Then take of them again, and cast them into the midst of the fire, and burn them in the fire; for thereof shall a fire come forth into all the house of Israel., (All The World, Abraham's Children)

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Thus Saith Dan 9-12, 534 BC, Angel Gabriel, our May 15, 2004, 'all Things are unto fulfillment!" Beware!

     -See US/Western Soil, fulfilling, Rev 17/18, esp, 2015-2019, Hearing Jan 13-20, 2017, Pres Trump inauguration being aligned as others US leads prior to 50 million US soil deaths; then it's Jan 12/13, 2019, a hand writes on a wall, predicted 2015, 99 bowls of molten lava; Hearing Jan 13, 2018, "one hour with the beast, as so visited my prayer bed, a Rev 14, Reaper. bearing sickle, this timely, thrusting into the horses's bridle, the harvest of the earth is ripe and ready; as so it's Jan 13, 2018, Rev 2, Jesus, readied to take the Bride and Psalms 91 Angels off planet, all before Hawaii's inbound missile alert to 38 minutes of screaming torture; 
     -hearing, Jan 13, 2019, "whore and beast separated," Rev 12, Michael is fighting a star wars in the heavens, hearing, "Michael is setting his all around.' Knowing, as Christ/and Rev 12, Birthing Mother's Anointed, to bring the holy Church Bride up, and obedient American refugees out, seeming just as Father Abraham's Lot Angelic escape, here, into US Georgia's/Africa's Atlantic; Jan 9, 2020, as I'm waking, I'm seeing a pointer readying to change Jan 1th, to Jan 13th, this world ending fiery apocalypse commences into finale April 17, 2016/27, beware, Apb

Prophecy Links Prophecy

     -Hearing as Eze 9, Holy God, 2017, commands, "Kill all parents by, finish all schools," as in flea infested rats are in the human blood genome, the Genesis Man/Marriage genocide. Then shocked and awed Father Abraham of Sodom's doomsday come, will you destroy the godly with the ungodly? If only he'd read Holy Elohim mind, but there is none righteous, until wounded and scared is my only begotten son, beware, listen here,

 Listening too, Selah, Oh Sacred Head Now Wounded,

Give here,$patann1258

If You Can't, give here,

The final days/Mike from around the world/Pastor Begley. Energy particle wave hits Earth January 12 & 13. 01-13-2020,, (seeing Aug 7th, 2029, the word disappeared, frozen on or as all HD, 5G and Social Media Screening, Beware, Great Sorrows

Pray Your Escape Isn't During Midwest Winter, Frozen Alone Travel Bans

More From Max Igan on the Australian Bush Fires - He Says Make This Video Go Viral
Monday, January 13, 2020 8:54,

     (Oddly, volcanic ash building is as I saw as we entered only by Rev 2, Jesus, Matrix ten day countdowns, sweet to bitter, passovers, first of the year Jan (3/13/23, 2019).  This is when I heard some summoned to a red room, heard also, Jan (3/13/23, 2020), some summoned to a meeting, just see Dan 9:27/Rev 17:16-18, prophesied thousands of years, mocked nations summits, when all US soil enemies, nuclear, natural and NEO's are embolden against them, as in desolation's until Genesis Book thru Rev Book, Jesus, Mt Olivet/Jan (3/13/23/2019), Mt Luther, return, and Rev 12, star warring Michael, stuck a foot out, tripped up their train tracks, wrecking these evils, covert, escapes.  
     -Again, I witnessed as shown here, soon to learn by a UK Michael volcanic eruption, thick ash as this, building on escape bridges and cars, as in also pray your flight isn't during the predicted all US soil, decades now, this, Rev 6, 6th seal, 6th Jan 23, 2028, Matrix count, Volcanic Apocalypse, (see it also here, www.thepoenix1012.blogspot,com); Which also remind me, they did something to youtube dutchsinse earthquake, predictor, haven't heard from him since he confirmed his predicted, Puerto 2020,  first large quake. 
     -Some of you know, like you tube Final Days and others, first great techologies isn't just for their sealed in Christ's blood ruin but more for our, outreaching, it's righteousness; it is so others could have some idea of what's coming, when and why? Cutting a fury 2016, Pres elections as at Eze 38/39 rising Gog and Magog, it's rebelliousness since the Bush's into the Kushners, are aligned to 50 million dead of us. Seems they want to scheme to deceive and kill hundreds of millions, of Americans, more, even a half of billion, seeing The Americas entire continent is going, going, gone? See more about Dutchsinse to his Duchesses here,, pray for his family, here, Psalm 35! 
     -Still, even the name Mike, to Michael, so repeated in the work, from Jan 2019 Star Warring/Archangel Michael to Jan 2018, a Memphis, New Madrid, home, when both the dangerous, perfect man and the perfect man Jesus had the appearance of actor, "A Perfect Man,' stunner,  Michael Ealy.  As so, there's my since 2012, by marriage, Ghana, West African, nephew, guess? Yes, his name is also Michael, and birthday, the 2008/09/
2015/2020, escape either to heaven or Georgia into Michael's Africa, predicted, estimated time of escape, (ETE), the Bride's Chariot screening, September 23rd to 25th, I know, too many holy to unholy spirits, star warring about for any coincidences, beware, don't let those green grass, to smiling faces, to sun lights, to those deceived, deceive you, repent to, serve Jesus, and RUN! In this order, Apb ) 

Dutchsinse Wiped Off Youtube!; 

-Hearing Jan 3, 2020, Germany Is Patient, see the Jan (2019), hybrid Alexander/Hitler Germany's Reigning Antichrist, Whose Anubis Demons posed as German Shepherds, He's Here, April 17, 2019-2026/27, beware, beware, beware!  

-Seeing Dec 24/25, 2001/Feb 12/13, 2015-Feb 12/13 2019, Islamic/Israeli Antichrist In Christ Prowess Planet Earth, April 17 2019-2026, beware!!

   -Don't fret, you all do know, last they banned our made awares, see YouTube Marfoggle, these mighty social engines crashed, and God send a yutu hurricane after them, only a historic Michael Hurricane first, took out Mexico beach, Florida. Though hurricane, Yutu, wiped an uninhabitable, except for escaping scientist, Hawaiian Island off the map.   
     -Undoubtedly showing how easily it can be done, as I've seen it done to California, the White House/WALMARTS, the Midwest, the Eastern seaboard and heard it commanded be done, to Britain and Canada! Then was reminded days past, seeing a shape of it in my dirty dishwater, okay earlier, my grilled eggs as well, Florida too, is wiped off the map!!!!
-Albeit, making Georgia, a primary escape into US/Africa's Atlantic, got Him, got Jesus and stampeding yet, like your Dec 3, (2017), stampeding elephants of staying unaware? Beware, Repent, Jesus Cross, Prayer, as seen of the death rider from the molten beneath, no longer holding it sway, Jan 13, 2018, Rev 14, Holy God thrusting in reaping sickle, all first born's Man And Cattle Dies, ye must be born again, again, beware, repent, Escape Yellowstone! Apb, see here,

   -Thou shalt burn with fire a third part in the midst of the city, when the days of the siege are fulfilled: and thou shalt take a third part, and smite about it with a knife: and a third part thou shalt scatter in the wind; and I will draw out a sword after them. like the sword like syringes, baring grim reapers chasing all procastinating escape, this scripture may not sound like, by the blessedness mercy God is stampeding his out of the way!
     Prophesying on line to social media, many decades now, the last few years including youtube, Pastor Begley to Pastor Anita Fuentes, until any hearer to doer of these now 30 plus years of spring raptures, prophecies can predict earth ending events to the date, especially since Nov 2017, so, that's each  3, 13, and 23 of each month. Accurately,  since the predicted end of our world, Jan, Thanksgiving/Dec 24/25 2001, Mystery Babylon alias, America, West Rule to be no more planet earth and that cataclysmically. Understand, it is when. 
     -Thanksgiving, Christmas Nov 23, 2017,  after a matrix screen, demo, reveal, a Rev 2, Jesus instead come, saying, fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. Hence instead of fiery Australia's judgments come Dec 24/25,2001, and America's soil a million times it's deadliest. 
     -Instead, rewarding, like a doomsday passover, a Matrix ten day countdown, until 10 Matrix days later, it's Dec 3, 2017, the tug of Armageddon Trump, Nethanyu , Abbas and his mentioned eight leads, minus Trump, US rule no more, the ten heads of Dan 7 and Rev 17,  were seen Feb 12/13.2015, in great prowess planet earth, So during a fallout with Carter peaceful efforts , elephants of staying unaware stampeded, since, a world causing chaos themselves, molten mother gushing up and cosmic father, missiling down and a river of blood, 175 miles run through it/
      -Undoubtedly, this indefinite tug of nuclear war into Armageddon, when just as soon blessed Jesus, even our Jan 23. 2018 Rev Mighty Angel, standing US map, this time, sat his feet, atop Mount Olivet, Hallelujah, I say and will, march, I told youtube Christpher Green as they're escaping, I hope they dance,  even seeing who can shout it the loudest, ask the grands, even Revelation Holies, seeing me back a time, a Daniel fast, a seizure, 2013, frightfully, reassuring, THEY can't wait to be here where I am, what holiness of God are you, doing to make the Host of Heaven, descend into yours?
      -Apostle Of Christ I am said, every 3, 13, 23, of each month counting Jan 13, 2018, Hawaii inbound missile scare and Jan 23 to 29, ten days later, into the congressman train wreck, Rev 17:16-18, embolden enemies was coming for the, we over three hundred million it's inherit, just did know it. Henceforth,  Rev 2, Jesus passover award, has every tenth day of tribulations, itched us closer and closer to both of these world systems removal, until Jan 13-20, 2019, we're shown a Rev 12, staring warring in the  heavens.
    Clearly, his indefinite, fiery apocalypse come, the Bride is to taken skyward, and commanded as Moses, day, world exodus, as of The Americas Continent, is a Blaxit into US Georgia, with Africa's Atlantic, pending. Herein 13 reasons why? Well just this one, it's Dec 2001 weight of blood guilt, doomsday earn, by all US/Western soil now come, a predicted Dec 24/25, 2001, fiery doomsday Christmas Carol, instantly, instantly tens of millions of American ELE huggers will die.  Said countdowns, until by Nov 12/13, 2019, it is declared the last day planet earth, a 70th Matrix countdown, as we enter by Pres Trump offer, April 17, 2019, of a middleeastern disoallowing Iran, others, so tossed back for repair, see Rev 11:1, 2. 
     -Probably,  just another timetable, as per April 2, 2019, another as US campaigning, as 2008, 09, two weeks and 7 year timetable, hence, the 70th Week of Daniel , April 17 2019-2026, bitter, Beast Reign and incalculable die off are here, but sweet, so is Jesus Olivet return. Clearly, predicted, Nov 12/13, 2019, Pres Trump goes under impeachment proceedings, Prime Minister Nethanuye under talks of trials, Australia's like most continents, into fiery Apocalypse. Three primary nations, including France and Germany want better aware on a pending nuclear Iran's, timing all, refugees running to coastal areas.
     -As I described, is a mirror image of what is predicted to come US soil, Dec 24/25, 2001, reactivated Jan 13, 2019, and here now, Jan 12/13, 020, to be fulfilled, any d-day, only a million times it's insufferable weight. as in see, Rev 6, 6th seal, now a 6th Matrix, Jan 23, 2018, a volcanic Apocalypse beginning with Hawaii's largest above  volcano and spreading said activity into US/Canada West To East coast, so see dutchsinse relentlessly reported, US soil rising seismic to molten troubles, it' s North American Craton. 
    -Unquestionably, we're talking what molten lies beneath, as in too many active super eruptions to count, US soil, north, south, east, west, using as a molten delivery source all along its North American Craton and only Southeast into US Georgia, is barely an escape. As into, with Africa's Atlantic, acting as a Moses day exodus, it's Red sea crossing, to Noah's Ark, so much so, until I little expected the Bride nor US/Western soil to be here into it's Jan 12/13, 2020.  
     -Ideally, giving us as first spring rapture demo, April 17, 1986, we all have such ascension anxiety, but here we are still. Truth is, during the escape demo June 26/July 6, 2015, Dec 24/25th 2001, weight of blood guilt, predicted Islamic/Israeli/Antichrist world reign, and a pale, infested horse, of an unprecedented pandemic, ride right through it, seen Oct 15, 2018, as just at the horizon, more beast grazing, readying, one, a Dec 24/25, 2018, as 1929, stock market crash, while the word tribulations, scrolled non stop on the news ticker
     -Admittedly, I was outreaching like now, hearing, seeing there's some about Cameron 
 until I stepped into escape chariot, and further heard, beware aware of alien dangers from above, as those both NASA keep reporting, and Russia Putin, getting warning, about some, supernatual forces, all due at this time, doomsday passover suspended, even saw, auto-piolt fails, Beast reign come, even a nano-second of skyrocketing into heaven's, intercessions, God's long-suffering, seem, lol, as slow as fiery doomsday Christmas, 2020, nahhhhhhhh! Beware, Apb, The RAM

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

  The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Carter Renaissance Saurus and Danielle Irene Cunningham was born a daughter Renaissance Danielle Saurus 

Unto Maximillian Grayson Bjo're and Ballerina Glorianna, Havana was born a daughter, Keenan Alison Bio're, a son Castor Vincent Bjo're  and son Heathery Carson Bjo're, Havana  

And these are the descendants rescued from the hands of the beast, beast of beauty, 1986-2026

Starring, King Bridegroom, Carter Renaissance Saurus and Queen Bride, Danielle Irene Cunningham 

Scene, Mark Genesis Marriage Worshiper, Noah's Ark, 17 And 7

     "Guys, first in my defense, I'm suffering from ascension anxiety, what are you talking about Memphis man, what now? Only, I come so overwhelmed by it, I'm looking for a Christian chat room, a Christian what? Something I haven't done since 2015, ah Grand Maaseiah reveals, I don't know Car man 2015, the first two weeks and 7 year Dan 12, grace period ending was a biggy in her reveals. Okay, the as a school name roll call, census, Rev 20, Lamb book opened. Ah, you talking 3rd heaven rooftop let alone our sky to universe. Right, so I find one that let me vent and I'm like, god, Memphis, Carter tell us you didn't. I'm so serious, but look at y'all already laughing, okay, okay, I told them I had ascension anxiety, not all that funny guys, yes the heck it is! What they say Car man, what? Why? Y'all just laughing, they said they didn't quite understand! Come on, come on, come on, Sia's, it's not that funny, yes it is, you be doing some crazy stuff. Wait, wait, how did you response? I didn't, I just left, ah man, its must be fun Car man being you and yours.  Love, love, tell them what happen to me, ah yeah, we come into kitchen, readying to make BLT sandwiches. Suddenly this girl is having a fit, something get stuck her bare feet and she's having a baby getting it off, so mad even. Soon it fall off and panic come praise, ah my god, are you serious? Ah my god, and I look, it's a penny, and we both you know, celebrate. I don't understand, a penny? Raise your hand and speak at will if you know what a penny mean, Sia Maaseiah's reveals? The ah, Car man, penny store, when the sun is made into the Bride's phenom chariot, somebody give that man a Rev 2 Jesus, enduring ten days tribulation, Matrix count, promised crown of life. Then there you go Memphis Carter , your own bride, more, assurances, yes and no. I know this other that withholdeth, and for now passed fiery apocalypse to Australia instead, don't look at me Car man, I know too. like you, I'm not saying. What made Noah's Ark flood ebb and flow until a hundred years be fulfilled? Then too Memphis, why did Sia Maaseiah see, Dec 29, 2019, a rush to put Passover Nov/Dec 24, 25, 2019, US soil fiery doomsday come, back on schedule, any d-day now? I'll say if you all want me too, we know our brave Sia Evolent, so please do, death tolls US/Western soil, The American continent alone, 50 million dead will be as the days of Noah's it's soil alone. So does Sia Maaseiah have three or more major reveals confirming those unrealizable tolls, even by there percentages. Took you long enough Kadesh man, what, BFA, I can't take my time deciding what I want to eat? Listen, guess what your cousin Memphis Carter did? Ah god, what this time? Went into a Christian chat room and expected them to understand his having ascension anxiety, did you, ah my, did, what did you expect them to say Car man? Yeah, I do too, out with America, come Christ's Reign, come God's Kingdom, ah, kinda any, way? Y'all mockers are telling me Jesus knowing he's to ascend, leave his human life, family and friends indefinitely until Father's Will is had again, wasn't with ascension anxiety; especially knowing how horrible his disciples would suffer martyrdom? Of course Car man, tempted in all points as we are but without perversion, like now, then, His, Our ascension can't be helped. Fulfilling the cross for many millennia now, as so it's church-bride, from the prophets. As so Into the acts of the apostles, now the tribulation saints pouring into Jesus bosom to Olivet reign! Look, guess who got a mystery penny stuck to her feet, I mean really stuck, I raise my hand, it was me. See, knowing what that mean, there Car man, no, I'm just saying, like Mighty Angel little book, reveals both sweet and bitter. I wasn't going to say anything, but since your Danielle Car man ironic penny is revealed, I found this, a nickle and a dime. Just think, all US coins mind you, no longer in service for years, see there, Meshullam man, I know what that mean, those untellable death tolls, just as we lift one foot off this planet. So Car man, do you not want Daniel final week to come to past? The world system, the Holy Bride, and the world system, Unholy West Rule, can't be even this far into Danie's week and we're talking days to nano-seconds, a present stalled escape.  I never considered Jesus' church as a world system, but it is, yes, why during grand Maaseiah's Rev 17, mocked nation summit demo, July 27, 2008/09, she as all others. Even a Senator Hussein pending was treated as a world leader, sitting right across from him, hearing Obama is the one, and hearing, the first timetable of two weeks and 7 years. "Didn't he promise then, what come known as Obama care? Yes and swore and by its pending Presidential itinerary he could be trusted, his alike Holy Bride affinity for the people. Spoiled all Evolent, bringing in same sex marriage and bruising, mother Africa 400 year repatriation, Blaexit, by assassinating Col Gaddafi. So what First Prince Meshullum, does finding those two particular coins mean? Sia Maaseiah's, Feb 12/13, 2019, it's revisited exact date from, Feb 12/13 2015, when she watched the Antichrist in great prowess, unstoppable; but looked also and saw herself as reigning Lord Urusalem, he's not supposed to say.  It's Okay Nibe, it's okay, ah my god, Kadesh, tell that to our exiled, First Prince, Silverton and family, given over to the Hillsfeet tribunal, really! He's not exiled loving sister and last we spoke he's lead tribunal and really encouraged. Again, again, a mountain, she prepped, both Prophet Daniel and King Nebuchadnezzar's witnessed as evidence it was not cut out with hands, man's great advances had no hand in it, nor had no control over it, predestined, like all end time prophecy, launched, Incoming, impacting, it's unstoppable. Going on, said mountain reigning in heaven, had the surface of a meteor and once she, reigning Bride, who prepped it released it, it was heard said, "this is the Antichrist," as in all those gathered at Armageddon, "murderer," and soon they nor their great supposedly father Satan are never seen again for a thousand years and then only for a nano-second, fiery judgment above and beneath hath them as speedily.  You shaking your head, I still can't believe you Memphis Carter, these people are in a tug of war, a LGBTQ and P for Pedophiler, school curriculum, church ordination, and soon all the HD viewing and social meeting they'll get evil hands on, while Jesus as a thief done come in, got his Holy Church and gone, talk about end days deception, wow, wow, wee? I was desperate, wonderfully terrified, this boy said, wonderfully terrified, ah that is rich, you was desperate Memphis man, or you wanted to see where these chats rooms thoughts to hearts were? Though you know, I'll take that wisdom of God Meshullam man, as my defense, okay that's all settled, now you two, the 15 cents, 15% dead, US/Canada's soil; 5% Britain, why no matter how many times Sia Maaseiah visited that opened, but only for her back turn Rite Aid Counter, that toll, 5 into 15 never changed.  Look Car man, the faithful aren't fearful just uncertain, and you know you can come to us any time man, but this know also, grand Sia Maaseiah, saw them exodus into Africa's Atlantic; grand Sia Maaseiah, witnessed them by auto loads pouring into Georgia's Atlantic. Apparently, until John witnessed them as tribulation saints come right into heir-ship, God's now welcoming, celebrating Throne, bosom, all, but, but, but, both the Bride and West Rule will be suspended until They both again descend replenished by nuclear, solar and molten fires, anew. Holy Lord, Memphis Carter, is stampeding all into US southeast Atlantic and Africa's West coast Atlantic, for this reason he's getting as many as will, out of the way, hearers an doer open to me, I sup with you, you with me. I know when John witnessed Jesus come, he knew it meant his would be suspended, he's been ascended to mansions in heaven until Sia Maaseiah witnessed them all July 27, 2016, descend into she now know, second heavens intercessions, where we're to ascend and join in. As in for a prophesied duration, Rev 12, and to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent and that time, as so of the two witnesses, and we can say as so of the tribulation saints, is a thousand two hundred and threescore days.   I know we're flirting with a mid tribulation, but I say as Second Prince Meshullam Kadesh here, just now, we can't stay in Daniel final week of a time table for long and if it wasn't for Rev 2, Jesus, matrix ten day countdown, we couldn't be here. Just think, perfect man Jesus, the Jesus husband of ascension assisting, readied to take us Jan 13, 2018, guardian angels all, just as Hawaii and all US/Canada soil, threaten to go nuclear, making us a single cataclysms from escape, right, right? Yeah, thanks Evolent, you too, cousin Meshullam as always, all of you mocking Sias, as well, sure Car man, just know for us all, even phenom ascension, the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." Why speak in parables? For the heathen raging, say today, as in the days of the prophets of old, the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth! Beware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

Dutchsinse has been wiped off YouTube, beware, I stopped at explicit language

Dutchsinse March 14, 2018, 

Seeing Plumes Over US States, Including Georgia,

Seeing Plumes Over US States, Georgia Exempt,, ( only a day after March 13, 2018, I'm inviting all US States from a barbecue instead into Georgia, Florida like California, the Eastern Seaboard, going or gone, Apb)

Article, [Krakatoa 1883 Documentary (I'm sitting just now, Jan 13, 2020, 10:26 am, watching this video, the loudest sound on record, when getting my attention is its many references to Dutch people. I heard some like it, 2013, a sound so loud, waking me right up, I thought I'd be left deaf, later sitting my bedroom, now woke I could hear what sound like star wars battles in the heavens; I know, did I hear a demo of the resurrection to ascension, I daw passed to him, Gabriel's Trumpet?) Beware, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

   -Seen to be seeing Aug 5, 2019, a hand writing nervously, ineligibly, finally barely reading, Escape Yellowstone! Then Everything Froze To A Screeching Halt, Hum, So Did Heaven's Phenom Celebration, Ah yeah, God was crying uncontrollably, His People Being Stripped Of Everything Jesus Christ, Behold I Will Strip Their Leaders, Birthday naked, woe!

And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.

For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.

And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, (Babylon, disguised, as Jerusalem/Washington, DC), which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

Putin to Trump: Hit Iran and Face Anunnaki Wrath (is this the field to field, build up of torture vehicles I saw, even hesrd them announced indefeatable chaldeans when a US General said, don't be alarmed men, this is a dirty Mede,Iran, as in the Medes and Persian Dsn 5 and Rev 17/18 Hoky God allowed to take out invincible Babylon. Zonky now Mystery Babylon alias, West Rule, America, one woe is past, in cometh another.
     -Understand, this isn't only the great beast reign, influencing world leaders,  driving a mutiny into the great whore world rule, all Roman Empire alias, West Rule this planet, 
it's once allied; this is also Eze 38/39/Rev 17/18,-20, Holy God, influencing Ancient beast world rule come since Hussein Obama's Dan 12, grace period timed out and Donald Trump, Dan 9:27,  into Daniel final week chimed in, Dan 7, and Rev 17, final Antichrist man eaters and earth enders, come to great predestined, prowess until Jesus said pray his biblically, predicted, Mt Olivet Return, 'blessed is he who cometh in the name of the Lord!'  

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Even Being Asked, 2017, What's the Secret Of My? The Obama's, The Little Miya Girl, New Madrid, Dunlap Street, Memphis TN? 

Article, [Smoke From Australia Fires Has Now Reached the Stratosphere, NASA Says], America, The America's day by day mirror image, John hearing here,  therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her, Beware, 

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

     -Jesus Mat 24 said pray flight as Australia's isn't FROZEN by Midwest ice storms; not on Sabbath day, (not as Mid West travel bans); pray for new mothers, Australia's rescue Navy ship just declined, not designed to escape mothers' with babies, from fiery apocalypse, beware, repent, Escape Yellowstone! See here,, and here,, how it's ending prophetically, Apb

     -America, America, How Often Would Apostle I Am Have Gathered You Under Christ Of Resurrection April 17, 1986-2026, Healing Wings To Ballooning, Medicating Clouds, But You Would Not, Now You Sit Rev 17/18, Scorched, Earth

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

     Ah my god, got the single word 'HERE' (hear), early mourn, Dec 29, 2019, didn't understand it, until just now! as in my inviting along profuse 30 plus years of righteous outreach, others to come, see more, 'here,' Wow, Holy THEY are paying attention... Beware, Apb

Prophecy Links

Seeing a pointer Jan 9, 2020 ready to change Jan 12 to it's 13th; seeing a rush to put US soil Volcanic Apocalypse Nov/Dec 24/25, 2019 back on track.

Article, [Iran escalation ends in tragedy and outrage], (hearing 2005, smiling faces don't last, wipe Canada from the map!)

Article, [Smoke From Australia Fires Has Now Reached the Stratosphere, NASA Says]

Then take of them again, and cast them into the midst of the fire, and burn them in the fire; for thereof shall a fire come forth into all the house of Israel, (all warring man, beware!),
Americans cried Trump make America Great, There's No Great Without Shedding And Reaping Of Martyred Blood. Heaven's Trump. cried back Yours Is A Nuclear Fate, Here's The Reaping Of Marytred Blood!

     -My now 17, by Jan 12, 2020, grand texting right before xmas, asking about N. Korea's Xmas surprise; soon Trump's bombings, texting, asking, had Trump just started a war? I said yes, but he supposed to, he's predestined to be in US Amins as it's all ending, burning, trust in death rider from beneath, Ps 37 God. Awarded another two weeks and 7 years timetable only two weeks in his and the for many millennia two 42 months intervals, Islamic/Israeli/Antichrist reign. But just think, though Jesus demo descent, billions dead littered the earth, US/Western Rule, see city Atlantis, was never heard of again.
     -Described decades back as a drug addict, come nothing but a magnetic form of memorabilia one in a distant land hangs on a fridge. I like that descriptor better than she's come a coast to coast impact crater bubbling to boiling over with molten lava. Still what does a 17 yr old know? The same as that 7 year, old 2015, who brought me to see CNN breaking news Britain, Russia and Syria's failed cease fires. The Russia who only a week or so past Jan 9, 2020, met with the most targeted man in Islam, Syria's Assad. Uncannily while Palestine's Abbas, the most powerful man in Islam and the world, runs his Dec 3/13/23, threaten eight leads right through.
     He and reaffirmed Nethanyu making Dan 7 and Rev 17 predicted ten heads, Barack Obama being the Rev 13, resurrected from US's millions Islamics slain, head Hussein. The hearing Bush's 2003 axis of evil wars, "one error into a new fearfactor," our God is a war strategist, planting all their doom since we heard, Eze 4/5, lay a siege! When Dan 2, and I did too, Feb 12/13, 2015, watched a mountain launched by reigning Bride from heaven, hearing, "this is the Antichrist murderer," plow into it all, leaving nothing but dust and wind! Repent, Know end time prophecy, THE DARK is come, Genesis to Revelation God also said, Bush/Clinton/Bush 1998/99/Obama/Clinton/Trump 2018-2019, Beware, Repent, Escape Yellowstone, Apb, see here,, how its ending prophetically, Apb
