Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope

 Prophecy Link

     Seeing a huge enough to block out all public to private HD screening the single word, 'DISAPPEARED,' suddenly the Bride by grace,  I Thess/I Cor. and West Rule by Rev 17/18, sentenced, judgements, beware, Apb

[Europe tsunami warning: Navy drills for mega-quake that could wipe out Mediterranean coast] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/FcZZbU

     -America The Great Sat On Trump's Wall, America The Great Had A Great Fall, All King's Horses, All King's Men and 99 Bowls Of Molten Lava, Jer 37:8/Rev 17:16-18, Knocked to Burn Her Off, Out, Reigned As Prophecy, As Abbas's Threaten, Ten Heads

     -Even the trillions they're spending to hide our tell all skies, from our elephants of staying unaware were shown as two crystallized Godzilla beast, when a super eruption missiled down even crystal skies; saying mountain fall on us and hide us for the great day of his wrath hath come and who shall be able to stand? Hint, Hint, Jesus said, repent, RUN or perish! 
     -Talk about some out of a movie scene how about right out of biblical text? Only fulfilling biblical prophecy isn't a hit or miss, its a hit. There's just too many various scenarios to reconsider, why I say THEY'RE all come, two launched March 3, 2019. 
     -Gods Winepress been prepping the earth by cataclysms to bring about His New World Order, the meek (righteous) shall inherit the new earth, heaven, Jerusalem/White House, all descending anew, those existing passed away, with a mighty noise, actually. 
     -Though first like since Pres, Trump's office, a cocktail of disasters, to mega disasters to extinction level events. Survivor's only blessed hope is to get to designed blessed escape. Seen in this country I know my 30 plus years of forewarning outreach and Israel to Islam/the planet for many millennia, its escape. 
    -Right until Noah's Ark, Nimrod's Tower come mass emigration, Lots rescuing Angels and Moses exodus. Even 2018 California's worse infernos ever were all, all, all, only trial runs compared to relocating a half of billion escapees, alone, North America's Continent, lt alone UK's, tens of millions. Those nearing infernos Hawaii/Cali/Canada West Pacific March (2018), I was dreaming were invites from United States of Barbecue and dutchsinse was s right now, was seeing building in the crust beneath. 
     -Rightly was a sunday picnic compared to the fire signatures in those areas since predicted into disasters July 3, 4th 2019, three large quakes caused a fractured to produce tens of thousands of quakes. Setting molten lava on the move, causing pop up fires from beneath until a hand writing nervously Aug 5, 2019, Escape Yellowstone, and previously, Jan 13 , 2019, as on a wall, a revisited 99 bowls of molten lava, a Noah's cousin, only a fiery inundation. 
     -You think I wanna be a present day Noah, seeing the fiery end of everything, of all people, but in that closet a babe in Christ, I was crying send me, I'll go, I'll tell them; though 1986 God's Throne to Feb 2019, Rite Aid Pharmacy counter was backed into incorrigible sinners, Christ's Cross was, is knocking. Come out of them my people, I judge them double its weight of blood guilt, two quarters earth's inherit shall die, tens of millions alone, US/Western soil, NO FURTHER DELAYS! Knowing, get it, get Jesus, get out! AND GET OUT! Beware, Apb

     PS, Hashtag, Etc; like something about Aug 29, 2017, come error Trump, Atlantic, Hurricane breakout, Harvey and missile launching Kim; there's something about Aug 23, 2019, tug of nuclear war/Armageddon Trump, an outbreak of West Pacific cyclones and a handled lost on missile launching Kim, woe, woe and woe! Beware, Apb

-And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Husband, Jackson Michael Dresden and Queen Bride, Jovanni Nicolai Mckenna

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah 1986-2016/2026/3036

Unto Hercules Darius Dylan and Bresaola Ariana Hickory was born a son, Beowulf Newsy Dylan, a daughter Heather Gloriana Dylan and a son Leopardi Gazelle Hickory 

Mark Scene Genesis Marriage Worshippers, Noah's Ark, Flood, XVII and VII

...Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope:..

     "But I keep telling you Kadesh man, you can pass off noon day announcements to any young Sia, yeah I know that, but I think they know it as well, Beeth man, why they avoid me at all cost.  Hey love, your kids are waiting on you, and Felicity, her kids too, all on the beach, Kadesh, Brave, hey, I was getting ready to play doctor and check your pulse, I know right, I was sleeping too good, just think you guys this phenom life is how we and our children will spend all eternity to come. I can't believe Kadesh, you persuaded Felicity, she kinda persuaded me, I didn't wanna let go of what we'd got ourselves tangled into, if you know what i mean, ah we do, see you later babe. So what you gonna do? I pinned it on the assignment board for volunteers, none knocking themselves over just yet, but I'm sure there's to be some takers.  Aristotle, man, over here, yeah, we holding a perfect spot for you, yeah, look, Kadesh and I were talking about you and Antelope deer and how perfect you'd be for the noon day announcements, tell me at least you've thought about it? I did see it on assignment board, but that's about as far as that went, what does it really consist of? Nothing, you deciding which of the prior days comments you would like to emphasize the more, and from there it's like reading from a script, and a joint pair, it's even less a hard thing to do.  You two, I'm over here Ari, so we were thinking you're more than perfect, that you gonna absolutely love it, you guys, look, just before I went into the shower a day past, I looked at the time, it was 11:04, about thirty minutes after that shower and dress, I checked the time it was 11:05 holy lords all this witnessed, isn't this that you call losing time? Going for something to drink, want something A lemon aid, thanks, so you guys, you sure it was that time? Yes, cause I thought about Sia Maaseiah's funeral reef reveal 11:04, 1975, so yeah, and you sure it was 11:05, and not 12;05, i remember looking at the time and being you guys really confused, isn't that about as long as the silence in heaven lasted, would it feel as though the entire earth just lost 30 minutes? Wow Ari man, I never thought about that, neither did I until Kadesh man reading some similar behind your grand Maaseiah the other day. Look, wouldn't a Yellowstone eruption killing millions instantly, be such an unspeakably horrors, even the heavens would momentarily lose it's breath, come numb with grief? Think, hear that, and change the subject, so Antelope, we've asked Ari what he think, here, I brought you guys lemon aids as well, thanks, yeah thanks, ah, asked what? Ah what do you think about you too taking over the noonday reports? I saw that on the boards, I actually thought about it, you Ari, did you think about it? Actually, no, but since they asked, I am now, thinking about it, well whatever you decide,  I'm gonna go join Felicity them, but think about it some more, we would be perfect, and noonday reports would Ari be perfect for us, so, as I said, I'm gain if you are. Wow, woe, Ari man about losing exactly 30 minutes and comparing it both John and Sia Maaseiah both suffering along a silence in heaven, say they saw what was nervously, Sia Maaseiah said, even clumsily being written, this super eruption that will alone cause tens to hundred of millions their lives, just at that precise lost of time?  "Like your grand Maaseiah, Kadesh man, you know I've see it burn from its burning right now, Alaskan PROF, and Canada commanded to be wiped off the map, witnessed California coast go off the map, so Arks, Africa, decades before 2012 movie, and some like it. Just this molten burning, all along the North American Craton, taking as she predicted, the 2017 Eclipse trajectory we know until as predicted by the Juttah, Paris Globe, the one in the demos showing me this, Antelope Deer's Deburk uncles and some other, a Sia Juttah, Ctentri Israel. You never told us that Aristotle man, that Deburk Sia played the blessed watchers of reveals, and the Sia Juttah Ctentri, he only Ari man woke in a funeral home after being dead three days from a Paris train terrorist attack, huh, what you say? Does Antelope know her uncles were involved in your doomsday Christmas Carol reveal? Yes, I told her, didn't realized I'd not unveiled such a reveal to it's full degree, now you both know my most of her concerning Jan 2019, revisits, The 99 bowls of molten lava and her hearing, doomsday Christmas Carol, as so Rev 17:16-18 for Ancient of days fulfilling, the whore and beast separated, talk about get ready, set and run to Congressmen escape trains! These same, now Juttah Paris Globe, by Sia Maaseiah's reveal who predicted nothing is to be left of North America's entire continent, Caribbean all but a coast to coast impact crater bubbling to boiling over with hell enlarging into those twice predicted 99 bowls of molten lava, with such ELE's launched, her witnessed, Mach 3, 2019. Until you all notice, these reveals, seeing Rev 12, Michael, all, all, all felled on Pres. Trump, revisited for two years, 2017 Inauguration crying it's morning of as error Bush's and Obama's error Islam, 50 millions will die? I only ask cause it seem as though that highly regarded fact of reveal seem to just roll off as it unimportant when it's the most important. Seeing error Trump disaster to deadly administration is mocked, Jan 2018, by a perfect man Rev 2 Jesus, getting the Bride and Ps. 91 Angels out; a too anxious to describe Rev 10, Mighty Angel and Rev 17, 7th angels, saying, no further delays US soil, desolations predicted come, it's been in a countdown into a VEI 8 quake to eruption since; then to top off there's no way the end of days isn't here, a Rev 12 Michael seen as she described, as Revelation John witnessed prior, battling along a star wars in the heaven, she heard it, "Michael is setting his all around," bringing the Bride up and obedient, pending Tribulation saints, American refugees out! Now the predicted by her spiritual warfare, along America's into Africa's exodus, seeming between two warring beast, West Africa's Atlantic monster dust storms, verses it's Atlantic basin hurricane production, being laid bare, while instead it's predicted West Pacific Ring Of Fire, PROF, is producing an outbreak of Typhoons to Cyclones, in an unprecedented manner, making planet earth home, like some uninhabitable planets, the harshest environment imaginable, all ELE's Sia's, all, they, can't hide from us, this is your 11:00 O'clock noonday reporting, reveals, all blessed be to Juttah Sia's all, your King Aristotle Heiress and Queen, Antelope Deer, Jaguar, signing off, blessed day, sweet sleep, and Godspeed, all." Why Speak In Psalms, Proverbs, Songs of Solomon and Parables? Beware, repent, Escape, ESCAPE! Apb, The RAM 

The Unending Love Antidote, The Aqua Juttah Genealogy, AJG  ...The African Juttah 1986-2016/2026/3036

     Unto Aristotle Heiress Cologne and Antelope Deer, Jaguar Deburk was born their beloved son, Samson Frederick Cologne, a dear son, Matheson Francis Cologne, a third son, Tiahleigh Viceroy Cologne  and a son, Esteem, Patterson, Franklin Cologne, Deburk 

Prophecy Links     

-Waking a day, past, Aug 5th, from seeing a hand nervously, clumsily writing "Escape Yellowstone," only Jan 13, 2019 iit was writing 99 bowls of molten lava; beware the single word frozen upon all HD Viewing, 'disappeared.' Beware, Apb
     The Wizard Of The Odd American Dream, Anybody Ever Asked Those Soon Train wrecked R. Congressmen, Where They Thought They Were Going; and So Soon After Hawaii 38 minutes of terror, and so fast? Beware, Apb

['More than 100' immigrants tear gassed by ICE in US detention centre] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/hbwYdU

     -Does Pres. Trump war on the migrants, even US minorities look like the Antichrist war on Jews and Christians; could that be his 2016 campaign comparison to Eze 38/39/Rev 20, Gog and Magog and 50 mil dead; and what God pouring out Revelation book judgements and God's winepress gonna do as acts of retaliation to prevention; got Jesus and disappeared with Holy Him until April 17, (1986), 2019- 2026 be fulfilled yet? Beware, Apb, see, https://littlemiyagirltopreppers2019.blogspot.com/2019/08/prophecy-link-1999-handwriting-jeremiah.html?m=1

The Unending Love Antidote, The Aqua Juttah Genealogy, AJG  ...The African Juttah 1986-2016/2026/3036

Unto Aristotle Nicolai Cornrow and Cicely Breanna Étienne was born twins, a son Ellison Isakson Cornrow, a son Nicolai Allison Cornrow and a single son, Tavon Federico Etienne 

     {{{"Why are you brother bothering me so early? You need to come and see this, what is it? A line upon line Beeth man, wrapped around, of your Juttah Sia's now wanting the 11:00 o'clock, noonday reporting, I mean after Ari and Ante reporting it like exploded. Yeah, well, he just left me, they're on their way to visits in the Parental Juttah, said after noon reporting, such an anointing felled upon them both, they found their marriage bed in a way they never have, never even imagined, until finally Kadesh man, they're pregnant with first born, Samson.  Ah my Jesus is Christ, and I love him so beyond description, he said this, he said he would design us mansions in heaven, awaiting His Anointed, now that since Oct 2010, witnessed new White House, with Royal house, priesthood intact, descending and not in a million years Kadesh man could we have ever imagined anything like this, not in a millions to more years. Gotta go, well come, I'll come and see this great influx you're talking about, Okay BFA man, plus I need your help, so give out one to two months assignments? I'm there, give me like 15, alright, hurry, I'm being slammed, I got you bro, I'm running your way!"}}} Why Speak in Psalms, Proverbs, Songs of Solomon, and Parables? Knowing, get it, get Jesus and get out!  

     Article, I’m not going to support a candidate, and New York Democrats aren’t going to support a candidate who don’t support real safe gun law,”
The Dying Of Schools (AMERICA), Is Painful, The F for fornication, A for Abortion, LGBTQ and P for Pedophiler, It's Geneocial Mutation To Extinction! 

    -School shootings, school shooting drills and armed school teachers/pastors and teachers, is that real safe political gun control? Days after the El Paso/Dayton shootings one grandmother had her grandson investigated and arrested. He too who was in active progress of a mass murder-suicide, the new suicide murder. Y'all do understand there are hundreds of thousands of them, even millions, like a roadside gauntlet of well plotted IED'S just being easily triggered. Even like a gone air born deadly plague and there're none in this country who can't suddenly find themselves a shooting culprit to victim. The worst, arming themselves, their lives, lands and churches, these hair-trigger gun owners to make themselves, more safe from the. violence of the guns they own. Having forsaken God/Christ Cross, I wonder is this the by violence ELE, God said He'd mocked of their apparent self induced, terror? Knowing who, why, what, when and where to blessed as Noah's, now a Noah's cousin, nuclear, solar and NEO'S, escape, beware, Apb

The Unending Love Antidote, The Aqua Juttah Genealogy, AJG  ...The African Juttah 1986-2016/2026/3036

Unto Pearlman (Perl) Michelle Lenna and Cathia Vallejo Gooseman, was born a daughter Alivia Ballerina Lenna, a daughter, Acidy Floris Lenna and a son Colenso Elian Gooseman  

        "Well just like what's happening with multi-beast stock market dating back to 1996, so does her death bringer from beneath the earth now saying escape Yellowstone, as we're talking, going back more than two decades and one marked 2017, before predicted safe haven Georgia's relocation by a little miya girl watcher of transit sitting, screening from the back seat. Yeah and since especially Harvey 2017, there's been rumored a car apocalypse is upon us, it caused a loss of million cars itself. We little think about it, but when Rev 10 mighty Angel and Rev 17, 7th Angel, showing they are almighty one foot the trembling sea, one the quaking earth, United States, saying, Sia's all, desolations predicted now come, they weren't just relating to these for days to decades to generations to centuries but you guys prophecies for a few millennia now, and according to Rev 17, 18, we're talking since 92 AD, into the most concerning lament this panic, horrifying knocking on Noah's closed, shut Ark, help us, see us, save us, for the great day of his wrath is come and who shall be able to stand? So Sia Maaseiah been seeing the exodus of America long before the turn of the millennium, so like decades before back- to back extinction level event hitting right. So has a nation or world system like America ever escaped, yes but only Sia's all, by obeying God and just getting out, away before life to soul destroying cataclysms, take they all away. Though, what would that even look like? Beyond glorious Cassius man, or just as glorious as witnessing the Bride shoot off like sky rockets, and come cuddled by ballooning clouds to cottony, cloud, wings. Then these knuckleheads right here get to imagine visually, cause their grand Maaseiah has seen what an obedient exodus look like, and have shared with you all. Yeah, she remembers some being as glorious as Jesus' heart, so glorious she warn Heavenly Father, whom descending Jesus look like exactly, be careful Father, lest they too take His long-suffering heart. There's the time she as well found obedient exodus so amazing grace she witnessed God dancing, dancing? So that waltz she witnessed those Eze 9 reapers take some on, might not be all bad, could be holy spirit happily spinning them right into those ballooning wings, yes, her saying, Sia's all, some here ascended though most were descended, so right spending trillions they could spending on blessed exodus to hide from us, it's twilight right now, and soon will become night, hen into prophesied Jesus' healing daylight, wings and leaves from the tree of life,  for a thousand years, so did the Genesis Tree of life mention to be in heaven, also ascend? Good question Carter man, yeah, but isn't Jesus automatically, the tree of life, we the branches, Lord Urusalem it's soil, and Ancient of days as always it's  infinite eons passed, eons, to com blessed foundation, I don't know, but did you Sia Carter man, just ask and answer a question, and quite phenomenally? Yall do know, Sia Maaseiah's, Memphis nephew, in that Dec 3, 2017, stampeding of elephants, reveal, come on Cam man, the first ever Rev 2, Jesus Matrix ten day countdown, now it's 62nd, the one their mighty earthquaking ruckus, is him, this Sia Carter is that, Sia Maaseiah's Nephew Carter, well, grand Nephew carterm his mom being her niece, and I told you that in what Camera man, in what? I know an but you at those religious leader come inquiring of those extraordinary of Jesus and people are beginning to wonder your knowing being up there with like Prince Kadesh, or a few others, BFA files, and sorts, just saying it's time, ah we know. Know what Camera man, that Mew Madrid Memphis is just as much of a VIE 8, earth to man eater, ender as those deadliest the US. Canada West Pacific Ring of Fire? But they know, the stampeding of elephants of stay unaware during the fulfillment of for the ancient Prophecies and Revelations God is no longer mocked by our unknowing, and will count all rebellion as unrighteousness. Don't be rolling those puppy dog eyes all at me, as you slink away, I got the nursery, man, I won't be late, and I don't slink, see y'all later, wow, Carters's Memphis mom is Sia Maaseiah's niece, boy that explains some, things huh. What he say again, about Jesus being the tree of life, the healing leaves, we're the branches, Lord Urusalem, the soil, as in the womb of the earth, right, the producer and God is the infinite for al time foundation of righteousness, now wonder so extinct as a human being without the Holy Trinity, blessed day y'all, I'm going to unload tha on Sia Artelon class and see what other incredibleness come of it, I mean yall know how anointed Sia Artelon. Why speak in Psalms, Proverbs, Songs of Solomon and parables? Knowing, get it, get Jesus and get out!  

   Prophecy Links, Daniel 5, Hand Writing Of Judgments 

      -Seeing a hand writing Jeremiah 37:8, 1998/99 ,terrorist enemies are coming to take and burn our cities; seeing a mocked nations summit, Rev 17:16-2018/19, saying, world nuclear enemies are coming to take and burn our cities; seeing a handwriting Jan 13, 2019, 99 bowls of molten lava at critical mass, seismic and tectonic quakes to eruptions are coming to take and burn our cities; seeing a handwriting nervously, clumsily, August 5h, 2019, "ESCAPE YELLOWSTONE,' is a  revisited, Rev 10, Mighty Angel, Rev 17, 7th Angel Jan 23-29th 2018, saying no more doomsday passovers US/West soil, desolations predicted now come, a sin now come!    

-The Wizard Of The Odd American Dream, Anybody Ever Asked Those Soon Trainwreck R. Congressmen, Where They Thought They Were Going; and So Soon After Hawaii 38 minutes of terror, and so fast? Beware, Apb

[Asteroid danger: Top NASA chief issues grave warning of deadly collision - 'Not Hollywood'] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/dQNNdU

Dutchsinse, Reports

-Article, Though it is predicted no collision could occur for the next century at least, Article, (don't be deceived, not according to biblical prophecy to recent forewarnings. As in hearing June 11, 2019, destroy Wisconsin whose surrounded areas been pounded by phenom storms since; heard 2010, "Asteroid, destroy Wisconsin; with two of such ELE'S launched, incoming, impacting, since March 3, 2019; don't be deceived, just a day past I witnessed a hand speedily, nervously even clumsily writing, Aug 5, 2019, ESCAPE YELLOWSTONE! Only with that same handwriting Jan 13, 2019, predicted 2015, 99 bowls of molten lava, whose research 2017, gave me dutchsinse reveals. Question, are you US/Canada West Pacific/The Mid West, American soil lovers, huggers, gonna sit as easily as shooting ducks in a boiling pond, until my forewarnings are proven to be as on target as Noah's predicted world flood? Only a Noah's cousin, nuclear, solar and NEO'S, with molten lava lake displacement from predicted PROF/Hawaii/Memphis/Escape Yellowstone, seeping, creeping and snaking beneath all you treasure until it all erupts an extinction level event into not only the end of America, West Rule, Wal-Mart, the White House and Kennedy space center's but planet earth, Universe. Just until the new blocking out the sky word, the one seen Aug 7th 2019, frozen on all national, international HD/Manhattan viewing, the single word, DISAPPEARED; the Bride forever with Her Lord, Bridegroom; into the saying Ps. 37, of all rebellious, and you shall diligently seek their places, and shall not find them, again, disappeared. I warn they, Holy Bride and Mystery Babylon both left planet earth simultaneously, one by grace, skyward, as speeding, shooting rockets, a ballooning cloud, wings capture; one by fiery, nuclear, solar, molten judgement, as in Babylon, Abominable America Is Fallen! Ps. 37/Isa.13, Rev 17/18, beware, repent, escape, ESCAPE! Apb, The RAM, see more here, https://littlemiyagirltopreppers2019.blogspot.com/2019/08/prophecy-link-1999-handwriting-jeremiah.html?m=1 -

The Unending Love Antidote, The Aqua Juttah Genealogy, AJG  ...The African Juttah 1986-2016/2026/3036

Unto Warrenton Edom Fox and Francie Victoria Slope was born twins, a son Emeter Kirtson Fox and a daughter, Emissary Kirsten Fox, Slope 

     "I'm just saying, come on Carter man, they were bound to find out, plus I'm hearing a greater, better reveal come of it, not if Camera hadn't opened his mouth, today alone, you know how many times I been asked, what the secret of Memphis? Only Car man because they don't like the answer they been given, look is it wrong cousin Kush man, to hate that predicted by dutchsinse and USGS 8 plus quake didn't happen, spread out in fours instead? As long as you honor and respect Revelation book God, know what ELOHIM is doing. Because you know, grand Maaseiah's predicted disaster July 3, 4, giving us those 6's and 7's sz quakes, this wasn't a miss. Those ringing earth's to newspaper bells events have produced tens of thousand of harmonic quakes, the Yellowstone Caldera, she say, her possible Car death rider from beneath the earth.  Meaning Memphis Carter man whoever isn't on US Southeast Atlantic, to Africa's West Atlantic, tens of millions of people are about to die.  Then compiling ELE's, we're snatched off to marriage supper just as rapidly, counted with the millions missing, Lamb of God marriage supper, Prince Kadesh man, the one proof we're with Christ forever, Danny girl, I'm over here.  I stood in line waiting for you, letting people past, I'm sorry love, I'm just not that hunger, then god forbid Car are you sick? Hello Kush, ah, Kadesh, hello Danielle, well Car as you can see, my tray has sideboards making choices for you as well.  I don't know what you're doing, but you can't hide from being a Kroff to Coogan no more, I'm not hiding, ah yes you are, right Kadesh? You are kinda hiding Carter man, go ahead Kush man, as usual, take Danielle side, that look and smell delicious. Hey, gonna let you two eat, this is a walk by faith in God, and not Kush, man, the fantasied world grand Maaseiah witnessed missile down as chunks of the crystal skies, right, good day guys, you too, sweet prince.  I guess I didn't think I was hungry until you showed up Danny girl looking and smelling so delicious, that's me Car or the food? That's both, what you get to drink? Both soda and pink lemon aid, ah, I love you so much, you better, it was kinda embarrassing having such a loaded tray, they just think you carrying again, no Carter, carrying, I actually ate less, ah, yeah, tells what you know.
Look, I been meaning to ask, does what Apostle John and Grand Maaseiah see happen to the sky, it rolling back like a scroll and such, especially her seeing huge chunks of it missiling down upon us, well, them, could those 60 pounds or so hail stones be related to what she witnessed? Strange you asked, she revisited, heaven crystal ceiling again Danny, cracking apart the last of July, heard it commanded that Wisconsin be destroyed before such phenom storms, but with no mention of 2010's command that it be by an asteroid, plenty of which are circling our globe right now, two of which, these ELE's Car she witnessed being launched, incoming, impacting, March 3, 2019, I keep up as well. Anyway loving girl, that's Revelation 16:17-21, this unprecedented hailstorm occurring after the pouring out of the seventh vial (seventh bowl) judgment. Some of those bowls now blacken by fiery judgments Sia Maaseiah witnessed in the hand of the mysterious woman breaking in line the multi-million man single water cooler. Yeah, yeah, soon stumbling and striking up a conversation, the world, planet earth home, gone away, so she make a last chance offer, and reach into her pocket. That's Danny girl, her upper, right hand pocket, and bring forth these stunning invitations grand Maaseiah designed about 6 years past, 2013, in them inviting people to the marriage supper of the Lamb to be by 07/2017.  Only that she received that Rev 2 Jesus countdown to doomsday beginning US/Western soil, that thanksgiving 2017 into that Dec 3, 2017, right into elephants of staying unaware stampeding a mighty quaking this earth, losing a handle on Memphis Carter, on you babe, indicating losing a handle on chaotic America, and a world of peace, ever again, error Trump's Islam.  As you inquired, those hailstones falling to the earth will weigh a talent, some say 60, others say 75, yet others say, a hundred pounds and Danny be so bad, men will blasphemy God, as in finally they'll admit it, God who is it's end time great tribulation influence to instigator, as is written Rev 2, 17. and 18.  So Rev 16:17-21, reads, and the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.  And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake; I admit some like they describe of predicted Yellowstone, and Hundreds of volcanoes US/Hawaii/Canada's West PROF, coast, she heard, or saw only days past an anxious handwriting, "Escape Yellowstone, hearing Oct 2017/18, ten point earthquake, yet pending. Such and so Danny it reads, again, a mighty earthquake, as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. And the great city was divided into three parts, could be her predicted triple threat, nuclear, solar an molten;  and the cities of the nations felled: and great Babylon came in, remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. That same wrath of God, that cup of martyred blood is mentioned, during Rev 17, describing the fall of Mystery Babylon, our king of kings Babylon, America to, West Rule, this planet, weight of blood guilt sentence come.  And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.  And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great. Then Sia Maaseiah during this unspeakable event witness that two crystallized Godzilla, beast, so both amphibian, were actually responsible for pulling the wool over our eyes, of all this chaos, this post to present apocalypse ever being crystal skies to a world peace. Wow Danny girl wow, your inquiry could be spot on, these are the same Holy of Holies having that conversation with Grand Maaseiah, just prior to predicted Hawaii's 38 minutes of terror, and not for a century eruption and for days right into that debated US congress train wreck. So like from, Jan 13-29th, 2018, the 5th and 6th Matrix, further, as in Rev 5 and 6 chapters, the beginning to end of the opening of the worse judgments, post to present apocalypse this planet, beast, man has seen since before the Noah's world inundating flood, into II Peter's inundation planet earth, perhaps itself, by a Supernova. Just saying Car, that question come to me while I laid wake the other night, after hearing about her latest nervous handwriting event, saying "Escape Yellowstone," yeah but she said, Danielle, as soon as she closed her eyes again, this wild, clumsy writing commenced. Wow, imagined seeing something like that, imagine seeing a hand write 99 bowls of molten lava upon the wall's of debate, error, rebellious Trump is yet trying to build, to satisfy his ego and crying for more martyred blood, vampiric Americans. Extinction level events, US soil, that, that Danny girl, turn into seeing an escaping us like as from Lot's Sodom, only fire from beneath, and from above, nation and world wide, still getting us who're not worthy of it, out of it, all, Rev 12 Michael and Heaven's warrior Angels, again imagine just witnessing that? Then, then again Danny girl, of all things, it's witnessed as a star wars battle, you know that very scripture, Rev 12, say that the old dragon, drew a fourth of the stars, so star wars battle, get it? And not the first, she's at least heard it, way up there in the second heavens somewhere, sounding like a star wars battle right outside her bedroom window, like years prior.  So bro, Memphis Kylan know his cover is as well as broken as yours, you gonna tell him, or let a barrage of inquiries about 1811, 1812 Memphis New Madrid, give him the slightest clue? Ky, Danielle girl, is on his own, I have my own gauntlet of piercing inquiries, mostly as you say about Memphis, even Egypt's Memphis, demon dogs, Anubis, keeper of both Apostle John's and Sia Maaseiah's pale horse, and horse of hades, dead. Prince Kadesh say, like they don't know, a VEI 8 happens to predicted Hawaii's, slash Memphis, largest above ground volcano to earthquake and dominos as a super eruption to sky high tsunami that's the end of US, Canada west coast into an erupting 99 bowls of Yellowstone, lava lakes along the North American craton take out the rest, yes, Church Bride gone, but so is Babylonian, West Rule, planet earth, gone as well. You see those grilled eggs photos of hers, showing only a perfect half of the nation? One shaped out not only a perfect Florida, but New England, into Main, as shown on the US map, just saying Car, that's the predicted PROF, North American Craton area as well, my, our God Danny is Christ, no wonder the single word Aug 7, 2019, frozen on all public and private HD screening is, the word, even single explanation, 'DISAPPEARED, wow, wow, I say, wow!"   

The Unending Love Antidote, The Aqua Juttah Genealogy, AJG  ...The African Juttah 1986-2016/2026/3036

Unto Dreyfus Brian Coup and Fiona Erwin Gooseman was born a daughter, Ariella  Ryann Coup, a daughter, Antoinette Susanna Coup, a daughter Brittany Derrica  Gooseman

     "Hey, I kept waiting for you to come in, I'm standing here this Pier Ari, wondering why the Parental African Juttah seem if possible even more extraordinary than the entire African Juttah itself, that's because Ante most say here is the authentic paradise Africa, along the Euphrates river, here. Then like all, and like you say, soon to be mother to our first son Samson, your Ari bragging rights just now, all about parents to grandparents houses.  But that truth Ante has to be why it's even more amazing grace this beyond Graceland to wildlife preserve, you think they're still bound there? You know Ari as Revelation 9 scripture says, loose the four angels bound in the great river Euphrates, you know Ante, Sia Maaseiah's, parable Lord Urusalem, actually names, them.  Seems, when Father Ancient of days call for their release, that they Ante even help thwart Satan's efforts, he call them by their own names, just as he calls Lucifer, some Helel, how that name Ari, I heard, so many liking it to the molten damn, hell.  So for that reason Ante, I kinda looked it up, actually it means the leader of the rebellion of the angels, Sia Kadesh said when he mention that description to grand Maaseiah, it seem she herself was unaware of that, description. Elohim called the four bound angels by name, you remember them? No, not a one, plus I'm stun you haven't read Lord Urusalem for thyself, Lord Urusalem meaning City of Peace, and Lord Jerusalem, meaning, Prince of Peace, indefinitely Antelope Deer, they're a divine matrimonial, Pair. Now, come, come, I'm hungry, so I know you are too, help make a pizza, I pitched it to grand Rumah, (meaning at home), she said she couldn't wait, and neither Ari can I, that does sounds delicious."  Why Speak In Parables?

The Unending Love Antidote, The Aqua Juttah Genealogy, AJG  ...The African Juttah 1986-2016/2026/3036

Unto Corporal Michael Neelson and Raven Nest, Songbird Hillsfeet was born, Goosetolph Cretan Neelson,  daughter,  Carisbrooke Rainbow  Neelson and a son, Freedom Doves Cry Hillsfeet   

     "Though Chief Hillsfeet, Juttah Globe, before we can even debate Nimrod's Babel emigration come Rev 17/18 Mystery Babylon as of Moses' commanded exodus, that's America's Continent to t's West Rule, this Globe right now. There's the Genesis Creation, there's a Divine blood lineage, fallen from grace, restored to its former glory days by the woman seed, who's alone, Jesus Christ's, Redemptive Cross.  So even if Nimrods to Moses were African, blessed escape world wide is multicultural now, we are a United Nations, we are A United States, we are a United States of Africa, prick to crucify God's Christ Jesus we perish by second death or by blessed death, we reign for all eternity, our single choice. World exodus being all Kingdom, Nation, Tongues and people, made evident as it's refugees to tribulation saints pouring into Jesus reign, God's Kingdom. Though, first and foremost witnessed as into Georgia's southeast coast, for as far into the Atlantic sea, Africa's West coast, were again all evidenced, multicultural.  So as you Sia Maaseiah ask is God calling Abraham's children, now a multinational blood lineage all this world, as he called the Hebrews out of Egypt; only now out of America, Mystery Egypt, to Babylon, to the British Empire? I, Juttah Paris Globe, Apache Arrow Deburk Primary Councilor say read it and weep to reap it, we are the United Nations to States of Mother Africa, in its final blessed transition America's to Africa's Atlantic, get to your blessed Briexit to Blaexit accordingly, Escape Yellowstone!  Why speak in Psalms, Proverbs, Songs of Solomon, Prophecies and Parables? Knowing, get it, get Jesus and get out! Apb, The RAM, see here, www.lorduruslem.blogspot.com , see also,   https://littlemiyagirltopreppers2019.blogspot.com/2019/08/prophecy-links-since-1996-death-rider.html

     [Police are investigating a social media threat of the 'biggest mass shooting in modern American history' targeting Walmart stores in Missouri] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/mFfFbU

    [Bomb Threats Made At Three Area Hospitals, Two Local Businesses] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/QRybNU

     _I saw this, like activate Syed Farook, 2015-2019, I saw US soil as a cup of trembling and an outbreak with ambulances and mortuary. I compared it to targeted by terrorism cities of the middle east, all kinds of attacks, shootings, bombings, even churches were targeted, and Walmart's burn up, until soon shopping malls come instead fall out shelters, beware, Apb

[Most Americans expect next mass shooting to happen in next three months: Reuters/Ipsos poll] http://va.topbuzz.com/al/bjcbNU

-I guess they haven't heard about the armored shooter at a Missouri Walmart just now. 
     -Someone facebook me, warn they know an officer saying, they been told there are mod shooters targeting all Walmarts. So if you for necessity venture out, put on the whole armor of God first; faithful prayers of forgiveness, repentance and protection, beware, always pray to be found worthy to escape, Apb, see here, https://littlemiyagirltopreppers2019.blogspot.com/2019/08/rosanna-arquette-im-sorry-i-was-born.html?m=1
