FOR IN ONE HOUR! Whore And Beast Departed Indefinitely, Come Out! For In One Nano Second The Bride Nor The Whore Is No More Planet Earth!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling -I woke just now, (01/22/2020), hearing, Cary Elwes, like saw, knew his name clearly. So extremely odd; who, Robinhood, Men In Tights, name Rev 20 books, written or stricken out? Beware! Prophecy Links Fulfilling! -Seem to be hearing "Kill all parent by; finish all schools! Is all I heard (2017), but Prophet Ezekiel opening to me, (1993), three time tested doors in heaven, Sunlight prepped laborers, his 93 BC, both saw and heard this, see, his, Eze 5/9 Article, [Asteroids: NASA spots asteroid hurtling towards Earth at over 37,000 mph] Article, [World needs to prepare for "millions" of climate refugees - U.N.] (this is what Apostle I am mean about World Leaders Destroying The Planet ,then thinking to slink away by political transits, Jan 23-29, 2018, to get out, away safe; have they read Ps 37/Rev 6, 6th seal, Rev 20,, why did Jesus say repent or perish, or even your children, dead the more?)

Article, [Ex-Witch's Warning About New Disney Show: 'It's Not a Joke... That Realm Is Very Real']

All Gone Before You Thieves And Robbers, Murderers From The Beginning! Thus Saith Sunlight God's Back Turn Throne/Rite Aid Pharmacy Counter Of Frozen West Soil Calculated Dead!! Woe!
-Thieves and robbers, arguing that it's just make-believe, training the child to be witches and warlocks: so are all the advertisements that make commercialism and pharmaceuticals multi-billions dollar industries. Because we're designed until from blessed birth to cursive death and dying to be influenced by what we're lead to imagine; see Genesis, first parents, first sin of disobedience, Adam and Eve . -Millions of books and Movies like Passion, of the Christ ,Titanic, Batman has changed the world as imaging to cinema provoke passionate to violent, vulgar emotions. -You say tv series 13 reasons why, haven't increased teen suicide, suicide up by 50%; or 'Making Bad,' isn't why the drug pandemic is the #1 killer of persons under fifty. -Equally tell me music doesn't influence us in one way or another; spiritual music that ascend you to God or vice versa; and vulgar music that make your darken spirit darker depressed and vulgar/violent. Just as so if these light to dark materials had no influence on us, why rate them at all, why categorize them, even if poorly? -A moment in my closet 1987, praying for descending from precious ones to more disorderly. Holy spirits welcome. come right in, told me and I quote, the more we allow cablevision and violent games to go unattended, (now see HD, 5G, Social Media, Fort Knight; LGBTQ and P for Pedophiler curriculum, etc) it'll be like putting a gun to our children head and pulling the trigger, another of many US pandemics; (Jan 13, 2018), Rev 2 Jesus, did revisit, awarding pandemic death upon the children of those of unrepentant parents. -Why did Jesus speak in parables again, as so does the Bible, Their Apostle I Am? Men more lessoned by images more so than words, herein, the last I saw these untamed, unholy spirits. They were three ancient beast including Anubis, the keeper of the dead, (like keeping a mortician around because of all the death and dying); all posing in your home/church, as. Innocent this rebuttal says Cinema/HD screening, is, so as other, friendly house pets. -Then next (Aug 7 2019), all such multitudeous screening, FROZEN, like predicted cataclysms had happened, just as Disney Frozen 2 premieres and Midwest end year holidays travels froze until this, very New year day, hour, (01/22/2020). How long has Cinamex pretend spread like wild fire into reality? We are an ever learning, easily indoctrinated human species.
-Truly, with now HD, 5G and Radio/Social media pouring out millions of various instructions. Then we like Eden's forbidden tree unable to decider between its light and it's dark, like here, Disney's New as Harry Potter, show, calling evil good; which veil, which darken mirror into pandemic death is taken away only by Jesus, The Christ of The Ancient Of Days, beware, repent, Escape every day now Yellowstone Volcanic Apocalypse! Apb Prophecy Links Fulfilling, All these watchers going on about Israel, there's something about, now I guess, Cary Elwes, London Bridges as well, about US, MW, secret meetings, beware, Holy God is aware! Prophecy Links Fulfilling, "GO AND GET THE TWELVE HEIRS," 2010! NOW "EVERYBODY ELSE!" 2020 -Right before its 2019 elections, I heard before it's news, "Israel; Jan 9 2020 there's a pointer turning attention to Israel; just now, Jan 15, 2020, this leaning into my ear saying, "Israel; even in 2010, a terrorist act of a train blasting to shattering to pieces, this first ascending to heaven. -Then this descent into Israel's street vending, the days of the Antichrist invasions. Fret not, if we've entered the final week of Daniel, April 17. 2019-2026, biblical territory will top the news, especially Israel and Islam. Prophetically, fading out US/West rule until by predicted nuclear, natural and NEO'S of desolations, it's no more heard of planet earth, beware, Apb, how it's all ending prophetically!

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Beast, Beast Of Beauty, Spring, April 17, 1986-2016/2026!

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

Unto Timnah Ahmadi Michaela and Sunflower Falls, Deer Haven Deburk was born a son, Son Sun Floweroak Michaela , a son, Bridge Dietrich Michaela, and a son Lake haven Remington Deburk 

Listening Dan, Shay and Justin, 10,000 hours, 

Staring; King Bridegroom Calum Mathias Reades and Queen Bride Kiersten, Chasten, Hilary, Hillsfeet,

Scene, Mark Genesis Marriage Worshiper, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, Matrix, LXX, Mark 17 And 7

     "You're shaking your head Meshullam man, I still can't believe you Memphis Carter, these people are in a tug of civil, to nuclear war, even Armageddon, spiritual warfare; a LGBTQ and P for Pedophiler, school curriculum, church ordination, and soon all the HD viewing and social meeting they'll to get evil hands on. Unthinkably, all while Jesus as a thief done come in, got his Holy Church and gone, talk about end days deception, as a mighty distracting, artificially furred, leopard skin coat of a predatory loan, wow, wow, wee! I was desperate, even wonderfully terrified over leaving the only planet life reality I know, thus ascension anxiety! This boy said, wonderfully terrified, ah that is rich, you was desperate Memphis man, or you wanted to see were these chats rooms thoughts to hearts where? Though you know, I'll take that wisdom of God Meshullam man as my defense, okay that's all settled, now you two, the mystery, 15 cents; 15% dead, US/Canada's soil; 5% Britain, why no matter how many times Sia Maaseiah visited that opened, but only for her back turn Rite Aid Counter, that toll, 5% into 15% never changes.  Look Car man, the faithful aren't fearful just uncertain, and you know you can come to us any time man, but this know also, grand, grand Memphis, now Georgia, saw them exodus into Africa's Atlantic; grand Sia Maaseiah, witnessed them by auto loads pouring into Georgia's Atlantic. Apparently, until John witnessed them as tribulation saints come right into heir-ship, God's now welcoming, celebrating Throne, bosom, all, but, but, but, both the Bride and West Rule will be suspended until they both again descend replenished by nuclear, solar and molten fires, anew.  Holy Lord, Memphis Carter, is stampeding all into US southeast Atlantic and Africa's West coast Atlantic, for this reason, as in he's getting as many as will, out of the way, hearers and doer open to me, I sup with you, you with me.  I know when John witnessed Jesus come, he knew it meant his would be suspended, he's been ascended to mansions in heaven until Sia Maaseiah witnessed them all July 27, 2016, descend into she now know, second heavens intercessions, where we're to ascend and join in with them all there. Then wouldn't, couldn't the same be said about when grand, grand witnessed Jan 20, 2019, I learn was just now, Dr Martin Luther King Celebrated birthday, again seeing, Rev 12, Michael star warring in heavens, setting his all around, meant the Bride world wide, outreach was also being suspended, as by her ascension? As in Carter, for a prophesied duration, Rev 12, and to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent and that time, as so of the two witnesses, and we can say as so of the tribulation saints, is a thousand two hundred and threescore days.  I know we're flirting with a mid tribulation, but I say as Second Prince Meshullam Kadesh here, just now, we can't stay in Daniel final week of a time table for long and I believe, if it wasn't for Rev 2, Jesus, matrix ten day countdown, we couldn't be here. Just think, perfect man Jesus, the Jesus husband of ascension assisting, readied to take us Jan 13, 2018, guardian angels all, just as Hawaii and all US/Canada soil, threaten to go nuclear, making us a single cataclysms from escape, right, right? Yeah, thanks Evolent, you too, cousin Meshullam as always, all of you mocking Sias, as well, sure Car man, just know for us all, even phenom ascension, the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak and until we''re there, settled into divine intercessions, we're gonna be a jug a uncertainty but as long as we don't faint."  Why speak in parables? For the heathen raging, say today, as in the days of the prophets of old, the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth! Beware as God, Himself, Apb, The RA

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, The Hearing Of dutchsinse, the interpreting of Dutch 2017; the reading of Dutch, Nov/Dec, 2019

Dutchsinse wiped off Facebook,, I stopped at explicit language, beware! 

     -Banning These forewarning YouTuber's to FB post are like the days of Jeremiah's, my 1998/99, handwriting Jer 37:8, King Zedekiah burning forewarning scrolls. Then Bush's 2003, I saw a US General, once declaring a build up of torture vehicles, to US soon charcoal soldiers, a dirty Mede; past his war horse  off to Prophet Jeremiah. Then Apostle John saw this, Rev 6, 6th seal; only, Apostle I am, its 6th Rev 2, Matrix, witnessed Volcanic Apocalypse began here, Dec 24/25 2001-2019, beware also of predicted disaster, Hawaii/ US/Canada W. Pacific inti /US/ Canada North East/Mid Atlantic, get out!.
     -As I been predicting for decades, until we got a hand clumsily writing Escape Yellowstone, Aug 5, 2019. Then went on to experience a when the earth freeze and stood still scenario, its Aug 7th, my ascended mom's BD, (see a frozen Midwest since, even now), and went on its Aug 30, 31st, 2019, dutchsinse BD, this ending breaking news, report, "after 101 Yellowstone eruptions, (now imagine 101 earth ending, Tombora's), Ah, RUN! 

Article, [Mass Extinction After Asteroid Strike On Earth Is Inevitable, Scientists Reveal]

Article, [The images of Australia's storms are downright apocalyptic]

Article,  ['People are screaming': Flight descends into panic after passengers spot flames shooting from engine]; (something happening with air travel, since I seen Jan 20, (2019), Rev 12 Michael star warring up there, got the letter by letter forming of the word Thousands and that autopilot fails dream Thanksx to Xmas, 2019, including Trump's error Iran's, mistake, so hundreds are dead, since), beware!

Thus Saith Ezekiel 5, Holy God, Scatter them, and I will send my sword after them! Actually by our 2010, reapers bearing swordlike syringes for one waltz, to one strike the tell all heart! Beware! Run anyway, Its suggested By Jesus that you run and Commanded by God, your earned gazillions, bloody leaders, have you escape! Beware!

     -FOR IN ONE HOUR! AD 92/2002, Sunlight God's Throne saying, let my people go! I Will Bring A Flood, I Will destroy Sodom and Gomorrah! And Nimrod/Musk Temple Come Falling Down, IN ONE HOUR, Heard Some Jan 23, 2020, About The  London Bridges Song, IN ONE HOUR! There were 7 kingdoms, 7 horns, ten crowns: a world stretching Gog and Magog army and Jesus destroys them with the Sunlight of His coming! Woe!


    -Seem to see Holy Lords literally running Dec 29, 2019, to put fiery doomsday Christmas Carol Nov/Dec 24/25, 2001-2019 US/Canada/Western soil back on track; any day now, stop dodging the inevitable, RUN!, You know where.
     -Please tell me you paid attention to the year 2001, meaning this deadly, whoring world systems, (see Trump bombing Iran while Noah's day evils, GLADD and LGBTQ and P for Pedophiler, so you'll know all fornication is sin, even A for Abortion/Ump, H for Hell!
     -See mostly its Dan 5, weight of blood guilt judgments, and the heathen are raging and world leaders think to do a horrid thing, while a Rev 12 Michael throwing down Lucifer mutiny, star wars above. God thrusting in fiery reaping sickle US's come 3 months, and 14 days past the Sept 11 attacks, killed thousands here but millions Bush's, now Trump's, we still gotta get Syria's Assad, Wars. 
    -If you're asking could God have done a fiery apocalypse as Australia's but a million time worst to happen and all the damning American pretend is over, yes? As with prophecy, as with Christ's Cross and Holy Bride ascent, every blessed thing is timing.

     -We yet had a Hussein ending grace period and a Trump fulfilling Daniel final 7 years this world system. Pending until April 2/17, (2019-2026), then Jesus Holy Government also descends down from the father of lights, Royal Priesthood intact.
     -Last look at great leads like the lost of world lead, Jack Impre. Jesus accused those leaders his day as worshiping God with their mouth only. I ask where are  those hearers and doers of end time prophecy concerning Mystery Babylon alias America, West Rule as Moses day exodus from its come cataclysmic removal?
     -Lets just say while now W. H. Paula White was condemning you disobeying God not supporting error Trump. Holy God, even the Sunlight reigning God's back turn throne/Rite Aid Pharmacy counter, aligned Trump error Islam to Gog and Magog, a nuclear fate, 50 millions US soil dead and by Oct 15, 2018, cast him all into a 7 year madness, 04/17/2019 -2026, whereas America, A Hemingway exodus, no longer functions as any rule, let alone world rule. 
     -Followed by sudden destruction proven evident the moment we heard "Aug 29," 2017, go see hurricane Harvey for two years began on US soil, a plethora of such phenom Monsters. Beware any leader drafting plans religious, domestic, political, monetary or military of rescue, King David Census,  I Chron, Holy GOD, SEE YOU. I've seen those great carnivore beast stomping, chomping, and tearing through it all, pulpits, porches, red rooms and crystal skies.
     -Until maybe you parishioners to prisoner's need to tell your leaders what I tell my readers. That's, raise your hand if you knew a day is come America, West Rule would be no more this planet. Raise your other hand, if you taught and prayed God's Kingdom come on earth aa in heaven. Now remind all prophesied, divine relocations would, could only follow nuclear, natural and solar displacements, beginning US soil/ world apocalypse!
   -As in any day now, broken crystal skies, either father our universe will toss down impacting, commanded Asteroids. Then perhaps Damater will lift her skirts, vomit out, a Yellowstone magma caldera setting off predicted, 101 extinction events. IN ONE HOUR! Tens of millions are dead instantly and soon easily the 50 million US dead laid to US leads like Trump and White is realized, now The Americas molten removal, finale! Knowing, who, why, what, when and where to escape, get it, get Jesus get out! Beware, Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, "GO AND GET THE TWELVE HEIRS," 2010! NOW "EVERYBODY ELSE!" 2020

     -Right before its 2019 elections, I heard before it's news, "Israel; Jan 9 2020 there's a pointer turning attention to Israel;  just now, Jan 15, 2020, this leaning into my ear saying, "Israel; even in 2010, a terrorist act of a train blasting to shattering to pieces, this first ascending to heaven.
    -Then this descent into Israel's street vending, the days of the Antichrist invasions. Fret not, if we've entered the final week of Daniel, April 17. 2019-2026, biblical territory will top the news, especially Israel and Islam. Prophetically, fading out US/West rule until by predicted nuclear, natural and NEO'S of desolations, it's no more heard of planet earth, beware, Apb, how it's all ending prophetically! 

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

-See to be seeing, visiting into a Catholic Church, it's Nunnery, when I discreetly opened their bible, it's pages where all plastered over with sales, ads; just of the huge container that felled on and finished Saddam Hussein; still giving us a permanent Hussein world reign, still commercialism, as in business, as in religion, as politics, as so, shown twice this world system end, pharmaceuticals, like all world wars , are killers, then judgment an hell! Beware!
-Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jan 20, 2020, two years Trump's inauguration saying 50 million will die US soil, no year, to date, seeing a Rev 12, Michael star warring up there, hearing, "Michael is setting his all around," knowing to bring the Bride up and American Refugees, out, Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic, apparently the safest distance from US soil Volcanic Apocalypse.
-See also Jan 20, 2019, The Sunlight illuminating a Mount Luther, leading a world wide, celebration of Jesus descending Millennium, and the governments shall be on his shoulder, even a May 15, 2004, Angel Gabriel, saying she's going with a 7th angels, Rev 11, 7th angels; see more about St. Martin Luther here!

- [Why St. Martin Luther left the Catholic Church? On 31 October 1517, (West Rule Nov/Dec 24/25, 2001, predicted to end by Oct 13, 2016/17), only Rev 2 Jesus, injected into this very moment, a Matrix ten day countdown, it's 70th, as Daniel's 70th, Nov 12/13, 2019, declared last day planet earth,  going into it's  87th.
     -This insert saying, st Luther, published his '95 Theses', attacking papal abuses and the sale of indulgences. Luther had come to believe that Christians are saved through faith and not through their own efforts. This turned him against many of the major teachings of the Catholic Church.] As when I read this, it familiarized with the teaching of the acts of the apostles, especially, Apostle Paul, saying it is by faith we're saved, not of works, lest any man might boast, beware, Apb .


Prophecy Links Fulfilling,

Q News - Rude Awakening! Are We Seeing The Plan Come Together? - Great Video,, (Since the day Holy God told Prophet Ezekiel lay a siege, we been seeing its prophetic.finale come together; then Dan 534 Angel Gabriel come visiting May 15, 2004 saying all unto fulfillment. Until by Trump's 2017 Inauguration saying 50 mil will die US soil, revisited Jan 20, 2019, we got a Rev 12, Michael star warring in the heavens.
-All such desolating evidence made aware, now Trump's and US world rule, Dan 4:4, awarded madness, causing them to think to do this; the kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed; just saying, any wonder there's a Rev 12, Michael and Holy army star warring about up there? See more here, Ps 2, Rev 11, 7th angel), beware, Apb Prophecy Links Fulfilling, The Hearing Of dutchsinse, the interpreting of Dutch 2017; the reading of Dutch, Nov/Dec, 2019

Dutchsinse wiped off Facebook,, I stopped at explicit language, beware!
-Banning These forewarning YouTuber's to FB post are like the days of Jeremiah's, my 1998/99, handwriting Jer 37:8, King Zedekiah burning forewarning scrolls. Then Bush's 2003, I saw a US General, once declaring a build up of torture vehicles, to US soon charcoal soldiers, a dirty Mede; past his war horse off to Prophet Jeremiah. Then Apostle John saw this, Rev 6, 6th seal; only, Apostle I am, its 6th Rev 2, Matrix, witnessed Volcanic Apocalypse began here, Dec 24/25 2001-2019, beware also of predicted disaster, Hawaii/ US/Canada W. Pacific/US/Canada North East/Mid Atlantic, get out!. Article, [Expert says Yellowstone could erupt soon; USGS reveals earthquake frequency at volcanic zone]
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

Unto Sia Juttah Nicholas Edin Coogan and Sia Juttah Maaseiah Adonai Saurus were born twin on, Sia Juttah, Agurus Heus Coogan, Sia Juttah, Heus Agurus Coogan, Juttah Darius, daughter, Karsiann Coogan and God children, triplets, god-daughter, Mahasiah Unique Coogan, god-son, Elyon Gabriel Coogan and son, Shaddai Machail Coogan, Saurus, 

Unto Darius Juttah Preece Ebonee Bele Kroff and Preecest Darius Karsiann Coogan was born a son, first prince, Silverton Nicolas, Coogan, Chow, a son, Second Prince, Meshullum Kadesh Kroff,  a daughter, Princess Ni Be we Consquella, Isabella Kroff, a daughter,  Princess Oceana Tabatha Kroff, and a daughter, Princess Brooklyn Robin Nest Kroff and
godson, third Prince, Adonai Maaseiah, Emanel, Shaddai Kroff, Coogan

Starring: New Comer's Ben Juttah Ben and Mallory, Brandy Kirghiz   

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Beast, Beast Of Beauty, Spring, April 17, 1986-2016/2026!

Scene, Mark Genesis Marriage Worshiper, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, Matrix, LXX, Mark 17 And 7

"Here she come, but she' s not gonna say, but she did ask God to bring more of a made aware, convincing, the authenticity of the Nov/Dec. 24/25, 2001-2019, doomsday Christmas on US soil. Sparking more Americans into mandatory, God's Back Turn Throne/Rite Aid Counter, it's Sunlight commanded, exodus. First come all these reports Timath, the world is on fire, all continents but South Pole's, Antarctica locale, soon showing us Amazon record burning but what's happening in Australia, to some of it's prime areas, prized people, none can say again what can't or isn't happening US's soil, and thank God for the blessed reveal of it all; and again no wonder elephants of staying unaware stampeded themselves, now the hope those once deceived, do the same, get out, get out, get out! Grand, grand, sorry, Sia Maaseiah, since the bring up of possibly Holy Lords may also have aerial crafts, even as of Ezekiel describing Gods chariot, the one you saw come for us all, and this plethora of witnessed crafts report, Does all this evidence then explain better what you saw just before millennia. Holy Lords Sia Alept this witnessed I'd not considered that. "Only what felt like the mother load of all thunders to eruptions ever. Until I woke with the house being both devoured and spewed out, this beyond horrid. There was no storm, just all world ending of what should've happen peeking out my window that night; seeing a UFO hovering over the neighboring building. I always said it reminded of a US Stealth, which is triangular in shape. Still, I was floored that something like that could come in, hover, not making a sound. Come here two decades later, and all this phenom about triangle crafts,. Like the one on your wrist, which now grand Sia's have an exhaust tail, sorry, no, I am, I thought momma Nibe perhaps told you all. A burn during Christmas dinner, I don't remember, now healed look like a triangle craft lifting off, even rocket style. Quiet, quiet, I'll take pictures and be reminded those Georgia quakes just now, my grand, grand said she felt, trembling under her feet as she stood the kitchen fridge. Since I read about your suspicious crafts, I ask how we know such weren't waiting behind the cloud when Enoch and Elijah were taken. even awaited Jesus, not that Holy Spirit's need such things, but our return as on White Horses my grand Sia's, the world technologies would've returned to the horse and buggy days, only taking One Hour, a cataclysmic event to do so. Then was seeing, visiting Triangle craft, Sia Maaseiah another missed escape, isn't That 1998/99 year your first hand writing on the wall, Jer 37:8? All near escape Lamed were aligned to US/World systems cataclysmic fall then come, then come; not only that Jer 37;8, hand writings, making all bloody wars redundant, thus a commanded Hemingway exodus. I just been told to tell Pres Bush, I was writing at the time, once the year 2000 come, nothing would be the same, that if you're a 100 or more you would've seen nothing the like, it. So yes, thanks for that reminder of all the more evidence holy Lord, watchers do have crafts I need ask, those cities grand, grand seen in heaven, I never heard you comment, we know they exist,Jesus called them mansions, John a new Jerusalem descending and the closer we get to fulfilling all of it descending components to prophecies I can see it all being as close to planet earth as seeing Jesus descend first into second heavens Rev 12, intercessions by Obama into Trump's July 27, 2016, making the Bride's outreach since spring, April 17, 1986, thirty years, so added to Jesus 2026 arrival, that's a biblical as Genesis to Revelation 40 year total; now forgive my emotions and exit quietly, blessed day, sweet sleep. It is allowed us, we share these reveals during 11:00 news hour, we are fulfillment, grand Sia's nothing again hidden; yes but even Sia Aggart private Arts display will be revealed soon, how did you, and it having to do with the Aqua Juttah Hemingway? Yes grands all, all , all soon revealed, now go leave me with my thoughts, but why art thou cast down so? Just say Lamed more of your ascension anxiety, having grand, grand feeling those quakes mean she's to move further into the Atlantic's coast, right? Yes. dear Aleth, I'm afraid so, go, you're all missing Dr. King, Luther festivities, meaning we'll see you there? As soon as grand, grand Coogan get here, grand, grand Maaseiah, this other thing, I was watching a documentary on Sodom and Gomorrah escapees, did you know Lot's wife pillar isn't the only one, there are those that look like many escaping men, woman and children who're just as frozen in their tracks? More proof my children God's anger at procrastinators, when he say to its leaders, let his go, let his go, when he say to his people, go, go! Now let me call grand, grand to  see will she be signing another lease or getting into predicted at the time, as far as Savannah, Georgia, with Africa's escape, I'm afraid Australia's apocalyptic fires, equally on American refugees heels. Why Speak in Parables? Beware, Repent, Escape Yellowstone! Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, "GO AND GET THE TWELVE HEIRS," 2010! NOW "EVERYBODY ELSE!" 2020

-Right before its 2019 elections, I heard before it's news, "Israel; Jan 9 2020 there's a pointer turning attention to Israel; just now, Jan 15, 2020, this leaning into my ear saying, "Israel; even in 2010, a terrorist act of a train blasting to shattering to pieces, this first ascending to heaven. -Then this descent into Israel's street vending, the days of the Antichrist invasions. Fret not, if we've entered the final week of Daniel, April 17. 2019-2026, biblical territory will top the news, especially Israel and Islam. Prophetically, fading out US/West rule until by predicted nuclear, natural and NEO'S of desolations, it's no more heard of planet earth, beware, Apb, how it's all ending prophetically!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

During the Dec 24/25, 2001 US's weight of blood guilt was the weigh station, back door seeing of all the world come Islamic reign, and innovative days gone, the rewarding of a towering, infested with fleas, pale horse! Beware! 

Except For The Elect Sake No First Born Man, Animal, Survives Great Tribulation! Beware, Apb

Article, [Expert says Yellowstone could erupt soon; USGS reveals earthquake frequency at volcanic zone]

Article, [CDC to announce first US case of coronavirus that has killed 6 in China, CNN reports]

     "This being a respiratory ailment, as in like a flu causing pneumonia make me wonder. Well is this the missing link I witnessed make an already pandemic flu world Wide historic, deadly?
     -I know the Pale horse infested with fleas, another earth ender. As in following US soil first Apocalyptic wave, this fiery setting back to Western days. Per America's weight of blood guilt, bowls of judgments, it's second wave, laboratory grown and flu related, with others event's following, man-made, induced, Apb

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Hands Of Beast, Beast Of Beauty, 1986-2016/2026

Unto Metacomet, Bevel, Obama, Hillsfeet and Lorelai Elaina Urban was born a son, Geffrey Metacomet, River Brook, Hillsfeet, a son, Wendell Blackhorse, Mount, Hillsfeet, a son, Garrison, Snakerattle, Ravine, Hillsfeet, and a daughter, Whitefeather, Brooke, Comet-Crossing, Hillsfeet, Urban


And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Beast, Beast Of Beauty, Spring, April 17, 1986-2016/2026!

Scene, Mark Genesis Marriage Worshiper, Noah's Ark, A Noah's Cousin, Matrix, LXX, Mark 17 And 7

     "Disappeared, during worse of fiery apocalypse first to last of two world systems come of Genesis Holy God splitting the Adam, Jesus bruising Lucifer's head, come, gone for a timetable, is the church bride; Lucifer bruising Jesus, come, gone indefinitely disguised as America, as West Rule, Babylon/Mystery Babylon. Okay love, got that, so why am I looking at a 250 total, and my god, what does Sia Maaseiah's mean about charcoal US soldiers? Please tell me love, this stunning African beach, stunning wife, coupling, it's a misprint? The 250, that's Lamed idea to calculate how many days passed since Grand, heard again, "two weeks and 7 years." So like from a total of 2,534 days, from April 2 2019, and two days subtracted each month. His theory we might be a mid-trib escape, unless NUCLEAR happen first, we have Daniel 9:27 of peace, awarded April 17, 2019, to go, its 42 months, nine of which nearly spent, 87 Matrix's and those reveals Mallory not at all scary." Leaping up, wiping and sniffing tears away thinking, why is it ascension is so hard? It made no sense. "I think I'm just gonna walk, I see that, but the answer to that inquiry doesn't change. So say the back turn woman, the closed Rite Aid counter, saying, she'll wait on grand, Maaseiah though Ben Juttah nothing prophetic changes. Grand Sia saw them right? Yes, like rolling off, out of a charcoal grill, made to order, explaining further why Australian to American refugees are escaping United States of barbecue. Her Syed Farook high jacking USB adapter reckless for another 42 months, burning, deadly, damning for millions. Just think what's kept from our view, like all those drowning, Noah's flood, or burning Sodom and Gomorrah etc, HOLY THEY Ben Juttah see and hear it all. God know this, he know this through Christ ascension, we'd be literally paralyzed with ascension, grant us this Rev 2, Matrix ten day countdown possibly of easing and itching us closer and closer. Yeah, yeah but anything nuclear come, we gone, grand grand seen it, experienced it many times. How deep  you think those heavenly, pristine waters? Never considered, walk with me until they're neck deep, you know God knows the heart, I'm not silly girl contemplating suicide, I'm not disillusioned while walking through revelation can't be! Race you, you can't beat me, okay head-star, I don't need a head start Ben to beat you, on three and no tripping me up, now would I do that?
Disappeared, during worse of fiery apocalypse first to last of  two world systems come of Genesis Holy God splitting the Adam, Jesus bruising Lucifer's head, come, gone for a timetable, is the church bride; Lucifer bruising Jesus, come, gone indefinitely disguised as America, as West Rule, Babylon/Mystery Babylon." >>>"Don't tell me she's sleep, all snugged into dad's delicious, warm neck like that, she's sleep, as I would be, hardly spend any time, that's why I gave you her schedule. Right, I'll lay her down, no, let me, just to spend more time with her. I saw Ben and Mallory on the breach earlier, I called out, but they didn't hear, last they were running, like racing into the waters until they come like shoulder to neck deep. Need anything back, a drink, a snack?  No, I'm find, ah, I know you read it, that new article on Yellowstone, you know I couldn't, what did it say? I did as grand, grand, I went to see what her youtube Mary Greenly, would say, tell you when I get back, so don't go anywhere!" I think that was Saline, calling us, but look like he's gone now, he possibly thought we'd lost our minds, that deep in the waters, well no more and than he and Aaige, huh? So many out with their children, I feel left out, you? I have a feeling this will be us soon, fighting which collar he or she will vomit on, who changes the best diaper, the fastest, fun stuff like that, and if twins, each our own. Right, right, you always have the best assessment and look at the fun we're having doing it, look, I ever tell you, everytime we come out here, I think about that movie, 'In The Of An Eye,' the going missing off the beach part, but, when it's both of us! So is that why you get such the urge to walk? Just how wonderful to be take like a skyrocket skyward, just as you're relaxing along such amazing beach waves, speaking of skyrocketing, I saw grand, grand new scare and all I could do was laugh, it really does like a triangle crafts, blasting off, amazing, just amazing the things they do for her to keep her aware, well us all aware." >>>"Ah, I bought grapes and water, so I went to her youtube page, I don't know if you viewed grand, grand latest, but she's revealing our warrior leaders and followers are looking to pull a Psalm 2, mutiny on prophetic scripture.  I  get to Mary Greenly, and her first two, here and here,; 
aren't about Yellowstone at all, but protest and secret meetings, this pending of civil wars brewing in Virginia.  I know, I  know, I know, all molten hell from beneath is on earth, the most unprecedented tribulations ever and no one is listening, it is as the days of Noah, normalcy bias out there, social media.  But seeing Aaige, all this is why they're forewarning America's Midwest to New England , even it's eastern seaboard to beware,  even both Jan 3, 2019, she some summoned to a red room, then here Jan 3, 2020, she heard some about secret meeting, they're convinced they save America's why of life by God, instead warring against God finally removing the most proficient deceiver planet earth, making evil good, Explaining why,grand, grand keep seeing that part of the country going under mass disasters and being called into sudden destruction, as an asteroid impact, so Psalm 2 is saying? They're beyond help, beyond reach, as in an  unprecedented deception is upon them, Aaige , like when the they  crucified their own messiah, standing against the evils they loved and accustomed , it is he and his being targeted again, only as of the nano-second taking the Bride off planet, these heathen leaders and followers are simultaneously,y cataclysmically no more, So no wonder Rev Holies are as days of Rev 18, Holy God, calling , and calling and calling God's out, this manner of separating the wheat from the tares, god Aaige, are obedient, hearers, doers, escaping! Though the new Yellowstone Article, saying no new" clink bate it's all still said this; almost 630000-years-ago, last time Yellowstone volcano exploded which caused a huge disaster but if similar explosion takes place, then it could be catastrophic. While explaining the Yellowstone area, the volcanologist stated that the area in and around the Yellowstone National Park would be buried under hot thick ash from pyroclastic density currents, killing the biota across the region.] Now love, imagined 101 of those eruptions, volatile climate of unprecedented NEO'S were in and their ability to affect seismic and tectonic plates to waves; it only the tens of millions in hugger's could detect it's troubles like animals, to wilderness survivors and staying true to nature, aboriginals, just what are Yellowstone animals doing? I will research that, you and check on her, you know she'll lay in her bed awake for the longest, not making a sound.  Look, look, look, I didn't think I would find anything recent, June 2019,  only two months before, grand, grand Aaige, got that hand writing escape Yellowstone, someone did an article, asking why is it thousands of animals are leaving the active super volcano; meaning that wasn't so much you, Aaige inquiring but holy lords through you, here's the  Article,, but for some reason, I  wont't stay opened, will these people really suffer tens of millions in collateral death tolls, trying to prove they know better the God and His Anointed? Those same black hearted people Saline, who nailed their Holy God come flesh to a bloody cross for them all, those people and then arrogantly cried, his blood be upon them and their children, What, like five hundreds years after Prophet Ezekiel cried, would God in his time destroy the entire house of Israel?  I wonder who's knocking, she's keeping her schedule, still sleep, hey brother, Saline told me he saw you all at the beach, shoulder deep in the Caspian sea, so that was him, ah, I come to hold her, and spoil her, so can I, no, you can't, unless you're spending the night up with her, and she's not, I've spoken, spoken, spoken! Ben, sis, wow good grapes, what's in leftovers, he ask that like we actually cook.  Looking over my brother in law shoulders, what are you reading? Wow, why are animals by the thousands leaving the Yellowstone? My god as recent as June 2019,  wow, how didn't we know this, so another reason, she got the letter, by letter forming of the word thousands, you think? How, what even made you research, this? That Yellowstone article, the same O same, O, so I mention the animals and your sister was like, what are Yellowstone animals, doing? no doubt a Jesus, Peter, Holy Spirit moment, I got her, I got her, and come shocked when I found this, You could've,  just went to youtube Mary Greenly , I did, sign up, Yellowstone closed, she's gone politicking,  civil war brewing for the forewarn Midwest and Eastern seaboard, all you know, followed by sudden destruction.  Ah my god, this just keep getting worst and worst, and grand saying, they're all coming, so, so, on target; please, please, let me give her, her bottle, if you two weren't here she'd been getting something else, overshare my darling sis, overshare."  Why speak in parables? For those rebellious today as in the days of the prophets of old, say, the lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth; when Rev 18, it's Holy Father, Judge, say I see, know and record your sins, mightily reaching into heaven, repent, RUN? Beware, Apb
