...Go ye up upon her walls, and destroy; but make not a full end: take away her battlements; for they are not the Lord's.

Prophecy Links    

  -Hearing as I woke from sleep, shake, shake shelter, I been guiding all charity into the southeast areas non other this nation, continent will stand. The enormous maze of sin for example, traps been laid children restrooms, soon millions of patient people awaiting a single water cooler, then to make earth ending worse in come a woman carrying more Rev 16/17 bowl judgments only blacken, as char coaled America to Americans! Beware, Apb   
     -Aug 31, 2019, the lost of a news report, as I begin to wake, saying, "after Yellowstone 101 eruptions," after I saw a hand barely write, its Aug 5th, Escape Yellowstone; beware Trump's Taliban to September 11 chant, so as targeted by sudden destruction as his July 4th, yet quaking, swarming, and burning California coast nto a Yellowstone going VEI 8, beware, escape! 

[Here Are All 34 Victims of the Calif. Boat Fire] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/wMjYcc 

...Go ye up upon her walls, and destroy; but make not a full end: take away her battlements; for they are not the Lord's. 

     -Just imagine waking in a demo whereas you've invited US states from barbecuing instead into Georgia, and the most taxing surreal they're all loaded up automobiles,coming, arriving at a no abandoned church, seen earlier possessed by demons possessing young teen boys into pedophilia and the sexual abuse of your infant children, but it's not here they come but here they are and I and my now Georgia, Landlord, h doesn't know this, but I actually met like tens years prior, he's the foreign one who come into my tent and called me out, into the coast so I'll witness a sea of refugees come pouring into the African coast line.
     -But again, here it was March 13, (2018), in this demo he and I this ten year into actually meeting, are debating along this Georgia, Hemingway porch. Obliviously like Rev 17:14, Jesus husband 2015 and my part is done, getting you all to temporal fix US Southeast coast, Georgia. Seeming getting you further into pending Africa's coast, is his responsibility, passes to him, an African born, beleaguered son, but otherwise refusing, he like hundreds of millions US/Canada, North America's entire Continent, even it's Caribbean Islands to cities, he's just not ready, not even tens of millions perishing isn't the initial molten fire, encouraging, behind.
     -I explained for it's March 3, 2019, I witnessed two ElE'S being launched, side, by side, like in a race to impact US soi, meaning this day of September 14, 2019, whatever you presidential to political, leaders are telling you the state of the ever approach tug of turf wars into nuclear war, into it's finale, Armageddon, it's the surreal the what they're deception ally cause to appear. Though you hav to k yourself why, their own USGS, as so such observatories world wide been telling our leads the W. PROF into US/Canada coastline is locked and loaded to go the greatest seismic to tectonic events, earthquake to volcanoes, than ever seen this planet.

-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Freedom Dove Cry, Hillfeets and Queen Bride, Arabella Vanessa Gates

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 3036 into Infinity

Unto Freedom Doves Cry Hillsfeet and Arabella (Bella), Vanessa Gates were born quads, Chief Joseph, Abraham Lincoln Hillsfeet, Sitting Bull, Theodore Roosevelt Hillsfeet, Geronimo, George Washington, Hillsfeet, Red Cloud, Thomas Jefferson, Hillsfeet and a goddaughter, Willowleaf, Mount Rushmore, Hillsfeet, Gates
Unto Red Hawk, Ghost River Forest Hillsfeet, Leak and Hillary Constance Manson, was born a godson, Standing Arrow, Twilight, River Hillsfeet, Leak, a son, Meadowlark, Brave Warrior, Leak and a goddaughter, Winterborn, Raven Brook, Leak
Unto Red Cloud, Big, Little Bear Mountain, Hillsfeet, Leak and Majesty Scarlet Sunni Grace, was born a son, Jayhawk, Blood Moon, Leak, a godson, Fox Meadow, Baredeer Hillsfeet, Leak, and a godson, Lakeside, Casper Ghost, Hillsfeet, Leak, Grace
Unto Blazing Saddles (Saddle), Hillsfeet, Lawson and Constance Annason Teams was born a son Kenneth Harrison Hillsfeet, Lawson, a goddaughter, Kennington Glory Hillsfeet, Lawson and a son, Bennington (Benny) Clarkson Teams
Unto Geronimo, Joseph, Evers, Washington, Hillsfeet and Haisley Anaiah Forthwith was born a godson, Issac, Metacomet, Bevel, Obama, Hillsfeet, a son, Artwork, Paisley Arden Hillsfeet and a daughter, Sarah, Pocahontas, Winfrey, Hillary, Hillsfeet, Forthwith
Unto Chief Joseph, Abraham, Luther, Clinton, Hillsfeet and Memphis Plectra Zenith was born a godson Pontaic Ransom Hillsfeet, a godson Holston Ruby Lake Hillsfeet and a son, Dalsas Adonis Zenith
Unto Sitting Bull, Noah, Tubman, Roosevelt Hillsfeet and Axilla Gentry (Girly, Girly) Carney, was born a goddaughter, Tatanka-Iyotanka, Fiona (Fe Fe) Hillsfeet, a daughter, Valona Angel Sky Hillsfeet, and a son Cohort Sea Breeze Hillsfeet and a godson Tanyanika Blue, Hillsfeet, Hawk
Unto Red Cloud, Jaboc, King, Jefferson, Hillsfeet and Henry Erica Fredericks, was born a godson, Apache, Firebright Goyathlay, Hillsfeet, a daughter, Lattimore Addison Hillsfeet and a godson, Sunburn Branding Iron Hillsfeet

                             ...Scene Mark Noah's Cousin, XVII and VII...

     "Yes but Preecest and her brother barely escaping a quaking to shaking many to death Memphis, just seeing its downtown into its midtown go, those are the two areas Obama's first admin visited, and first Lady Obama visited, his second admin, why it's all deemed the Obama's Memphis, Dunlap Street, New Madrid, not even mentioning the little Miya girl watcher of translation be retrieved from Memphis Dunlap by Sia Maaseiah from there, a prophecy in reverse she now aligned to both Syed Farook, 2015 parking lot visit, and that parking lot being none other, than her recent as Feb 2019, Rite Aid Pharmacy, reveal. Saying the only curative for an outbreak of mortuary come, even US soil, is as it's always been those targeted first born's, need come Jesus 's Christ, Cross, born again. Yeah, yeah Geronimo, Joseph man taking us back to her, Sia Maaseiah, during a demo 2017, in that same auto, as Syed Farook 2015, reveal, making that left turn onto Memphis Ra-mil and seeing a little Miya watcher of transit in the back seat. Just saying, the hospital, weigh station during the 2001, Dan 5, intrepid dream weight of blood guilt, she saying it look like the house and area grand, grand grew up in, is only a few miles away that same stretch to string of street along Ralmil reveal.  So when Holy watchers asked her the secrets of Memphis, that Frayser/Raleigh/Millington weigh station she didn't just see Memphis lost so cataclysmically she was there, every time it's catastrophic demo she experienced it or suffered its terror. Grand Sia Maaseiah, Juttah Tribunal didn't just watch from aerial view her flying over by angels California's coast be lost into the ocean, or just hear it commanded of Canada, that it be wiped from the map, or its Eastern seaboard, hearing too, it was also, all gone, all her now active from Christmas 2001, since Jan 2019, doomsday Christmas Carol, repent, escape, escape Yellowstone! 
I, Memphis Carter, is here to testify grand, Sia Maaseiah was there when as taken back to the days of those monster quakes, 1811/1812, she now suffered twice of it, New Madrid, earth opening up and swallowing Memphis whole.  I admit suffering a head wound as a child, living to actually dying a l life along the horrors to terrors, these sudden outbreak with grand mal seizures were sweet to bitter distractions, God's grace being sufficient through it all to bring temporal peace, you still have to ask, why did Holy Watchers 2017, approach her and asked her that question, what's the secret of Memphis?" 

Prophecy Links 

-Hearing, 06/26/2017, waking me from sleep, "get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred death;" beware, Apb

-God Is Avenging Martyred Blood, None But The Repentant Will Survive it! Said Jesus, beware, Apb

     -God no longer winks at our ignorance (religious, political rebellion, unrepentance) but but turns a II Chron 7:14,15 blind eye, a deaf ear and impatient heart, THRONE and reaping sickle, calling on us all to repent or perish! Come Lord Jesus, Prince of Peace, get both heaven and hell their victory; bring on God's New Earth, Heaven and Universe reign, for all eternity, beware, Apb, see here, https://littlemiyagirltopreppers2019.blogspot.com/2019/07/i-guess-i-need-remind-you-just-as-pres.html?m=1


     Update, California Camp Fire, 86 dead, 3 missing, (dutchsinse days prior, witnessed plumes, of smoke, fire signatures in the crust along these areas, we watched some of the most surreal videos of those who did escape this seeming driving right out of hell, what about those we don't see, the horrifying burning to death of those who don't make it? https://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-california-fires-woolsey-hill-camp-griffith-park-live-updates-htmlstory.html

For the house of Israel and the house of Judah have dealt very treacherously against me, saith the Lord. 

     -So just three of the primary horrors I been forewarning about as since before Hurricane Katrina hit, into actually predicted Hurricane Harvey, as such monster storms have targeting US./Britain soil since, as into historic Hurricane Dorian 
hitting forewarn it's Caribbean, it's Bahamas.  Actually what it was said, Ezekiel 9 type reapers, bearing sword like syringes, meaning I too have seen them, targeted the tell all heart of all first born not in commanded exodus But to rebel, as President Trump,  to go on as all is American Dreaming, normal, this include, all religious, political, military to monetary efforts to save her or announce it peace and safety. 
     -Surely now you know why Trump's July 4th, was targeted by three huge quakes, and highly active, predicted, US/Canada west coast been quaking, swarming and firing all their areas calderas, into Yellowstone VEI 8, since, until when a hand wrote Aug 5, 2019, to forewarn, it stumbled, and fumbled, and messed itself, as the Damater itself, was a dunkard. Heretofore, all areas along the California to Canada West Pacific Ring Of Fire, will be targeted by 99 bowls of molten inundation, So much so, from there into New England, into the Eastern Seaboard, all America's Continent had been forewarn, North, Central its South.
     -Positively, right into the hundreds of millions one day soon with only into Georgia's/Africa Atlantic as a safe haven, Just as I predict,  nothing is gonna be left of the American Continent including Hawaii, Alaska but a coast to coast impact crater bubbling and boiling over and if you're a hundred or more you've seen nothing like it or such the like again. But just ask yourself if this is as Noah's day inundation US/Canada soil mandatory evacuations, called by the Sunlight from behind a mountain both reigning, pending God's Throne. Undoubtedly, how much trouble Leaders and followers are in if they're mending to building fences to walls instead of mending to building escape bridges? 

-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, 
Aiden Riesen Williamson and Queen Bride Skylar Winter Morning

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 3036 into Infinity

Unto Blazing Saddles (Saddle), Hillsfeet, Lawson and Constance Annason Teams was born a son Kenneth Harrison Hillsfeet, Lawson, a goddaughter, Kennington Glory Hillsfeet, Lawson and a son, Bennington (Benny) Clarkson Teams

     "Whats's the secret of disaster Hawaii, causing orphan children in Memphis? Again you have to ask, why did holy watchers ask her that question? We know it wasn't to further warn her, she'd been warn and been craftily forewarning she and grand, grand 30 plus April 17, springs with Jesus predicted two weeks and years into April 2, 2019, to return with now glorified Her, by April 17, 2026 until a thousand years be fulfilled, April 17, 3026. You know Sia, Memphis Carter man, as you again reminded, I was reminded of Sia Maaseiah, Jan 2019, seeing the letter by letter forming of the word thousands, refers to Jesus one thousand years, millennium reign as well. Just this incalculable into the thousands who to be with Him when they come riding across the new heavens skyward on White horses.  If I understand Memphis TN fate completely, there was seen an escape into the southeast of America, out of it Hacks Cross after a major EMP to CME attack, then nothing, none of it you guys was coming back. Yeah that scary as hell for the first born lately single word disappeared just frozen as the day the earth stood still, all HD to 5 screening. Agreed, as in  Tribunal, Saddles Hillsfeet, nothing, even into various to pending space explorations to stations tech to innovation thrives to survives. So seeing Memphis Dunlap street as America first exodus, then seeing both Obama"s and the little girl watcher as Memphis Dunlap street. This is 
every indication that administration, the Obama's was kingdom, nation finale into Trump's being left with the crumbs to dust and wind of its all going into an outbreak of extinction level events and mortuary. Two quarters hand the little Miya girl of Translation after Syed Farook of a final Dan 9:27, (see Trump', Kushner's April 17, 2019, peace deal of a century). Presently, the predicted Israeli/Islamic reign crashed along side the road Sia Maaseiah and your grand Sia Silverton Nicholas again woke a passenger, no driver, with all traffic it's directive suspended, and a two quarters of the earth billions, world death toll. We now know calculated 5% West Rule apostate father, Britain; calculated, 15%, its guilty, abominable offspring, America; two thirds its lying, whoring for many millennia, adulterous mother, Israel. Unmistakably, for a predicted, grand total by the aligned to Americas Trump/Western Rule,Gog and Magog, Armageddon finale, death tolls.  Jesus arrival, it shall be twilight but at evening it shall be day, 7 months to bury its dead, at Hamon-gog, and 7 years to burn all its nor, they shall war any more, worthless armaments. Soon after the great white throne judgments God's Heavenly Kingdom descend so around 3036, if the timetable, April 2 2019, truly is the last of it's kind, it's amazing grace this side of Jesus second return, at Olivet Mountain."  Why Speak In Parables?

Prophecy Link 
     Seem Feb 14, (2019) to be in a Rite Aid Pharmacy of imminent escape, one sorely crowded opened counter, one closed counter, its female clerk back turn, saying to me walking away, I will wait on you, only to give me 15 dollars for a 5 dollar exchange, and that's per each visit, 5% into 15% death tolls, revisited from 2005-2015, US/Western soil, set, fixed, inevitable, beware, repent, escape, ESCAPE! Apb

     Wherefore thus saith the Lord God of hosts, Because ye speak this word, behold, I will make my words in thy mouth fire, and this people wood, and it shall devour them. (the imminent into critical danger of crying peace and safety during God's judgment, beware, Apb 

     -Legalized wickedness I witnessed possess a church filled of. young Pedophile males, molesting your infant children, they make them, then they deny to imprisoned them, Rev 2 Jesus, Jan 13, 2018, said unless all repent, he'll kill them, their perverse seeds to next generation offspring, as I said, all first born's endangered you must be born again! Now say it with me all, God Is not mocked, if you knew America would fall raise your hand, if you ever prayed God's kingdom come, raised your other hand, now with both hands raised thank God for knowing and praising him for its knowing.
     -Admittedly I don't ask questions but by heavenly watchers they're asked me, so when I saw a hand writing on a wall Jan 13, 2019, 99 bowls of molten lava, the revisited, Michael Ealy appearing Jan 13, 2018, perfect man Jesus asked ascending Bride will Angels also ascend? I didn't think to ponder, ah, Pres.Trump must've got this, you know ERROR WALL approved. Woe, woe and woe, that's kinda like Americans crying for a greater White Ruled America and only getting forewarnings Tdump/Pence is as Gog and Magog world to earth enders, into, a nuclear fate, how still since Bush's/Clinton/Boshs error Hussein, 50 million US soil will die, kill all parents, as in all first borns, finish all schools, as in the Curriculum of sexual abuse, F for, A for, LGBTQ and P for Pedophiler in our schools to learning centers.
     -UAB, United/Canadian States of Barbecue, some say it match the 2015, Syed Farook dream, his hijacking even apostate peace, UAB, his kind since Prophet Jeremiah into US Bush's, are predicted to as well take such US cities and burn them with fire, US infernos are come, nuclear, Natural and NEO'S, actually NEOS, even like designed lightning storms are being rumored for so much of the world like the Amazon already burning up, now a hand nervously, clumsily, so barely Aug 5, 2019, making out, Escape Yellowstone! Knowing who, why, what, when and where to blessed as Noah's Ark escape, get it, get Jesus, get out and brace yourself, as a new normal, for these sort of horrible fiery deaths and dying to charred bodies but suddenly Yellowstone Eruption, in the tens of millions, beware, Apb 

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Chief Joseph, Abraham, Luther, Clinton, Hillsfeet and Queen Bride Memphis Plectra Zenith

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036 

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 3036 into Infinity 

Unto Sitting Bull, Noah, Tubman, Roosevelt Hillsfeet and Axilla Gentry (Girly, Girly) Carney, was born a goddaughter, Tatanka-Iyotanka, Fiona (Fe Fe) Hillsfeet, a daughter, Valona Angel Sky Hillsfeet, and a son Cohort Sea Breeze Hillsfeet and a godson Tanyanika Blue, Hillsfeet, Hawk 

     "Truly my love, you started me, you are the one Sitting Bull, so good at finding these special places our various get a ways along wild wildernesses to wild horses, more Zebras, but still like back home, paint horses more or less. Your thoughts are far from here, please tell me, it's nothing girly, girly, come here, I'll let you hold me were it hurt, look you read Sia Maaseiah, pundit about Christmas in September? Having all you take note especially Hallmark Christmas movies, grow ever this new saying blackish, with it's males presented in a better handsomeness, I guess one would say. Surely Axilla it's a play on the biblical fact, you take humankind genealogy back to the Genesis, even to Nimrods' Babel come world immigration, Is it not like those various languages they're intently drawn away into developed it's own region, cultural to religion but, but girly, girly, it's single origin, all this ancient world into this present moment by moment stayed the same, they're all the billions of them, from one Genesis man, marriage. Thinking out of the box, Sitting Bull, some say it's her way of saying or giving Christmas sentiments early, if this revisited into four years Brides ETE is passed over, we won't be here for it's special holiday, but neither girly, girly, will day, whatever cataclysms force the Bride skyward, impels, West Rule simultaneously and neither are they no longer planet earth. Still, still, further love, listening to Sia Memphis Carter, even his equal cousin Memphis Kylan, being honest, you never feel dishonored that not one of the Juttah Tribunal Hillsfeet were elected the Aqua Juttah Hemingway exodus, and how not one of our Juttah lineage to come are pending godchildren? You know love I pay close attention to these things, if so Sitting Bull attention was paid, did you also realize only those of the African Juttah chosen to procreate god children, are those mated by the African Juttah Tombola? No I, wait, wait, wait, how did I miss that? Too quick to judge perhaps, to find fault always Sitting Bull, the now Juttah Paris Globe, even with her, our soon to reign, Sia Maaseiah, as Lord Urusalem. Plus, if not just so, them, the Tombola Genealogy, you act as though these are her decisions alone and not the Supreme Creator Elohim's will being done.  Now come, come before we lose the light, I'm staving, and the pit fire is just perfect, what about grilled, Salmon fish salad, woo, that sound delicious, it is, watched Mar Rumah fixed it, so delicious, and I can't wait to try it on you, okay, wonder no more, let's go, let's do it, cook, eat, drink and be merry."  Why Speak In Parables?  

Multiculturalism Around the World


     -No stretching too much of the imagination, Christmas in September, I know 90% of HD viewing in America should be multicultural by now.

     -Regardless, here are some multicultural (blackish), Christmas movies, I can't stop watching. I'm so tickle,all the guys are drop dead gorgeous, all the guys, not just the you know what ones.  There's Christmas Switch, Christmas Calendar and Christmas with a View, just to name a few, Vivica A. Fox plays this beautiful mother of two grown Asian appearing  daughters, with a blackish son in law Somebody's listening ot I'm hallucinating along a harsh truth, hear me, we want more. I'm in the great grands territory and most TV viewing is prominently, not blackish, so upgrades are good, more, more, more, God bless, marry approaching fast, Christmas, Apb The RAM

     And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Red Cloud, Big, Little Bear Mountain, Hillsfeet, Leak and Queen Bride Majesty Scarlet Sunni Grace,

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036 

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 3036 into Infinity 

Unto Kellan Channing Small and Rossland Gazelle Raft was born a god daughter, Miyka'el Fiona Small, a daughter Kenia Sien Small and a god daughter, Raguel Nedra Raft             

     "My container filled with water for your thoughts, so tempting love for surely I thirst, no I was considering those grim reapers Sia Maaseiah, saw on US soil,  bearing sword like syringes,  meaning a drug war, one loving man strike the tell, tell heart and they're either ascended but mostly descended, right, right, suppose Daija that is what happen that cliff walk just now, those thousand missing judge right there along disastrous path, just right away, and those whose heart's felled, just taken, just like that! They could've as well ascended, God thinning the herd so to speak we do have a lot of stragglers coming and going, perhaps they needed to go, and we, the specialty saints Sia Maaseiah call us, only those chosen to be here. she did say some by these sword like syringes were as well ascended, can you imagine seeing something like that? Desperate people already running, crying and hiding for their lives, only to be come upon one by one and see these reapers, raise this huge slaughters weapon skyward, and jam it point blank the heart, yeah accuser, judge, jury and executioner, showing how serious God is about ridding this planet to it's people of sin, and don't forget she watched these captors be spin into a dance, a waltz she said, first as to mock their procrastinating exodus, then said when it was all done, nothing was left of America's world as known, but a magnetic manner of memorabilia, of, of remembrance, of learning from sin's mistake I guess, one in a distant land is to hang on a fridge, creepy, creepy, creepy. Well, let's just hope the approaching for four years predicted ETE of the Bride's escape, will not again be as another, doomsday pass over, how does the word to Solomon spring rapture, go? Only it's fall, no pundit, intended, not by us Daija, but we can't speak for a God who says He will make mockery when the rebellious fear instead cometh. God has feared six millennia whether his woman seed, into Christ Cross, would indeed draw all men, but for Iron, god like men, the elites, to instead hear the kingdoms of men have come those of God and His Christ and Holy They will not reign forever and forever, they got angry. Look at that, a three moon heaven, we're already it's planet earth, heaven renewal, come on Bridegroom Jesus,  healing truth, wings, leaves all, here, King Solomon, what's said a first pronounced Spring Rapture, you read her Sia Sioux Noel,  Failing nights, Lord Urusalem's Scene, 15th ? I have, its stunning, both sweet and bitter, until Daija we hear, from heavenly father,  welcome my good and perfect servant, here, listen, Songs of Solomon, 2, Holy Spirits Dae, as romantic as they are holy,  'My beloved spake, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away.  For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land; The fig tree putteth forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grape give a good smell. Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away, ah I love that, it's getting late, come my love, my fair one and ready to bed, if you love me, I will come, I love, you, come fly away with me!"  Why speak in parables?

[Trump confirms Osama bin Laden's son Hamza killed in U.S. operation] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/UTZfcc

Kill all parents (first born's ) by, finish all schools!

     -That's how many snake heads now since Bush 2003 said that's all they had to do? As in go into the most determined against Israel, against America, West Rule" Islam and cut off it's snake head, talk about hearing  verse of Michael Jackson's man or snake head in the mirror coming on. 
 Of course Rev 13, Saddam Hussein, their most hated, head grew another, Barack Hussein. The only one whose announced July 27, 2008/09 two weeks and 7 years timetable turn out to be the last of the awarded Dan 12, man in Linen amazing Grace Period. 
     -We, Kingdom, nation building been in Ancient beast reign since Obama's White House passed to Donald Trump. Meaning all God influenced enemies nuclear, natural and NEOS launched, incoming side by side, like in a race to be first to impact US/Western soil, until Rev 11, 7th seal be fulfilled. Giving better clarity to Jesus saying in the beginning, I mean they did run nails through Him, Religious, Political even scientific/innovative leaders all gone before, thieves and robbers. 
     -Even worse fathered by Satan, they're lying murderers from the beginning. Disillusioned, frightfully most don't even know it, they're following as puppets a prophetic script. Kind of proven the more the moment Pres. Trump insisted upon a census, I said it first as the days of King David census, 70 thousands of his military men died because of it; knowing who, why, what, when and where to blessed as Noah's day extinction level event, Briexit to Blaexit, repent, escape, Escape Yellowstone! Apb The RAM, see Revelation 6, 6th seal, see, www.thephoenix1012.blogspot.com

     And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Kellan Channing Small and Queen Rosland Gazele Raft

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036 

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 3036 into Infinity 

Unto Kefferson Sade Fritz and Tyler Rowling Dyets was born a godson Viceroy Lennox Fritz, a godson Bristow Tierney Fritz and a godson, Zechariah Giovanni Fritz, Dyets

Scene Genesis Marriage Worshipers, Matrix, LXVI, Mark,  Noah's Ark, XVII and VII

"Ready or not, here I come, you can't hide, I'm gonna find you, and make you happy. You better always find me, you better Nicholas E, always make me happy.  I was sitting here thinking the last thing I heard from the spring rapture Jesus, Bridegroom was, who was also Father God, just saying, was I'm coming soon, go and tell my people! Here, 30 plus April 17, 1986, springs later, it's Rev 17:14, Jesus husband escape, June into July 2015, into either Georgia or Heaven, the Briexit to Blaxit I call it's blessed escape. I see the Bride's Chariot, panel screening, September 23rd to 25th, and here, nearing four years it's revisit, it comes again. Only, only since, Rev 10, Mighty Angel, and Rev 17, 7th, standing one anxious foot the sea, one panic foot, the earth, even Nicholas, US soil; with Rev 12, Michael, and warrior angels, seen battling along star wars above, setting his all around, it's said, I also hear. just these magnanimous Holy of Holies, claimed first Jan 23, 2018, and here, Jan 23. 2019, there's to be no more doomsday Passovers. Though as usual Nicholas, I don't know, knowing, I'm to be glad or sad, only that Daniel's final week of years, as of President Trump and son in law, Kushner, April 17, 2019, middle eastern deal offer, of the Century, Dan 9 to Rev 17, fulfilled Then lest we forget, Palestine's Abbas, threatening Pres. Trump, Dec 2017, by these eight leads, his and Israels Netanyahu, 
making the end time ten heads, Dan 7-Rev 13/17. Barack Hussein, its proven Saddam Hussein a 10th head, wounded to death, but instead lives, thrives into a once America world rul, but now an Islamic world reign, Rev 11, again 13. All of end time bible prophecy into fulfillment, exactly two weeks Maaseiah, after you heard additionally, as Hussein Obama's July, 2008, 09 into July Obama's and Trump's 2016. Here, revisited, April 2, 2019, you again hear, "two weeks and seven years," perhaps my wellbeloved why you been predicting both Holy Bridegroom and Holy Bride return by April 17, 2026. As Sia Nicholas Coogan, into April 17, 3026, God's Kingdom then descending, Planet X, Nibiru Solar systems, new heaven, earth, universe, Jerusalem, all as a New biblical soil, White House, also seen descending with Royal family, intact. There's such serenity as the breeze move about the trees, probably why Jesus used it to explain how Holy Spirits come and go, now our spirit life Maaseiah Adonai, for all eternity. You know Maaseiah you just gave them three days of a lifetime they'll never forget, and I didn't over do it? No, you gave best family and friends, of Dissuasion's leads, a taste of what's been promised us from the wealth of the wicked stored up for us. To us all reigning in God's kingdom, as kings and queens ourselves, the look on their faces Nicholas as they come into it's incredible palaces, that I'll never forget.  What? All the glorious light just drained out if your face, I don't understand this, this Nicholas not only that I'm pregnant, but with triplets, so I can't know whether it's a blessing or curse, curse Maaseiah, why would you say that? Of course it's not a curse, why would God do that the end of all rebellion, blessed glorification, Marriage supper all come? They, your unborns are chosen even from a holy blood genealogy to be from your blessed womb, these Maaseiah, specialty servants of God in Ezekiel's temple. Apparently there's something in particular about you love, even us I guess, is that's to procreate itself as God's Kingdom come, without end. Come, you're easily upset, emotional, you're saying I over exerted myself? I mean one thing, you're exhausted, come, come let's go fix us both, well kinda us five, I know, I know, but we trust, love always our father in heaven know what He's doing, So no more talks of curses, that's fear talk, not faith, one day even Herculean husband, I'm gonna get so big, how you gonna carry me then? How you think? The Heavenly Host to whole armor of God, in short loving girl, by Holy Them, Amazing Grace, see there, now you got me yawning." Why speak in Psalms, Proverbs, Songs of Solomon, Lamentations, Revelations, Parables and Prophecies? For they say, the Lord, seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the work; interpreted, and just as the deceptive as the serpent Eden's garden, the Lord God, Creator has no more dealings with planet earth, it's billions inherits Eden's fallen paradise.
   -Further meaning since Noah's Ark flood, God's Genesis man, marriage is no more planet earth, universe, these for six millennia into this present nano-second, by nano-second, Jesus said, it, when he said during his pending crucifixion, this world is not His, our, His Heir Anointed, reigning as Kings and Queens themselves, not our Kingdom; knowing beware, repent, escape, Escape Yellowstone, the molten inundating PROF, the North American Craton, Continent, Caribbean, NACCC, beware, Apb, The

[Christianity is a religion, not a relationship] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/QTMZcc
For God Is A Spirit, Worshiped In Spirit and Truth,

     See more here, The Samaritan woman at the well, the Gospel of John, in John 4:4–26, clearly Jesus is unveiling a relationship, most phenomena. Incomprehensible as it's with the Elohim, God, the Creator God, of all gods ever invented by religious politics to Scientology; knowing, beware, repent, Escape Yellowstone; hell enlarging itself into the W. Pacific Ring of Fire unforeseen inundation of the North American Continent along the North American Craton, Including from Hawaii, Alaska, into New England, Newfoundland/the Caribbean; knowing, be the first of a half of billion stampeding as far as Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic, beware, Apb, see here Hebs 10, see here, www.thephoenix1012.blogspot.com

Prophecy Link

     I heard 1998/99, get ye to altars of Jesus Christ, A darkness comes; I heard, woke saying 2008/09, Obama is the one, we will build an Ark; I woke 2018/2019 from sleep hearing, "get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging Martyred Blood," no first borns will survive it, especially not rebellious leads to parents! Beware, Apb

[Why Christians Leaving Churches Today May Be Christianity's Best Hope for Tomorrow] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/wNFmkc
Assembly, Fall In Love With God, Live, Stop Perishing, Stop Going To Hell!

     -Church attendance has been influenced and underminded by religion, politics, devils and demons long beforeJesus overthrew their money changer's tables, and they interm crucified Him. 
     -Encouraged Samaritan woman, Jacob's Well was to forfeit assembly into personal worship of Elohim by spirit and truth, again Jesus changed everything. 
     -During Jeremiah days, he was to warn Gods people a spirit of Jealousy waited at their entry; a demon dog was seen there lately, mass assembly entry. I admit, I saw it all burn, the church consumed, crying, smoke rising up to God, only divine Jesus' foundation stood its Holy Ground.
     -Though what was just as odd as Reveation book first 3 chapters being about calling sinful assembly instead  to repentamce. So has been my 30 plus years of prophetic ministry, yet crying to Churchians, repent or perish, God is not mocked, even see Jesus, Mat. 7:21-23, questioning who you heartily belong to.
     -Truly, it was Apostle James, Jesus birth brother saying when God's people are assembled together there's envy, strife, confusion (without a righteous head, Jesus), and every evil work. 
     -Though its the conversation at Jacob's Well with forbidden women, more thwarting than most. Fret not men's policies, seek a personal, divine, relationship, God is Holy Spirit, so are His True Worshipers, STAND, do all to, STAND!. 
     -Then being in heaven's celebrations, when a once in Ancient of days heaven stood completely still. Soon this sudden appearing before a Sunlight, from a Mountain, both reigning, pending God's, Throne. 
     -The Dan 2, stone from heaven, the Bride seen prepping, destroying the rebellious with the brigjtness, Sunlight of His Second Coming. Only here I see, hear, I'm awed as Moses fire burning mountain when Sunlight speaks. Say, as to all mass assembly.
     -God is not mocked, as to all its leads, religious, political, educational, monetary/Military, to social media, "let my people. go," now the word disappeared froze all HD/5G screening, the day the esrth stood, stayed still.
     -We know as into blessed exodus US Georgia for as far as world refugees into Africa's West Atlantic; from US West Pacific into Eastern Seaboard, its New England, are indefinitely no more; all removal by a breakout of commanded ELES, now in progress ; knowing, beware, repent, Escape Yellowstone! Apb The RAM

Prophecy Links

.    -Seeing Jan 13, 2019, Michael Ealy Perfect Man, Rev 2 Jesus Inquiry Jan 13, 2018, Will Angels also ascend? First year revisit; is by a hand writing on now Pres. Trump approved wall building, predicted 2015, 99 bowls of molten lava; by Aug 31st, 2019, there's 101 Yellowstone, super eruptions pending your running away from United States Of Barbecue, beware, Apb
