a pale horse of pestilence judgement, yeah, her Nickie, Christmas 2001, Intrepid Dream reveal.  It alone Sye, with second death, horse hell following, crying what has it all profit, your world, universe gone, why lose your immortal souls as well? They will claim a quarter this planet, 5% into 15%, UK/US/BC soil, alone, and double that Rev 18, world total of a quarter dead by the time of Jesus' 2026 millennial, reign, so God's infinite Kingdom Come, by April 17, 3026.  The little Miya girl or Mayan Prophecy fulfilling of translation, actually an Angelic Watcher, (beware as well, refugee Native Americans); crossing booth, tow of those two quarters, of double judgments.  Speaking of that Sye, grand, grand tells us what happened grand Caden June 2019, his 10th birthday. How his friend Cameron for some odd reason left two quarters sitting perfectly the back of the car, floor, said she saw them, found it scary odd, but left them. Then said a storm Sye come that evening, quickly turn the day to night, with winds and rains they'd not seen in their lives.  Like a hurricane come on land, they expected trees and cars to be tossed about, messed up a lot of people, power outages all, but not them.  All my god Nickie, make you think about those two quarters as an offering by grand Caden's Cameron as so Grand Miya, yeah, in the back from where little Watcher Miya survey and mocks Sye, the American slow motion exodus. Okay, okay big, little brother, I'm rushing in, what did I miss, I could hear y'all laughing from the elevator? I'll let Sye tell you Brad, it'll be awhile before he forget its, I'm gonna go, I'm married to tonight's host of the grandest wedding supper, ball opening Africa's Juttah, since we first relocated here.  Ah yeah Sye, before I forget, grand, grand said the next morning when they readied to leave, and those two quarters were still there, she questioned presently, Feb 11, 2019, ten year old dressed in red alert Cameron, even Caden. Only Cameron had no memory of it, but she watched him fish that change from across her lap, out of the pocket of that back seat, door, so she knew he was the last to have them, see you gorgeous fellows, with your gorgeous ladies tonight, alright Nickie, godspeed, all."     

Unto Darrison Matheson Levare and Katina Elion Rough was born a son, Aydin Romeo Levare, a son Harrison Elliana Levare, a god daughter Ahweh Shieh Rough             

"You ladies want some company? Court? No, Darrison, ah the one asking the video about the parting of the Atlantic ocean, well coming clear, we are again entering those death defying times. I was asking Pari here, who's paying for all of this, the train, the meal breaks and no doubt costly lounging that's next? Yeah, like we're on an all expense paid, kind of scenic getaway, how about Intrepid adventure, isn't that what she called the 2001, weight of blood guilt, reveal? Now that's Court, yeah the booth right behind you, so what did you have to eat? Just some dipping chicken stripes, and does anyone want my sliced apples? You're really snicky aren't you, how long you been sitting there? Hum my parents have decided they're staying until evacs are mandatory, can't say I'm surprised, I dreamed about that, FEMA patrol outside houses, those loud horns, calling people into mandatory evacuations, let me see, me, my mom, my distant aunt, Sadie, and two kids I didn't know, one a playing girl, 5 or so, and a boy, about 8, if I had to guess, but I think he's a neighbor, ah, DeAnthony. Wow Can't Darrison believe you dreamed that, so how many days past you think? Could've been no more than a few, Wednesday, Thursday, around there, you know, that dream could be ICE raids related as well, but it all being as Moses day exodus, increases the probability, they're being sent back to die, only get into Africa's Atlantic instead and as Jesus would say, LIVE! All aboard you guys, they're signaling us, I wonder how much longer, look predicted 2015, Canada, still got like Yellowstone type wildfires burning? I'll look and see, so that's where you hear that? Ah, one of dutchsinse assessments, his videos mention it, I just heard about that Manhattan blackout. Meaning, not just New York but America's capital city, well we know by those Ezekiel 9 grim reapers and her little Miya girl of mocking procrastination, target with sudden disaster all things, people not in exodus, meaning as well those not repentant. Here, here, the saying, Canada's wildfire season, off to a ferocious start, June 11, 2019, saying, Still, McAteer, the mayor of High Level, Alberta, a town of roughly 3,200 some 460 miles north of Edmonton, had never seen anything like the Chuckegg Creek Fire. saying still, an out-of-control blaze nearly the size of Rhode Island — 50 percent larger than last year’s record-breaking Mendocino Complex Fire in California, again you guys, 50 perfect larger, unimaginable. Yeah, yeah the one Sia Maaseiah invited some from a barbecuing that March, 2018, and this March 2029, witnessed two ELE'S launched, side by side like in a race to impact US soil, quoting her; said article saying, still saying, _it has jumped rivers with ease, blackened the rain with soot and colored sunsets as far away as Britain, need I remind the U.K., also included in the fiery inundation of Western Civilization, any way ,see it's link,; so, good looking out Darrison, I only said because so much of what she predict all western soil is hidden until it's happening here or in Israel and still that's certain locations, here or there. Sentencing US soil blood guilt with mass disasters its own soil  is like apostles saying of the righteous gone under persecution, if she being self-righteous is scarcely, saved, simply as America actually fall, how will any other Kingdom, nation ever stand, again?" Beware, as well says Courtside, watching dutchsinse, he's constantly pointing out many active Volcanoes around various California's areas, one this Ancient that could be having harmonic trembles, as those just before an eruption. Of we know, that's all threatening those molten infernos Sia Maaseiah in a prophet Ezekiel Christmas Carol like flyover witnessed the entire country taken in, exceptions US Georgia, our present destination, and soon for as far Africa's Atlantic; just witnessed Hawaii/US/Canada W. Pacific go into the sea, heard it announced, the eastern seaboard was gone as well. You know that's like saying if Yellowstone super Caldera don't or won't go those California, New Mexico's will, even Hawaii's largest above ground eruption, yeah frogs to geese are cooked whether it's the frying pan, boiling pot, barbecue grill, as of these predicted 99 bowls of PROF molten lava, get out!" Why speak in parables, for they say as the rebellious people in Ezekiel's day, the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, so say rebellious people today, Beware, repent, escape, Apb, The RAM, see,

Prophecy Links

    2015, and now, 2019, the award of 99 bowls of molten lava and a more extinction level, PROF/NAC; DEC 1-3, 2017 The Elephants Of Staying Unaware Stampeded, Quaking The Earth; Losing A Handle On Peace and Safety; Jan 13, 2018, Memphis Son Crying The Downtown Newspapers Bell Ringing, beware the Newspaper boy, handlebar, soaring into heaven, death toll; 2017, Approached By A Holy, Watcher, Asking, What's The Secret Of Memphis? Hearing Oct 15, 2018, "ten point two earthquake," and days later, "major, major earthquake, West Pacific Canada." Beware, Apb,

2018, the single word error in black and white, lowercase lettering

    -President Trump as all error men US Presidency, delusions, unless he, like God, so loved the world. Understandably he's as failed as the first parents only after days in the garden, eden, with first Adam crying, this woman, (predestined woman seed, JESUS), you gave me! Only with the last Adam, Jesus, human kinds' divine bloodline, living spirit, soul, Godly, Romantic Wisdom, Truth, Temple, all gracefully restored, a garden gethsemane. Then with only a few words; "Not My Will, Thy Will, God, Be Done," Jesus as Father God loved, saved the world. Pray Daniel 9, begin vss. 4 for our Presidential Father, and all World Leaders going and coming, now 2008/09 -2018/19/2026, Rev 17:16-18 possessed, influenced. As so, the Lord's prayer, the invader, extinction of men's bloody peace, for all 7 plus billion of us as though we're all Christ's Cross, Holy Blood Redeemed, Righteous Followers. I beseech you, raise your hand, if you knew doomsday would come to US soil; raise your other hand, if you ever prayed, God's Kingdom Come on Earth as in Heaven; now both hands raised, thank God for knowing and for praying, praising ELO-HIM, as so; knowing who, why, what, when and where to blessed as Noah's Ark to Moses Red Sea Crossing of its Brexit come Briexit to Blaexit, your first to last Adam freedom of choice, beware, repent, escape; and here's why the Apostle Paul said, He's crucified with Christ, and so are CHRIST'S Born Again and RISEN, Like HOLY HIM!, beware, Apb, The RAM

[Trump tells Dem congresswomen: Go back where you came from]

    -So you'll understand why Trump's arrogant war on Americans deceptively entrapping Americans is seen as of the days of Moses rebelling Pharaohs, and how God's wrath so pleased to use it against Him, send ten cataclysmic plagues it's target, its inherits doil, the last being an outbreak of mortuary Trump's mentioned census beckons, Kings David, Zedekiah and Herod's one error, into a new fear factor, deadliest of benefactors, woe, woe and woe! Seem to be in heaven, 2002, during this enormous celebration, admittedly like Apostle John, I thought it was permanent. Soon a curious, Holy One approached me, the same 2017, who asked about the secret of Memphis; the save who asked the Holy Bride, during a Memphis home, will Angels also ascend? Still he said, HE want to see you, clueless, I said who? Next I know, like in a flash, I am standing before a Prince to Shepherd Moses to Dan 2, King Nebuchadnezzar's mountain, God's Throne now. A luminous sunlight as described by the Apostle Paul, whose brightness alone will take out the Antichrist and his Gog and Magog vass for many millennia, devilous to demonic armies. Only as the days of Moses Mt Sinai to commanded, blessed exodus this glowing, rising sunlight begins to speak as to every especially address Westernized world leader's, the Uk, US and BK from Ancient Rome to its reigning United Kingdom, saying only four very specific words, "let my people go," as into Mystery Babylon's West Rule own commanded Brexit, now heart choice of Briexit to Blaexit skyward or southeast. Surely by Jan 2019 we're hearing, "whore and beast separated," as in lay a coup, Rev 17:16-18, all her nuclear, natural and NEO enemies now influenced, emboldened, activate Aug/Dec 2001, PROF, molten, fiery inundation, saying no further delay, demolition, martyred blood guilty  American Dream, again bring on it's doomsday Christmas Carol; knowing, get it, get Jesus, get out! Beware, Apb

