Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!


Action At Yellowstone So, Pre-Volcano

As Froze On All Public to Private HD Screening, The 2001 Like For 190 Years, Innovation Never Happen, The Aug 7, 2019, Blocking Out The Sky, Word, "Disappeared!" 

     "I know I set it as a tell all parable, but I do have an in-flight, triangle craft scar on my left wrist. I remember the full details of how I got it, but first, remember the TV series Malcolm in the Middle; but more like Jacob's precious Joseph? My Memphis mom watched over me like a priceless treasure, got me in trouble with all my older, younger siblings. Not pretty even now, my being bashed in the head nearly to death, grand mal seizures for life, Memphis Dunlap street, Jesus' Himself appearing, choosing Apostle/Prophet. 
     -Still, this day as my siblings babysit, I felled from the front porch, terrified them all, moms precious Pat/Pet. Especially cutting my wrist on a sharp top from a potted meat can. Strange is, in Lord Urusalem prophetic parable, said scar is actually not just a key, but the key of all biblical prophecy. Other strange, I'd watched your phenom triangle craft vids for the longest but only by a prophetic parable lately, as in lately, did I again realize, I have a scar shaped just like that, but like it's in Rev 12, flight, so in your words, Mrmbb333, go figure! Beware, repent, escape, ESCAPE YELLOWSTONE! Apb, the RAM; 
     -Ah, yeah, the Sunlight from behind a Dan 2, Mountain, Aug 2002/Feb 2015, having a meteor surface, both reigning God's Throne, did rise, speak, say to all World Leaders there ever were or would be, planet earth/Universe; a post celebration, to divine census taking, to silence in heaven, saying as Moses commanded Exodus "let my people go!" Again, yours earth inherits is blessed escape, there's, faithful world leaders, Col. Gaddafi's/Senator, Pres Hussein Obama's 2013, offered US of Africa, it's West Coast Atlantic, but blessed death, Jesus Christ, those first to escape, repent or perish, beware, Apb, The RAM!

KNOWING II PET. 3:11, 60 AD/2018/2019

Article, [Earthquake in California: A crumbling tectonic plate in the Pacific hits the west coast] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/ZhwdrU

     -ESCAPE YELLOWSTONE, A HAND, CLUMSILY WRITES, AUG 5, 2019; Then the single word, DISAPPEARED, freezes all public, private and personal HD screening; beware of predicted Aug 23rd, 2019, remember predicted Aug 29, 2017

     -Escape Yellowstone, an appointed watcher asking 2017, what's the secret of Memphis; of it's New Madrid; of its two 1811, 1812, 8 plus quakes, only I heard Oct 2017/18, "10.2 earthquake," then I heard and quote, "major, major earthquake, West Pacific Canada," but was that, it's predicted July 3/4th, 6 plus, quake, and tens of thousands of tremors since? Predicated Hawaii being home to the largest above ground Volcano; California being home to hundreds of active quakes, one a super eruption; New Mexico, as well, a super eruption. 
     -Further hearing (2005), its NW Pacific seismic Canada commanded to be wiped off the planet, just as Britain, America, (2004), were reduced to itty, bitty pieces. Then there's the just as active Wyoming Super eruption, Yellowstone, it and the Juan de fuca plate, that's possibly been in ten of thousands of harmonic tremors. Undoubtedly since I predicted error Trump refusal to call these areas into imminent, mandatory evacuations, July 4 celebration would be followed by sudden destruction. Burning into, up all things along its entire eastern, northern, Midwest and lower mid south NAC trajectory, so much so Aug 2010, I witnessed a New White House, Royal Family descend for a lost 15% US soil alone. 
       -For blessedness leaving only the southeastern corner for blessed escapes as far as US Georgia's into Africa's Atlantic. Revelation Book, Holy of Holies as Noah's, Lot's and Moses days been escaping American Refugees since Memphis, Dunlap St. reveals 1986/2002-2019, America, West Rule to be no more until April 17, 1986/2019- 2026, be fulfilled into Jesus' Reign. Both the 3rd and 4th of disaster July, 3 large quakes, two, not for two decades hit the most seismic territories on the planet. That's other than seismic to tectonic activity foundation, the predicted, W. Pacific Ring of Fire, (PROF). 
     -Both it and VEI 8 Yellowstone, simply cutting a quaking, snaking, molten plate both North America's Craton to Continent. Surely to one D-day as the present easily, easily, cataclysmically reclaim it by an inundation of predicted 2015/2019, one a hand writing 99 bowls of molten lava and no sitting ducks these endangered territories will survive it. If you reach 2020, D-day voting booths pick the one having updated 1986 evacuate Yellowstone to Planet X plans yet on the table and marked active, possibly my Jan 20, 2019, summoned to a red room, while volcanic ash build on escape bridges to transit. Knowing, beware, repent, escape, ESCAPE YELLOWSTONE! Apb, The RAM

KNOWING, JER 37:8, 1998/1999, www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Husband, Braiden Danielle Moose and Queen Shelby Reese Lakeside  

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah 1986-2016/2026/3036

Unto Braiden Danielle Moose and Shelby Reese Lakeside was born a son Nicole (Cole), Daniel Cockeron , a daughter, Meredith Susohone Cockeron and son Richolas (Ricky), Kimberly Lakeside 

...Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Mark Scene Genesis Marriage Worshippers, Noah's Ark, Flood, XVII and VII

     "Curious analogy, the heart attack thing, yeah, but if you remember Braiden man, Eze 9 reapers bearing sword like syringes were seen by Sia Maaseiah running down people, giving them heart attacks, with just one strike. Thanks Memphis Ky man for that creepy as heck reminder, no worries Braiden man just be faithful in Christ, look, Sia grand, grand texted all her Memphis grands said that and pray always Braid man, we're found worthy to escape, rebellers great tribulation, as is prophesied. What are you reading? Lord Urusalem, some Braid man are liking it to Prophet Ezekiel's precise temple building, that her African Juttah, us, the young, Genesis, o Christ's Cross Marriage worshipers could be an appendage to its earthbound Jesus, Jerusalem Israel, reign.  All I know the spirit of bible prophecy is on brazen altar fire right now, into the worst tribulations ever and no wonder Jesus said except those days be shortened, no flesh survives it. Did you feel it Ky man, feel the other day, so many saying they lost time, 30 mins of it, and they're so positive; some predicting it's the silence made in heaven done and we all in our odd, other worldly way felt it.  I think that's described Braiden man in Lord Urusalems first chapter he's leaving her to be prepped for marriage supper, she grab the Bridegroom, Christ, sparking something do electrifying within a nanosecond she knows, sees, comprehends all he holy is, like him, she's omniscient, omnipotent omnipresent and she's even more mortified, and asks and soon he says what she felt is what they are for all eons to come, and was equally just then felt by earth's inherit, like a wave of euphoria the entire planet, all unknowingly crying out, in Hallelujahs! Like something otherworldly happen all across the planet, the Memphis Ky, Universe first, and none the wiser, scientific, technical could explain it? I know where you going Braid man, that yet 2018, unexplainable single ripple effect that was on all world graphs, that none seem to have felt or noted. You know before all these universe, sky, earth, phenoms period, first was heard by her a decade or more past, yeah, "I don't care what the heavens do anymore," so many watcher angels suddenly off their  assigned post.  Our post apocalypse to chaotic planet, left to simply go haywire into the worst forms of extinction level events, and no wonder she cries, they're all come to coming, and He cries, repent or perish! Yeah, I think that's a perfect recipe for her, doomsday Christmas Carol, woe, wow, and woe, really calming out here today, like there's no care, when all is a care indescribably right now, the African Juttah Braid man. You still haven't answered my question, here, read it, I'll get another copy, thanks, later Kylan man, yeah! Now you'll understand why even in blessed ascension, Sia grand Maaseiah, is yet so melancholy; was Ancient of Days long suffering that none perish, a little too long? What, is that how she felt? Read it, I gotta go, I'm gonna be so fussed at, but look, if so, why during the Feb 12 just past, Rite Aid Pharmacy reveal, closed counter, back turn woman, turn, tell Sia Maaseiah every time, I will wait on you? So Braid man, who's, what's the hold up? So you tell me, read it, I got ya, yeah, I got you, www.lordurusalem.blogspot.com, hum, I can't wait."     "{{{Hey babe, I'm headed there now,  you been in graceland today? It's seems even more eutrophic, like that's, I'm not making excuses Shell girl, I was sitting, reading, got a little distracted, then Braid sat, we talked, about, I got you liquids, you, dock, said all. Like I care, you can have what you want, I just can't stand you throwing it all back up, a grilled Chicken salad, I got ya, I'll get me one too, green sherbet, okay can't join you there babe, I'll get orange for me, tea, juice, fizz, fizz soda, all the above? All the above, okay, I'm in the cafe just now, see Blain them, I'm not getting distracted, just a wave, a smile, you sound better, I didn't abandon you, stop it"}}} Shell on the commy, you guys okay? Such a stunning day Ky man, we're to grab the son and get to floral beach, I like the sound of that, over to my humble aboard later, fun and games, ah and barbecue? Wouldn't miss it, tell Shell girl, hey, feel better, and happy birthday, she heard, said, thanks, ah, and see you guys tonight, okay, {{{what loving girl about toasted rolls, I'll just grab a couple and see in about five, you wanna hold me on the commy, you don't trust me, I have feelings Shell girl. Will you stop saying that, I didn't abandoned you, I just couldn't see you like that, knowing it's all fun marriage fault, I know both sweet and bitter, I need my hand love, be there in a few, promise, love you too babe, bye." Why speak in Psalms, Proverbs, Songs Of Solomon, Seven Thunders, Prophecies and Parables? Beware, Apb
