Prophecy links Fulfilling, What's the Secret Of Yellowstone, Or Is That, North America's/The Americas Seismic Craton

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

     -Seeing this horrid thing Thanksx/Xmas (2019), watched autopilots/AI saboteur to cause crashes, woke terrified! beware, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

     -Hearing 2017 kill all parents by , finish all schools, making the 9 that died with Kobe an elevation; where the 4 gens of a family lost the end of thanksgiving was more evidence Grace?Doomsday Passovers, Autopilots all suspended! Apb

     -Although all parents marked with targets, that's an uptick from being shown decades back innovation left unattended would be as parents head shooting their children, then went on to see grands burying theirs alive.
     -Once crying his blood be upon US and our children, even more as these evils. An autopilots fails/AI skyrocketing seen as Ancient men and earth enders the Lion, the Leopard and an Egyptian Anubis of an undertaker all sat your living and assembly as others members of your home/church families.
    -All true Pastor, only a pandemic death as my predicted backward letter C, fast moving killer. I told, Trump/ Nethanyu M. E., deal offer/awful, two weeks after being awarded April 2, (2019), two weeks and 7 years, bitter is, that's over two more billion dead, by April 17, 2026.
     -But sweet is, finally, the for many millennia non-aggression pac all of a sudden giving us a world without the Holy Bride/ Holy Angels/US/ West Rule. Bitter is, invoking its entire duration an Islamic/Israeli/Antichrist reign, but sweet is, instantly giving us Jesus' Millennium Reign.
     -Explaining while Kobe and his were a fiery as all West Rule soil, crash, see also explosions Ala/TX and 7.7 quake, forewarn  the Caribbean//Florida 7.7, there's no hiding, as portrayed, Rev 6, 6th seal as well be reminded, a 7.7, youtube dutchsinse didn't see coming, cause just as seismic plate displacement, NASA reporting NEO;s can also increase quake to volcanic activity!
     -Just as said, as Kobe's death, I was hearing as Elvis' and Michaels' deaths, the naming and appointing of now, Islamic Kings, 10 Rev 17, heads to be exact, a Saddam Hussein  head down, a Barack Hussein head, indefinite reign; see also Palestine's Abbas, threaten eight leads, the abomination that maketh desolate, Mat 24, Jesus, suggested we flee, and your elephants of staying unaware Abbas Dec 3, (2017), did, stampede, see more here, Dan 7/8/Rev 17/18.
    -The backward letter C death bringer is one of a triple as a volcanic apocalypse blasting off planet, US/Western soil. I pray,  be reminded of March 3 (2019), two ELE'S, launched, incoming, impacting. I pray, y'all believe him better than you hear and believe me.
    -For decades God been showing and horrifying a through the heavens threat that would make children the endangered species; and a voted in Noah's day perverse marriage, a genocide of God's Genesis man/ marriage; when Jesus say none would survive it, well no first born's of any statue or category anyway, God Isn't Mocked like that!
     -Those who read behind me and regret it know of the NBA's players Durant and Westbrook California dreaming I got, Los Angeles, the letter by letter forming of the word thousands and a Rev 12 Michael star warring up there, all affecting air and road traffic, affecting rebellious travel.
     -Also beware of children books, thing is, a Michael Ealy, Perfect man, Rev 2 Jesus come threatening an NBA Wade, his star wife, Union. They advocating trans-kids, the morn of predicted, disaster Hawaii missile crisis, the Holy Bride,  Angels were taken out and as the entire US/Canada/Western Pacific, all Memphis Kids also, suddenly come orphans, beware God Is! Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, And Jesus Never Would've Found Me! Apb

     -Psalms 66:18, if I regard sin in my heart, the Lord will not hear me; thus God's back turn Throne; except a man be born again, he cannot comprehend, enter God's Kingdom! Thus Saith Sunlight Gods back turn Throne/Rite Aid Counter! Beware, Repent, Escape Yellowstone, a predicted 10 of millions molten ELE huggers, suddenly dead and no takes back, Apb

Prophecy links Fulfilling, What's the Secret Of Yellowstone, Or Is That, North America's?The Americas Seismic Craton

-Seeing a hand as a drunkard to pothead or just in a hurry, write Aug 5, 2019, "Escape Yellowstone; seeing as the day the earth stood still, the word disappeared frozen as all Mid West, HD/5G/ Social Media screening; hearing the tail end of breaking news, by now tens of millions dead, and hundreds of millions are stampeding, Aug 30/31st 2019, "after 101 Yellowstone eruptions,. Now, since Yellowstone, had 198 harmonic eruptions, 2019 alone, meaning molten mother from beneath on the move, we know these 101 eruptions, are all Extinction Events, making all cclebrity to peasants ELE huggers, US/to California dreaming, beware, God Is!

If You Say You Hath Not Sin You Lie And Do Not The Truth; Apostle John

Article, [Franklin Graham had an event canceled in the UK because he views homosexuality as a sin - he responded with the gospel]

Graham Cancelled The Tug Of Warring Detestations!These Are The Abominators, Rev God Is Telling All Hearers and Doers To Flee He's Judging Them Double, And I Looked And Saw In The Space Of An Hour Prescribed Most Extraordinary West Rule Ever, Was Never Again This Planet!

    -Pastor Graham nor any true, loving lead can represent the Holy Bible unless all fornication. Including legalized whoremongering is preached as sin, death, judgement and hell.
     -My God is Christ, Jesus Cross message is repentance be and live born again. His blood sacrifice is for a humanity who're born, destined to live, die and be condemn eternally by sin, ETERNALLY CONDEMNED!
     -Whether you worship Holy God or not, doesn't forfeit you're HIS creation. You exist and die, fallen from grace, yet predestined HIS Genesis man, marriage, with one hope at divine adoption, Jesus the Christ.
     -You're not man's, you're not even yours. You're a free will being, ruled by God, cursed by sin, blessed to be reborn, all biblically set boundaries, none can save you but God's Christ.
     -One key question, all first born's die except they repent by Christ Jesus Cross, where will you spend eternity? The sin you're born in, housing you, your heart, blood lineage will not, cannot enter heaven! None other can save you, get it, get Jesus, get out! Beware, God Is, Apb, see more here,

How African slaves were sexually abused, the sowing of discord, beware, repent Escape Yellowstone!

-My predicted Bush's 2003, Hussein Obama, African American, being from an African Native Mohammad Father. As so a European American mother brought the Egyptian to African Slave ruin full circle. 
     -Then two consecutive terms come the most powerful Islamic, African, European on the planet. Actually indefinitely until Jesus reign,.
     -I saw that too, like the world's government on Hussein reign until Jesus come again. That's April 17, 2026, see, things aren't as they seem. Holy scripture then say though impossible unless dead to self and possessed heart, blood all by Holy Spirits.
    -Still put those nonsense, temporal things behind. Press toward the Mark, of the prize, of the high calling of God, which is in Christ Jesus, the Lord. 
     -Perhaps see the Ethiopian/Hussein man back then drafted to help Jesus bare our cross of sin and blood guilt reconciliation. Old passed away, 
presently a New Jerusalem, and as I saw, aNew White Holy House, Descending, Royal family intact; beware, God Is, Apb, see,

Article [7.7 Earthquake Rocks the Caribbean. Did You Feel It?]
Article, [Second powerful earthquake rocks the Caribbean]

-During the Season of Haiti Quake Stranger Thing Is I could Feel Them Then My Memphis Home, Days to Nations Away! -Though I agreed with 2020, seismic troubled Puerto Ricans running from, staying out of buildings; Jesus even said these cataclysmic times, don't return again to your houses. Still, If this was months before Haiti 2010, 9 plus Quake I would've been screaming to parents for it's longest of it get your children out of all buildings, schools, churches, day care, homes. Like take'em to the park, spend quality time with them, get them, keep them out of buildings; possibly the crying 2017, finish all schools! Soon come the dream of grandparents eye to eye with them, burying their grands alive! Beware, God, Is!
-Yes, I felt it under my feet, my Georgia bathroom, as I stood the mirror. The mirror image where I saw Spring 1987, God with His throne back turn. Presently a back turn Rite Aid Pharmacy counter, saying 5 into 15% US/West Rule death tolls, set. Not even Obama Care can' save you, that would be for all eternity past and for eons to come, Jesus The Christ.
-Then I heard Holy Spirit say, by the way not dreaming, "God has turn His Back on the church," as in multimillions in various assembly not His, Jesus said so here, Mat 7:21-23. Apostle THEY say I Am, I did what I always do, even ascended to Rev 12, second heaven, I interceded; having memorized Ps. 51 Father, King David accused of predatory murder, ultimate repentant prayer, I prayed. Beware, God is, see here,, how its all ending prophetically, Apb

Black Lives Matter Campaign, How African slaves were sexually abused, the sowing of discord and gang to civil wars, when ALL LIVES MATTER, beware, repent Escape Yellowstone, Apb, see here,
My predicted Bush's 2003, Hussein Obama, African American, being from an African Native Mohammad Father. As so a European American mother brought the Egyptian to African Slave ruin full circle. -Then two consecutive terms come the most powerful Islamic, African, European on the planet. Actually indefinitely until Jesus reign,. -I saw that too, like the world's government on Hussein reign until Jesus come again. That's April 17, 2026, see, things aren't as they seem. Holy scripture then say though impossible unless dead to self and possessed heart, blood all by Holy Spirits. -Still put those nonsense, temporal things behind. Press toward the Mark, of the prize, of the high calling of God, which is in Christ Jesus, the Lord.
-Perhaps see the Ethiopian/Hussein man back then drafted to help Jesus bare our cross of sin and blood guilt reconciliation. Old passed away, presently a New Jerusalem, and as I saw, aNew White Holy House, Descending, Royal family intact; beware, God Is, Apb, see,
